How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling


Throw off the bath and install a shower cabin in her place - the task is not easy. We tell how to have shower cabins and what should be taken into account in order not to make a mistake in the choice.

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling 6209_1

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling

Do you think to install a shower in the apartment instead of a bath? Before you acquire anything, let's figure it out in some nuances.

In this article we will tell about the advantages of the shower cabin, as well as about the features of two different types: prefabricated and monoblock shower cabins.

Benefits of replacing a shower bath

  • The bathroom places everything necessary (in particular, washing machine).
  • Shower - this is a new modern equipment.
  • It is convenient to use this equipment and each visit to the bathroom brings genuine pleasure.
  • For equipment shower, it does not need a tiring and expensive redevelopment of the apartment.
Solve all tasks in the time you can, replacing the bath of the shower. This step is quite logical: any modern shower cabin requires less square than standard bath. In addition, many and so enjoy the bathroom mainly as a shower, which means that nothing will lose anything from replacement. The cabin is well refreshing and cheered up in the morning, and then remove tension in the evening. And you can get this pleasure in the most compressed time-adjusted water and come in. In addition, the shower is more hygienic than the bath, since soap and dirt are constantly washed off with running water. And by the way, on one show of the soul is spent at least 5 times less than one bath. And in general, in many cases the use of the shower becomes a natural necessity.

To whom will suit

  • People who are against the state of health are contraindicated in the bath.
  • The elderly - there is no high side in the shower cabin, through which it is necessary to "climb."
  • In disabilities - in the shower tray with a height of a side of 3.5 cm can be transferred directly from a wheelchair (a little bit forward, let's say that the "flat" pallets designed for disabled people became the latest achievement of designer thought and spread throughout the world).
  • Those who do not want to invest in an increase in the area of ​​bathroom and redevelopment of the apartment, but agrees to pay significantly smaller money for the re-equipment of the bathroom and turning it into the most comfortable room.
  • People who do not have free time and therefore not filling the bath for washing; For them, the adoption of the shower in the bathroom is just an uncomfortable procedure.

Frameless shower in

The frameless shower cabin looks more sophisticated than the frame.

What are there sowing cabins

Throw off the bath and install the shower in its place - the task is not easy. And before you acquire anything, it is worth understanding some technical nuances. A shower cabin is a fenced pallet (bottom), walls and doors (from sides). Bathroom space equipped with a shower device. Create a "enclosing" design by different paths. You can buy separate items (sometimes even from different firms) and then collect them on the spot together, having received the cabin, so let's say, according to an individual project. And you can buy a finished design. In accordance with this, shower cabins are divided into national and monoblock.

Prefabricated showers


  • Cast iron
  • Steel
  • Faience
  • Acrylic
  • Kvarilovy
  • From artificial marble

Size and shape of the pallet

What should be considered when choosing

Types of shower fences

Types of mixers

The team shower, of course, can have a closed design of the three walls and the door, then install it is easy anywhere in the bathroom. But, as a rule, this construction is trying to "drive" into one of the corners to make place, for example, for a washing machine. If the walls that form an angle are lined with ceramic tiles, on the purchase of two cab walls can be saved. And the manufacturers in response to demand produce the so-called "shower angle" - a design with a door and one side wall or with two doors, which are attached to the pallet and walls of the bathroom.


In fairness it should be noted that when creating a soul you can do without a purchased pallet. In this case, the podium of the required size (conspertropriate waterproofing), which is installed in the drain system (ladder), and then walls and doors are mounted directly on it. This method is not deprived of advantages, most importantly of which is the ability to create a cabin of such sizes and such geometry, which are needed without tosing to the size and form of the available pallets. The disadvantages should include difficult access to the ladder and the discharge pipe, which can create certain problems when maintenance. The use of factory pallets will relieve you from this shortage.

