Simple instruction on pruning indoor plants for beginners


We understand in the types of trimming when it can be done and how to do it right.

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Simple instruction on pruning indoor plants for beginners

1 Select the type of trimming

First of all, the owners of indoor plants need to know that trimming is four species and performs different functions.


This is the most common and demanded trimming, which you have to do most often. During this procedure, all the dried leaves, branches, air roots, flashing flowers are neatly removed. Sometimes it is valid if there is some kind of disease or posting.

If a part of the sheet has suffered, you can not cut it up to a green healthy part, but leave a thin strip of chopping fabric.

Such trimming is often combined with the replacement of the top layer of the soil to update and improve the soil.

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Such trimming is differently called "chipping" or "pincerer". This is shortening the point of growth. It is carried out when they do not want a major plant to grow too much. After it begins to increase the leaf mass and becomes more lush, not spending strength to grow in height or width. This trimming is very useful for lian, which are often pulled in length and do not produce new leaves.

Also this procedure should be carried out if you have a young rapid plant that has released too much buds. If you cut their amount, bloom will be longer, and the flowers are larger and brighter.

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This is a decorative procedure for the attachment of aesthetic appearance. The branches are shortened by no more than two-thirds, and leave at least two kidneys on them. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the pruning is symmetrical and was not aggressive.

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It is carried out on all rapid or old colors in the house. This is primarily applies to roses, gantnzias, pylargony and fuchsia. Old branches, on which there are no leaves left, or they are completely small, cut off, leaving 5-7 cm from the barrel. After that, the plant cares from direct sunlight and often spray from the sprayer. It provokes the growth of new kidneys.

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2 Determine when you can crop plants

Prothesing is carried out during the period of active ventation - at the end of February and early March. This is a period of active growth. It is not worth getting to her immediately after flowering, as the plant spent too much forces on him, it leaves during peace and is not ready for a new stress. After flowering, you can only carefully remove chopping patterns and leaves.

Durable and affected branches are allowed to cut at any time if the plant is great and does not bloom. At the same time, you need to wait until the folding juice gets up, and sprinkle the cutting coal.

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3 Do not forget about the rules of trimming

There are several basic principles of trimming that are suitable for all its types. Do not forget to stick to them.

  • Use good tools. For thin branches, knives or scissors are suitable for a bonsai, and a garden secateur will be needed for thick. At the same time, the blades must be clean and well sharpened. The sharper the tool, the smaller the injury, so the stationery scissors are not suitable.
  • Do not forget about hygiene. All tools must be processed. It can be done with alcohol or boiling water. It is important to repeat the processing for each plant that you decide to trim.
  • Protect hands, respiratory and eyes. If you cut a flower with poisonous juice, wear disposable gloves and protective mask, take care of your eyes.
  • Do not combine trimming with a transfer. You need to give a flower to move away from stress, wait a bit, at least two weeks.

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4 Spend restoring procedures

After completing trimming, let the plant recover. To do this, make sure that it is not under the right sunlight, the room is not too hot, and the air is not dry. Reduce the frequency of irrigation slightly and enter the fertilizer soil. You can also make a flower with anti-stress drugs.

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