Replacing facades in the kitchen: answer popular questions


Even the most beautiful kitchen over time loses its novelty. Update the kitchen is simple - it is enough to replace outdated or spoiled facades.

Replacing facades in the kitchen: answer popular questions 6215_1

Replacing facades in the kitchen: answer popular questions

Even the most beautiful kitchen over time loses its novelty, and the operating conditions in the hot workshop leave traces on its facades. They (as well as workdays) take over the basic severity of household mechanical impacts, and also form the appearance of the kitchen. If the facades have become unusable or morally outdated, they can be replaced. We will tell how to do it.

All about replacing facades in the kitchen

Causes of replacement of facades

Types of facades

What color to choose

What company to choose

Cost of replacement

Causes of replacement of facades

Many firms, both European and domestic, provide their customers who have previously bought furniture from them, the service for a complete or partial replacement of kitchen facades, nevertheless users resort to it quite infrequently. In the process of working on this material, we conducted a survey of manufacturers, and it turned out that some of them remembered cases of treatment with such requests simply because they were single.

For example, in one of the companies they said that her former client after several years of operation gently dismantled his kitchen and transported to a new dwelling. The composition arranged it, the hulls were both new, all the mechanisms and techniques worked properly, the word, "filling" was still pleased. Combining two colors originally and writing the kitchen into another space, he gave her a second life, while significantly saving.

In another company, they remembered the client, who once ordered their kitchen for a country house, and then every few years changed the facades, lost shine. Everything else the owner of the dwelling did not want to touch - did not want to part with an expensive and very beautiful tile, which the top and apron were tested.

In the third case, the motive was different. When the family acquired the kitchen, the opinions were divided. Parents gave way to ambitions of primary generation representatives who choose the bright blue panels in combination with glass in the aluminum frame. Three years later, the young people bought an apartment and left, and the parents still changed the blue facades on calmer - the colors of "Golden Walnut".

To keep the kitchen with new KR & ...

To make the kitchen to play with new colors, sometimes it is enough to replace just one or two facades.

To the decision to change the panel, the headset leads a variety of reasons - as prosaic (worniness due to non-accurate use, damage to active kids who have adapted facades for their "creativity", unsubstituted traces of steam, splashes, direct exposure to sunlight, improper use of detergents, etc. ), and more elevated: thirst for change, updates, often associated with a cosmetic repair kitchen. And there is nothing surprising. No wonder the Italians propose to change the situation every 5-6 years to fight the monotony and, as a result, stress.

Then why are our compatriots not so often change the old facades on new? Partly because not all users are informed. But the main one, in our opinion, the reason is that time to change the panels by and large there is not yet. In Russia, the kitchen furniture market has become formed in the late 90s. The twentieth century, when there was a default and many of our fellow citizens were not to large purchases. Bought not so long ago, the kitchens did not have time to be obscured, nor the more dilapidated. In addition, the life of the kitchen is quite large. German factories orient approximately 15-20 years old, Finnish - by 10-15, Czech guarantee about 10 years of operation. Russian manufacturers, even when using imported components, declare 8-10 years.

Thus, the need for a meaningful service, according to specialists, will only increase. In addition, to replace the door and the front walls of the boxes, exactly suitable in size, is technically simple.

  • How to update the facades of the kitchen headset quickly and budget: 3 simple ways

Types of kitchen facades

In the assortment of most manufacturers, kitchens are usually represented by facades, not only differing in style and design, but also made of different materials (plastic, MDF-plates, wood array) with the use of various technologies (SoftFranding, post-forming, edge or aluminum profile, milling from MDF-plates, PVC film coating or highly glossy films; The facades are also a frame, painted, from the wood array, trimmed with veneer). Posted by the kitchen new appearance can be used by products of any price segment. But the ball is ruled by more democratic and practical plastic and milling facades from MDF-plates, so most likely to change the image of the kitchen owners of the middle and economy-class. In the case of more expensive design products, the cost of panels decorated with valuable varnish can reach 70% of the prices of the kitchen, and thus produce their replacement is irrational.

Alexander Malinovsky, Compare

Alexander Malinovsky, Nolte Kuchen:

The replacement of facades is simple. The mount is designed in such a way that the facade is easy to discharge, replace new and adjust the last vertical, horizontally, as well as its tilt. At the same time, the fastener is the so-called additive, remains in its place, and the other panel is mounted. Also quickly produce and replace the facades of drawers.

If we are talking about models, many manufacturers, especially large, are all pretty conditionally, there are no stringent standards and schemes. Thanks to the enormous choice of materials, species and sizes, rich color schemes, a varied palette of decors can create any style: country, classic, modern, high-tech, minimalism. Existing models also do not limit the user in creativity, as they are made at least in several color versions.

What color to choose for kitchen

If color harmony has been achieved in the interior, we feel comfort on the subconscious level, if not - is constantly experiencing anxiety and irritation. It is possible, after some time the owner of the kitchen wants to change the facades. Of course, the choice is influenced by fashion. However, the exact following is the trusted tendencies of the kitchen design - the thing is insidious. After all, the kitchen is not the object of the wardrobe, it does not change each season. In addition, as you know, there is no comrade taste and color.

Choosing a color and invoice, not trail ...

Choosing color and texture, should not forget about practicality, about the possible appearance of spots. If the coating is embossed (for example, a factory laminate or varnish), it is unlikely to be carried away by pastel colors. Pollution, inevitably appearing in the kitchen and well noticeable on a light background, it is very difficult to rinse with a rough surface.