Factory pallets are made from different materials: from cast iron, steel, ceramics, acrylic, so-called injection molded (artificial) marble. Each of them has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Cast iron

Cast iron enameled pallets are extremely durable and reliable. That's just their thick walls warmly warm up, and before starting to wash, you need to hold the included hot water. To meet such pallets on sale is not easy - our today is done little, and imported almost do not get out of it - they are heavy, therefore transportation is too expensive.


Steel enameled pallets are also strong enough and reliable (for their manufacture, steel is used with a thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm), but under the jet of water quite strongly "thunder". Enamel on them can over time to "deter", as well as to be cleaned with a significant deformation of the foundation. To save your products from these shortcomings, some manufacturers make special measures. To reduce the noise, rubber gaskets are installed under the bottom of the pallet or the bottom itself is processed by polyurethane foam. Enamel use the highest quality. Among the pallets you can find products of both simple forms of fairly democratic prices, as well as refined designs related to the class "Suite" and having an appropriate price. Steel pallets are mounted, as a rule, on the frame with adjustable legs.


Faians's pallets are massive, stable, beautiful, hygienic and perfectly combined with other Sanfeayans, installed in the bathroom. They warm up longer than steel and, like every Sanfayans, can break. There is no carcass with adjustable legs here, therefore ceramic pallets should be installed on an almost perfectly smooth surface.

Creating a shower cabin, you can ...

Creating a shower cabin, you can do without a pallet - a podium is built in which a siphon-lad siphon is installed


Acrylic pallet everyone is good: and it warms up quickly, and handsome, and the dirt does not absorb, and with time it does not darken. But only by itself "slips" (manufactured by thermal-forming method from a sheet material with a thickness of 4-6 mm). For stiffness, it is reinforced - usually fiberglass with a polymer adhesive layer. And the thicker reinforcement, the stronger the pallet. To eliminate the possibility of deformation, the products from acrylic are installed or on a metal frame (it can either be supplied, or sold separately; costs 10-15% of the value of the pallet itself), or on the support system from the foamed polyester (increases the cost of the pallet approximately by 30%). In the most expensive models, the manufacturer may offer to use both. So do not be surprised if the price of the pallet after installation will increase by 40%.

Shower pallet Ravak Ronda La

Shower pallet Ravak Ronda La

One of the advantages of acrylic products is that during mechanical damage their surface is easy to restore. Small scratches are simply styled, "Repair set" is used to eliminate relatively large scratches and cracks (as a rule, it is sold there, where the pallets themselves). These are two tubes, the contents of which are mixed before applying to the repaired surface. After hardening the composition, the surface is grouped.


Not so long ago, pallets appeared from another material - Kvaril (Quaril). In principle, the kvaril can be called polymerbeton: a binder - acrylic, filler - quartz. The latter increases the hardness and wear resistance of the product that it becomes very difficult to damage its surface. As a result, the factory gloss persists (naturally, with proper care) over long years. Pallets (as well as baths) from the kvaril are no longer produced by thermal-forming, but by casting, due to which they have clear lines, more sheer walls. The thickness of the material on different parts of the pallet ranges from 8 to 11 mm, which gives products high strength and stability. And the external reinforcement is no longer required. Products from the kvaril are presented in our market by Villeroy & Boch.

From artificial marble

No less attractive pallets made of artificial (injection molding) marble, consisting of a polymer resin with a filler - marble crumb (Huppe added to this and sandstone and gave the material his own name - Marano). Such products are beautiful, "silent" and long keep warm. The strength of artificial marble is several times higher than natural. For installation, the product is equipped with adjustable legs. The choice of shades is quite wide, and the price of pallets is quite high.



