Where to store skates, skis and other winter leisure accessories


Select special fastenings, highlight the place in the closet, storage room or under the stairs - we tell where you can store bulk winter accessories.

Where to store skates, skis and other winter leisure accessories 627_1

Where to store skates, skis and other winter leisure accessories

There are some interesting and easy ways to enter snowboards, skiing and skates and an interior of an apartment or at home. You can select a place for them in an already existing storage system, agree on storing outside the house and add several useful details to the interior that simplify the placement of these accessories.

1 on special fasteners

Steam mounts resembling the shape of the hooks are very saved by the situation with the storage of snowboards and skis.

And these mounts can be set & ...

Moreover, these mounts can be set anywhere, it is not necessary to look for a place in the hallway. Children's room, living room - washed clean accessories can be fixed in different rooms and even use as decoration.

2 in the transformer module

This can be equipped with any free angle in the house. The module itself looks, as a rule, minimalistly and consists only of the necessary fasteners.

You can choose fastening yourself ...

You can choose fasten on yourself and arrange as convenient for you. Another advantage of such modules is that there can be fixed not only winter accessories, but also helmet, protection, rollers and all that your heart.

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3 in storeroom

Provide there a place for inventory, if you like winter sports. The dump of skis, Sanok and Watrushek can "kill" all the space of the shopping room, these accessories are important not only to hide from the eyes, but also correctly organize.

Skis and skates are comfortable to store on ...

Skis and skates are conveniently stored on the shelf under the ceiling, where they are not visible most of the year. And if you often ride, consider special wall mounts. Vertical storage looks quite compact, and accessories will not fall unexpectedly on the head.

4 Behind the door

A simple and familiar way of storing skis - in a simple door behind the door.

Complete the space for two

Complete the space behind the door fasteners for a ski or a snowboard that will not let the sports inventory suddenly fall out.

  • 6 functional storage systems for those who have a lot of things (and do not want to throw away)

5 in the drawer

Alternative version - storage in the drawer under the bed or in the podium.

In such drawers, you can place

In such boxes can be placed, for example, skates for the whole family. The drawer can not only be under the bed, but and anywhere. In particular, under the sofa or at the bottom of the cabinet.

6 in the closet

The space of the cabinet in the hallway or in the bedroom can also be successfully used in the storage of winter accessories.

Highlight a pair of shelves or part ...

Highlight a couple of shelves or part of the cavity with hangers. Sport accessories need to be carefully flushed and removed into the case - in this form they will be perfectly stored in the closet.

  • Bicycle, tires and cans with pickles: Ideas for storing 5 things you want to remove from the balcony

7 for the sofa

You can make a beautiful improvised panel from skis directly on the wall in the living room.

Optimally for this will fit & ...

Optimally, the space for the sofa is suitable for this. There, as a rule, there is a large empty surface, on which you can fix beautiful accessories for a winter holiday.

8 under the staircase

If you live in a private house, an ideal place for storing sports equipment - space under the stairs.

You can equip closed mi

You can equip the closed mini-storage room. Or make an outdoor sports corner and set items of your sports pride to the universal review.

  • 5 traditional storage techniques that have resulted in themselves (make more convenient!)

Where else can you keep a sports inventory

If there is no place at home, you can use one of these storage methods.

  • Rent a place in stock.
  • In the sports club. Many sports clubs offer their members to rent cells in which you can store inventory. Specify with the staff, is it possible to store skates in close proximity to the site of skiing.

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