Many Russians have a kitchen - not the largest room in the apartment. The correctly selected color, creating a certain emotional atmosphere in it, performs another important function: it causes the illusion of expansion or narrowing space, that is, visually adjusts the dimensions. So, in a compact room, the kitchens are not recommended from an array painted in dark tones, which, as if compress it. The bright colors optically expand it. Warm shades are good in the working interior, but it is narrowed too active: red-orange, brightly ocher. Conversely, the facades are bright, cold or pastel tones (broken) spread space, make it easy and air. The facades, as a rule, are in the interior significant, if not the main place, especially in a small territory that the hosts are trying to make the cabinets as much as possible. Therefore, the color of the furniture becomes dominant in the colorful palette of the kitchen, and with this fact you have to be considered.

If in the "first life" of the kitchen, you could not achieve a harmonious combination of colors and shades, and the holiday to which you were striking did not work, when updating, try to finally take place. Try to play with flowers on contrast or on the nuances (shades of one tone). Designers do not recommend combining colors in the ratio of 1: 1. According to the Golden section rule, the ratio of the main and additional tones should be 5: 3. And yet - do not fall into extremes, because it is so easy to overdo it, when, after a calm and some bored kitchen, the colors suddenly want!

Victoria Zenova, Kitchen Dvor Company:

The replacement of facades is possible in almost any case, as we work for individual orders. Our buyers are not worth worrying about the fact that the fastener has changed or the number of color solutions has decreased.

Difficulties may occur only in case of removal from the production of any material. So, a few years ago we worked with facades from chipboard, covered with plastic, but at the moment this type is missing. In such a situation, we will be happy to offer the client to choose any other material.

  • Quick cuisine update: how to repaint facades with your own hands

What company to contact

For the current decade, the kitchen furniture market has already developed - all solid firms in sight, so we advise you to deal with the leading manufacturers, well proven themselves. Thus, you will provide quality, as well as warranty and post-warranty service. When ordering a kitchen, you are unlikely to think in advance about the replacement of facades. And still ask if you can buy new doors and panels of the boxes from the manufacturer. Many manufacturers, such as Ammatov, Kukhito'stroy, "Kitchen Dvor", "Legna", "Satellite Style", "Stylish Kitchens" "," Foret ", ELT, Virs (all of Russia), Alno, Hacker Kuchen, Nolte Kuchen (all - Germany) and others. But many are not all. And above all, this refers to domestic companies. After all, it is more profitable to sell the cuisine entirely. Of course, if you have an unreason of one or two facades, they will be replaced with you (unless they are removed from production), but they will not sell facades for the whole kitchen. Foreign manufacturers who make kitchens to order will fulfill any whim of the client. As already mentioned at the beginning of this article, you can count on this service if you are a former company client.

Olga Udyanskaya, Forema Company:

With careful use, the furniture will keep a good appearance, and the mechanisms - working properly, but it is boring it, of course. Change the cuisine sometimes does not make sense or very expensive. You can order for replacement only those facades that are manufactured at the factory (with any sizes), for example, replace MDF covered with enamel, veneer in the aluminum frame. When changing facades from MDF on MDF or MDF massif on MDF no problems. When replacing MDF on an aluminum frame, additional calculations are needed. If there are complex elements of extension or diagonal and M-shaped corner stands in the project, it is better to appeal to the designer-designer, which initially "led" kitchen order.

A complete package of technical documentation must be maintained until the end of the operation of the kitchen, and not only during the warranty period: the fact is that each manufacturer has its own nuances relating to facades, and landing dimensions may not coincide. And if you have a design project in your hands, it will be much easier to replace. In this case, the cabin is chosen in the required quantity of the facade of a certain type and the desired color, after which the contract is concluded. Manufacturing time is standard (25-27 business days), almost it is equal to the manufacturer of the kitchen, since it depends on the duration of the technological process (and the facades are one of the most complex parts of the kitchen). If there is no design project or any difficulties arose, the measureer goes to the house and removes the parameters required to order panels.

Replacing facades in the kitchen: answer popular questions 6215_8

Unlike many Forema factory sells facades to everyone. To do this, contact the "DIY" department, after measuring the headset panels. If the buyer doubts the accuracy of his measurements, it can contact the designer's technique (the price is negotiable). The manufacturer of facades is 30-35 business days. Delivery and installation of facades are carried out by the client.

How much will the replacement cost

If one or two panels have become unusable, and they have already been removed from production (for example, plastic of this color no longer supplied), you will have to change everything. If the fasteners system did not change, the new panels put on the place of the old - in the same landing sockets. When changing the fasteners system in the factory, it makes a complete dismantling of the loops from the housings, and others are cut into their place. All nuances solve professional collectors directly when the client's facades are hidden. A serious change of sizes of cabinets, as a rule, does not occur. Basically, the range of sizes is stable, the selected raster remains permanent over the years. But changes, additions, expansion of programs at the expense of other types of cabinets appear.

The cost of the new door is calculated not on the route meters, but in square (to find out the area of ​​all the door to be replaced, you need to multiply their width and height). It depends on several factors: material, forms and finishes.

Replacing facades in the kitchen: answer popular questions 6215_9

The panels made of array and lined with veneer are the most expensive, especially purchased abroad (most often in Italy). The larger in the composition of the decorative elements - fillets, the windows, the overhead decor, the higher the price. The price also affects the price of accessories. The facades of the standard configuration cost cheaper than exclusive sizes.

As for the economic benefits of replacement, you judge yourself. The cost of replacing panels is approximately 30% of the price of a new kitchen. The situation in the market is changing, therefore, the facades are more expensive. So, if you compare with the initial cost, it turns out not very profitable, and if with the price of a new kitchen, then quite. Moreover, there is a chance that, changing the image, she will serve you longer.

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The editorial board thanks the company "Kitchen Dvor", "Satellite Style", "Stylish Kitchens", "Forem" and the representative office of Nolte Kuchen in Russia for help in preparing the material.

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