Size and shape of the pallet

The line of standard sizes of square pallets from all materials is as follows: 7 070, 7 575, 8,080, 8 585, 9 090, 9 595 and 100 100 cm. There are products more - from 110 110 to 130 130 cm, but they are like The rule, when considering the options for re-equipment of the bathroom, immediately - the winning area does not work. Pallets can be rectangular: 9 070, 8 570, 7,590, 10,075, 10,080 and 100 120 cm. There are thickest attention to the closest attention (one of the angles is rounded), Pentagonal (the angle is straightforward) and semicircular (installed flat side to the wall) model. Different pallets and depth. The most profound is the height of the side of 100-180 mm, the average - 40-100 mm and, finally, "flat" - almost from 0 to 35 mm. The cost from the depth of the pallet does not depend and is determined by the design, color, material, degree of "firmness", as well as the "steepness" of the manufacturer.

What should be considered when choosing

  • First, its configuration should allow obtaining a spacious and at the same time a compact shower cabin. Capacious, because when washing, you do not stand motionless, and raise your hands and legs, turn and lean, and the cabin space should allow it to do (so the minimum size of the shower cabin is 8 080 cm, and better 8,585 or 9,090 cm). Compact, because otherwise there will be no place saving. To the large extent, both conditions immediately satisfy the designs on radial and pentagonal pallets, and even better - based on the pallets of a rectangular shape, for example, 7,090 cm (by the way, waving their hands and bend in such a cabin more convenient than square).
  • Secondly, the pallet surface should not be slippery. Manufacturers achieve this in many ways. The simplest - riflation. It can have a variety of forms - cross, rays, etc. The second method (by the way, not so long ago appeared) - application on the smooth surface of a special anti-slip coating. This processing option is preferable - standing on a smooth surface is always more pleasant than on corrugated. The third method is to install in the pallet of a wooden lattice (such a decision offers IDO company).
  • Buying a shower tray, pay attention to whether he is equipped with a siphon-ladder. The designs of the siphones and their sizes in different firms can vary greatly. Therefore, it is better to purchase a siphon immediately, complete with a pallet.

Types of shower fences

They are frame and frameless. The frame, as a rule, is made of white, colored or chrome aluminum profile. The fence canvas are made of polystyrene (thickness - from 2.5 mm) or hardened safe glass (thickness - 4, 6 or 8 mm). The polystyrene over time is muttered, divorces may appear on it (from these considerations it is better to immediately acquire opaque polystyrene curtains - matte or with a pattern), but the fence from it is relatively cheap. Tempered glass is more expensive, but such fences are better and durable. Glass can be transparent, matte, tinted and patterned. Its view of most manufacturers just determines the cost of fences (the price in some cases increases by 5-7%). Some manufacturers are applied to the glass cloth already mentioned "anti-stack" coating - such fences are easily cleaned.

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling 6209_7

In the frameless cabins for the manufacture of fences, only tempered glass, straight or bent was used. The fence is attached to the wall, on pre-prepared places, and fixed parts - also to the pallet. The joints are compacted with silicone. In this case, the wall should be almost perfectly smooth and strictly vertical. The company produces fencing with cutouts and slopes for installation to the non-clean and "figured" walls.

Shower partition Ravak Supernova SRV2-S-90 * 90cm

Shower partition Ravak Supernova SRV2-S-90 * 90cm

All shower fences can be divided into fixed (i.e. walls) and movable (doors). The doors by the opening method are divided into swing, sliding and rotary-sliding.

Features of rolling fences

  • Swing doors are single and bivalves. Singlemen open out (left or right), for which, naturally, require square. Bivalves can be opened both outside and inside.
  • Sliding doors are retractable and folding. Retractable move on rollers hidden inside the frame, in one or both sides simultaneously. Conclusion with this can be single, two, three and four-dimensional. True, the more the flaps, the less place inside the cab, but it is a stronger frame and wider input. Folding, too, drive on the rollers, folding on the go to the "harmonic". They can have 4 and even 6 sash.
  • Rotary-sliding (sold only with the shower cabin) by the method of opening strongly resemble the door of the tourist bus - first the cloth moves forward, and then how to drive away.

Which of the doors considered is better? Perhaps most of the requirements of the design, functionality and saving area satisfies the tight type. This door slides along the front wall inside the cab, requires minimal effort when opening, has good tightness and is in most cases no more than swinging. It is very good to have a swollen bivalve or folding two or four-dimensional door opening inside the cabin so that the flowing water does not fall out.

