9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive


In our selection, a tabletop with a coating of a wood array, dishes, kitchen textiles and other items that will make your kitchen elegant and exquisite, but will not hit the wallet.

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_1

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive

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1 Countertop "Möllekulla", 10 990 rubles

Table tops for a kitchen headset from a wood array - a trend and very beautiful solution for the kitchen. The main drawback: the tree is not the most durable material in contact with water, sharp objects, painting substances. The second important minus is the price. The tabletop will look beautiful and expensive if she has enough thickness, more than three centimeters. The price of such a product made entirely of wood begins from 40-50 thousand.

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_3
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_4
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_5
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_6

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_7

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_8

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_9

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_10

In Ikea, you can find a tabletop with a thickness of 3.8 cm, made of a chipboard with a coating of natural oak. In the factory it was already treated with paraffin oil, so it would not have to worry about it because of complex care. It looks completely natural, and the tree drawing is unique for each product.

Countertop IKEA

Countertop IKEA


  • Kitchens from Ikea: Real photos in the interior and 5 styles in which they will fit perfectly

2 Wall panel "Lisekil", 2 499 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_13
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_14
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_15

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_16

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_17

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_18

An important detail in the kitchen is apron. A wall panel can be a very convenient solution for him: it is easy to install it, it is simple in the course. But it looks like this solution is much more expensive than its value, especially one-photon panels with a nonsense pattern are especially elegant. "Liecale" from IKEA is one of these.

Wall panel IKEA

Wall panel IKEA


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3 Kitchen faucet "Nivatnets", 6,999 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_21
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_22
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_23

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_24

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_25

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_26

Add a few elegant luxury luxury in the Art Deco style with a brass kitchen faucet. In addition to the beautiful appearance, this mixer will save you water thanks to the installed aoderator. And the high elongated form makes it comfortable for washing the big pot.

Kitchen Mixer IKEA

Kitchen Mixer IKEA


  • 9 products from IKEA for a small kitchen, like Scandinavians

4 Kitchenware "Mostka", 699 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_29
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_30
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_31

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_32

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_33

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_34

The impression of any, even the most elegant and exquisite cuisine, spoil the incompatible kitchen accessories. Wooden blade and plastic bright halter will reduce the rest of the interior. Replace all fixtures on a metal set from one series to make the cooking process gently and aesthetically.

Set of equipment for kitchen IKEA

Set of equipment for kitchen IKEA


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5 Kitchen Towel "Ingbrite", 179 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_37
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_38

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_39

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_40

The same rule acts for textiles in the kitchen, because it is always in sight. Single cloth look more expensive and elegant. Replace colorful cloths with each other towels on light monophonic to change the feeling from the interior.

  • 9 wonderful new products from IKEA for your kitchen (I want yourself!)

6 glass decanter "Storsint", 899 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_42
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_43

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_44

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_45

If you buy drinking water, try to overflow it from a plastic bottle into a glass decanter. Let an elegant glass vessel stand on the table and pleases you with your own kind. Also in it beautifully will look at juices or frosts, if you cover the table.

Countess Ikea

Countess Ikea


7 Kitchen service "Verder", 3,999 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_47
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_48
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_49

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_50

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_51

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_52

A snow-white concise kitchen service looks more expensive than bright plates with colors from the mass market. In addition, it is universal, suitable for any serving: from family breakfast, to a festive dinner.

IKEA service, 18 items

IKEA service, 18 items


8 Tablecloth "Elfried", 799 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_54
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_55

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_56

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_57

The tablecloth of a gentle beige shade with an elegant inclusive pattern of dense high-quality fabric recalls breakfasts in some old estate. If you want the kitchen interior to look expensive, do not neglect the tablecloth and pick it up to the rest of the textile, for example, the curtains.

Tablecloth IKEA

Tablecloth IKEA


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9 Desktop "MARIT", 249 rubles

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_60
9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_61

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_62

9 products for kitchen from Ikea, which will make your interior visually more expensive 6289_63

Another way to make a serving is exquisite - to store the table with a white dense tablecloth and cross the desktop track of another shade across it. If the table is long, and there will be many people behind the dinner, the path is put along the center of the table and put on it vases with flowers, jugs with drinks. If the table is small, and guests are a bit, use several tracks, throwing them across. Then you can put plates and cutlery.

Walkway on IKEA table

Walkway on IKEA table


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