The last type of fences, which should be mentioned - showers "Shutters". They are mounted on (more precisely, above) the bathroom to highlight a special space in it for taking the shower. Made from the same materials that "ordinary" fences are made of polystyrene, glass or polymethylacrylate. And classified in the same way: can be frame and frameless, bent and straight, swing, folding and retractable. But if a shower fence must close the entire space over the pallet, then the "blinds" is only part of the space over the bathroom. You can position such a "sweeping" from one of the edges of the bath or in the middle. We produce "blinds" almost all firms producing shower fences.

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling 6209_9

Going behind the shower guard, it should be borne in mind that each manufacturer produces several episodes of such products: economical, middleweight and elite. Therefore, hearing the "loud" name of the manufacturer, do not hurry to leave the store - it may very much that these models will be on your pocket. The said applies not only to fences, but also to all sanitary devices that we discuss today. The quality of the acquired fence and the correctness of its installation is checked very simply, open the water to the full pressure and pour on the seams and the fencing joints. Outside the water should not appear.

Types of mixers

In order to regulate the flow and temperature of the water, in the cockpit, is understandable, it is necessary to install a mixer. The most modern solution is a single-art wall mixer. Such devices have already been firmly included in our everyday life, so we will not speak about them in detail.

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling 6209_10

Recently, many firms have begun to equip their cabins with the so-called thermostatic mixer. Probably, it would be more correct to call it an adjustable limiter, since there is no thermostat in the full sense of the word in the design. On the one hand, it has a flow regulator, on the other hand, the temperature controller, and that and the other is equipped with a limiter. The temperature of the water is set in the range from the minimum up to 38-40 C. Want to get joking - take off the regulator from the fuse. The same with the cost - rotating the handle, the user regulates the pressure from 0 to a certain amount. To zoom in pressure, you need to remove the regulator from the fuse. In general, no matter how cool the crane during washing (at least with eyes closed) - you will not be covered (the unit immediately after turning the flow regulator begins to mix cold water) and do not spend excess water. Of course, if you do not touch the fuses. You can purchase such mixers and separately from the cab.

Lieka for the shower LEDEME L20

Lieka for the shower LEDEME L20

To the "simple" or thermostatic mixer, which are sold "by itself," will have to buy a barrel (it is better to choose a metal, length, at least 60 cm, complete with a soap box, and if the plastic, then only from the "serious" manufacturer) , hose (preferred plastic, non-rejuvenated) and shower nozzle. For savings, you can do the most common nozzle, but it is better to purchase a hydromassage equipped with hydromassage.

Another interesting option is shower nozzles with a drive (with a diameter of up to 300 mm), imitating rain. In such a device, the water first accumulates, and then it feels on your head with a tropical shower force.

Those who do not like prefabricated options can immediately purchase a full shower headset (mixer-bar-shower nozzle). The kit can do as cheaper than the prefabricated option, and more expensive. Any curious (and healthy) solution is to install a hydromassage panel in the shower. It can be equipped with electronic or manual control. On the device of the hydromassage panels, we will not stop in detail - this is a topic for a separate conversation. They are sold already collected, it remains only to strengthen the purchased device on the wall and connect to the water supply.

Shower nozzle with hydromassage

Shower nozzle with hydromassage - maximum health benefits at a minimum cost.

It is possible to equip the national shower cabin hydromassage in one way: to purchase individual elements (mixer, control panel, shower watering can, nozzles, etc.) and mounted them on the wall. A variety of "designers", allowing you to create such a system of hydromassage, which I want, and not what the manufacturer is planned, now many firms are offered. But only experts should be engaged in installation, since any variations on the topic "DIY" can end very sad for neighboring apartments and your wallet.

  • Two in one: how to make a bathroom design with shower and bathroom

Monoblock cabins


Multifunctional monoblock cabins

  • Shower and sauna
  • Shower and hydromassage
  • Shower and bath

Features of monoblock cabins

"Construction" of the shower cabin on an individual project is a good thing, but it hurts troublesome and responsible. Yes, and it is not always possible to save on it. It is easier to purchase a cabin, already equipped with a pallet, walls, doors and all other things, provided that it fits into the space allotted for it.

When choosing, keep in mind that the mixer for the cheapest and most expensive models will have to be purchased separately, in the kit it is sold only with medium price range products.

Installation of monoblock cabins does not require absolutely no general construction work - neither tile, nor paint, not to mention the construction of walls. We only need to bring water and reach the drain pipe to the sewer rim.

Having a cabin in the far from the root of the corner of the bathroom, do not forget that the slope of the drain pipe should be 1-3 cm for each running meter, depending on the material from which it is made. And it may be very possible that the cabin expected from the riser will need to raise on the podium.

Multifunctional monoblock cabins

Buying a ready-made cabin, you can choose a product that is able to perform not one (directly shower), but at once there are several functions. Such models are called multifunctional. The device can be combined, for example, the functions of the shower and hydromassage cabin or the function of the shower and the bath. And maybe all at once.

Shower and sauna

Sauna lovers immediately care: the militant Finnish sauna in this case does not matter. The temperature of 80 with the material from which the cabin is made, of course, will stand, but a part of the body, touched to a preheated wall, is unlikely - the strongest burn is guaranteed here. Therefore, in multifunctional cabins, a special mode is used - steam, or, as it is also called, "Turkish" bath: temperature 40-45 ° C (less often up to 50 s) with a moisture content of almost 100%. And to warm up in 20 minutes (just as much, but no more recommended to steam), this regime is enough, because this temperature with such humidity is almost a threshold of pain skin sensitivity.

A distinctive feature of the cab with "Bay" is the presence of a roof (dome) - without it, steam just do not hold. It can be both opaque and transparent. The height of "closed" cabins ranges from 210 to 240 cm, and people of high growth, choosing a model, follows this factor to take into account.

And one more detail you should consider when choosing. The pair inlet hole can be located both in the upper zone of the cabin and the bottom. Prefering the model with the lower arrangement of this hole, you will always be forced to remember that in the zone where it is located, the legs should not be put - there is a risk of getting a burn. And choosing a cabin with the upper location of the steam hole, you will have to remember that under it can not be kept - there is a risk of a hot condensate emission.

The closed "roof" cabins can be equipped with the functions of aromatherapy, chromotherapy and sound therapy.

  • Aromatherapy. A special motor-dispenser is embedded in the back of the cabin, which poured an aromatic substance. When the "Aromatization" function is turned on, it is drip to par, and the entire container is filled with aroma.
  • Chromotherapy. In the ceiling of the shower cabin (under the acrylic layer), light sources are mounted, the choice of the color of which is carried out from the remote control. This color and has a physiological and emotional effect on the person being in the cabin: blue relaxes, green soothes, yellow strengthens, red stimulates.
  • Sound therapy. The cabin is equipped with a good stereo system, and during the adoption of procedures you hear the noise of the forest, the sound of the surf, the singing of birds, etc. Sound and has a relaxing and healing effect on the body. If you believe advertising statements, many manufacturers are offered this feature. The calibration may turn out that a small stereo system is installed in the cabin, serving, for example, the FM receiver and CD player, and the therapeutic effect "went to zero".

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling 6209_14

Shower and hydromassage

It is necessary to immediately say that multifunction cabins can be equipped with a hydromassage function in varying degrees - in some modes more, in others less. So, in all cases on the hydromassage column, installed on the rear wall, there are at least two rows of nozzles for the back massage. But the number of nozzles in the row can be different - from two to twelve (or even more). And the massage modes can be realized in different ways. For example, it is sometimes offered not only vertical back massage, but also a cervical or shoulder. Because there is a seat in the cabin, the procedure can be taken both standing and sitting, which is much nicer. In addition, water in some models is not easy to pour, but pours in a certain mode. Let's say nozzles in vertical rows can be turned on and off sequentially from the bottom up and back (Running Wave mode). With the help of the same injectors, such a function as a contrasting souls is also being implemented - cold and warm water is consistently fed.

Shower cabin Aquanet Antares 120 L Low pallet 120cm * 90cm

Shower cabin Aquanet Antares 120 L Low pallet 120cm * 90cm

It is better if the nozzles are swivel and adjustable, which will not only change the direction of the jet, but also increase or decrease the stream power. In addition, the injectors can be controlled by a predefined program: you press the button - and 15-20 minutes will massage you, as they say, in full program, just have time to turn. It should also be noted that all firms are constantly improving their equipment and equip it with the latest types of hydromassage.

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling 6209_16

Bath and shower

Another sense of close attention by the combined design is a bath combined with a shower. Good designs are good, first of all, to combine the dignity of hydromassage baths and shower cabins.

Combined shower cabins are divided into baths with a hydromassage shower, separating only part of the bowl (cabin can be located both in the center and from one of the edges), and on the bath with the cab in the entire bowl. As a rule, they are closed on top of the "roof", which allows them to equip them not only by hydromassage, but also a steam "Turkish" bath. And in that and in another case, a variety of options for complete sets are offered - hydromassage can be equipped with both a cab and a bath or both at once.

Shower cabin Luxus 811 R Low pallet 120cm * 80cm

Shower cabin Luxus 811 R Low pallet 120cm * 80cm

These products are not always impressive in size - many do not exceed the square bath. Despite the fairly high prices for this product, every year the number of lovers to take the "bath" and hydromassage at home is growing. And after demand, the range is growing. In a good store, you will have no 2-3 cockpit, as before, and 10-15 - for different tastes and financial opportunities.

Recently there were cabins of a new type, which should also be attributed to multifunctional. We mean hydromassage shower cabins with infrared heating. Their secret is in infrared emitters of a special design, installed so as to warm up the body of a person entirely. Infrared waves belonging to the narrow portion of the infrared range (the wavelength is from 4 to 14 microns), penetrating under the skin, from the inside heated the body tissues. Heat welcomes you at the entrance to the cab and accompanies during the entire adoption of the soul (hydromassage). If you stay in the cockpit longer (the maximum recommended time for staying in it is 1 hour), in the last 10-15 minutes of the session there will be a sweating.

How to equip in the apartment shower instead of a bath: a detailed guide to reinstalling 6209_18

Finally, another option of the bathroom configuration, which should be mentioned is a special complex "Bath + Shower Cab". It is no secret that when installing such large articles, like a bath and shower, in small space always requires fiction. Kits "Bath + Shower Potton" allow you to significantly simplify the situation, since they are intended specifically for small rooms. All the cunning is that the bath in the plan is not rectangular, but with the recess. The shower tray exactly repeats the shape of this garbage, which informs the compactness kit. Another advantage of the system is flexibility: the pallet can be placed not only in this (main) position in relation to the bath, but also in three additional.

A small but important question that should be clarified before going off for a multifunctional shower or hydromassage rack. Find out what the water pressure is in your house. The fact is that far from all manufacturers these are cute and so necessary for the health of the "Prostabasses" are designed for our water pressure. You can meet the aggregates designed for 1.5 and even 2-3 bars. And if such a device is purchased, you will have to be installed in the system and increases the pressure of the pump (and after all the place is required), otherwise, except for the soul, you will not get anything from expensive wicker. Well, in general, consider whether the existing sewer system will cope with such a flow of water. Will not cope - you have trouble from the neighbors.

And last. The fact that the quality of our tap water (and not only water) leaves much to be desired, the mountains of literature are written. Therefore, by purchasing equipment using hydromassage, and even more so having a steam generator, very seriously consider the water purification. And then all this wonder technology will serve you much longer.

  • Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips

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