Redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house: how to bypass bearing walls and other useful tips


We understand what changes can be reported after the repair, for which it is necessary to coordinate and how to legitimize the redevelopment.

Redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house: how to bypass bearing walls and other useful tips 6332_1

Redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house: how to bypass bearing walls and other useful tips

Want to make redevelopment in the apartment, but are afraid to hurt the bearing walls of the panel house? Our advice will help.

All about redevelopment in panel houses

What the Law says

What exactly can not be done in the panel houses

Why no permission

When you need agreement

What can I explain about

When to report redevelopment

Illegal redevelopment: what to do

What the Law says

Since December 2011, the order of redevelopment and reorganization of apartments is determined by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of October 25, 2011 N 508-PP "On the organization of reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings" (hereinafter referred to as a resolution N 508-PP). The main differences from the regulatory requirements acting earlier are as follows.

To implement many ideas, it is no longer necessary to obtain a preliminary resolution, and a previously completed redevelopment in most cases (but not always) can be issued postfactum. This applies only to the changes that do not affect safety, as well as to work engineering systems, do not increase the load on the overlap over permissible, do not affect the external enclosing structures (facade) and bearing walls in the panel house. After completing such work, you can simply report on the redevelopment to the moszhyl system. After that, the time will agree with you during which the corresponding act will be compiled. He will serve as a basis for making changes to the technical passport of the apartment and the Floor Plan.

In addition, now it is possible to use ready-made options from the catalog of typical design solutions of redevelopment of apartments in residential buildings of mass series. He was prepared by the author of the projects of most houses in Moscow - GUP MNEITP. You can get acquainted with the catalog on the site of Moszhilospects.

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Finally, the coordination of projects with all supervisory authorities is canceled, except for housing inspection. The owner or tenant of the apartment should be submitted to the minimum package of documents, and after 20 days (this term increases to 35 days, if the house is an object of cultural heritage) will be issued permission to redevelopment or a motivated failure.

Changes related to redevelopment can be conventionally divided into four groups according to the need for passing through the burned expert conclusions.

What exactly can not do

These changes during reorganization and redevelopment are completely unacceptable.

  • The deterioration of the working conditions of the house and residence of citizens, including the difficulty of accessing engineering communications, disconnecting devices, etc. Bans and to residential, and non-residential premises (for example, basements, stairwells, common tamburas, etc.). Typical examples: Installation in the overall partition corridor, overlapping access to the electrical tailor or fire cabinet; The apartment is a device of floors without a soundproof layer or low noise insulation. It is also not allowed to close the gas pipelines to the panels, climb it in the walls and close with ceramic tiles. The gas pipeline should be available for inspection and maintenance.

Such a violation is widespread: part of the ventilation boxes in the kitchens of typical high-rise houses are cut down to make niches for household appliances. Those who do that, in the literal sense of the word overlap the oxygen to the residents of apartments on the lower floors. Now the creation of an apartment studio is quite popular due to the demolition of bearing walls (for example, when combining the kitchen with dining or other rooms), which represents a significant threat to neighbors. But the most dangerous - turning apartments on the first floors to offices and shops: To form their space and combine several rooms in one, dismantle the bearing walls or columns that are based on the elements above.

  • Reconstruction of the room or adjacent rooms at which they are in the prescribed manner can be attributed to the category of unsuitable for living. The requirements for which the residential premises must meet are set out in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2006. N 47 "On approval of the Regulation on the recognition of the premises by residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for living and an apartment house emergency and subject to demolition."
  • Violation of the strength and stability of the supporting structures of a building that can lead to their destruction. When building new ceilings from GLC, you have to drill a lot of holes in the ceiling plates, that is, the strength of the latter in principle should decrease. How to be? We clarify: Replacing the ceiling finishes is not a reorganization or redevelopment. Such holes do not affect the overlap strength (their shallow depth usually does not exceed the thickness of the protective layer of reinforced concrete plates) and do not destroy the entire design.
  • Installing disconnecting or regulatory devices in general (general-welded) engineering networks, if the use of them can affect resource consumption in adjacent rooms. For example, it is impossible to mount the boom pump to increase the head of the cold water. A network of thermostat thermostat for heating devices is possible in certain cases (depending on the circuit of connecting the heating device to the risers of the CO system).

Redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house: how to bypass bearing walls and other useful tips 6332_4

  • Elimination, decrease in the cross section of natural ventilation channels. The question arises: can I install the fan in Ventkaanal? Yes, and the fan is installed in the individual apartment exhaust channel, and not in the "trunk" (the design of the fan with a check valve is very useful).
  • Increasing the load on the supporting structures in excess of the permissible on the project (according to the calculation of the bearing ability, by deformations) in the device of the screeds in the floors, replacing partitions from lightweight materials by partitions from heavy, accommodating additional equipment in apartments. For example, it is impossible to align the floors that differ in height by 20 cm using a concrete screed - it is too heavy. To do this, you have to choose another option.
  • Transfer of heating radiators on loggias, balconies and verandas (even if they are glazed and insulated).
  • The device of floors with heated from the general-sized water supply systems and (or) heating. In this case, various problems are inevitable: a network site with increased hydraulic resistance is formed, which is unacceptable; The so-called reverse warm water (its temperature is about 20-25 s) merges into this system and cools the water that goes to the neighbors. In addition, you risk pouring down the apartment below the apartment, without even noticing it. To detect leakage, you have to open the entire floor.
  • Violation of the requirements of construction, sanitary and hygienic, operating norms and fire safety rules for apartment buildings. This is the most insidious position. Rules and norms so much that in almost any independent alteration you can detect their violations. Output one - lead work on the approved project, writing a contract with the builders.
  • The opening device, cutting down the niches, punching the holes in the pylons walls, the walls-diaphragms and columns (racks, pillars), as well as in the locations of the links between the prefabricated elements (in apartment buildings of typical series).

Let us clarify what we are talking about. When weakening the links between the prefab structural elements in the places of their conjugation (for example, if the connections of the valves and the mortgage parts of the walls and the slabs of the overlapping are damaged) the rigidity of the entire building is reduced. The same thing happens when the discharge device in the walls-diaphragms. The latter are used in frame-panel and frame-monolithic buildings. They are flat vertical structures that are distinguished by a small thickness, considerable height and length. Wall-diaphragms work as consoles, "pinched" in the designs of foundations. Their "subtlety" is deceptive - about the type of wall should be found in the project organization. Wall pylons are a variety of columns. They are designed to perceive the vertical load, and in the section are an elongated rectangle. The weakening of the cross section of the loaded elements is not allowed.

Imaging many of the ideas of the interior arrangement can now, without receiving a preliminary permit, and earlier redevelopment of the apartment in most cases (but not always) is issued post-fin.

  • The device is stable in horizontal seams and under the inner wall panels, as well as in wall panels and plates of overlap plates for placing electrical wiring, pipeline wiring (in apartment buildings of typical series). This does not mean that in all panel houses will have to make falsely and false-voltages to accommodate electrical wiring. According to the standards, you can lay the wiring in the furrows in the plastering layer, in special boxes and pipes, in the floor preparation layer or in special channels and voids of building structures. Mandatory condition: It must be made of the cable or be an insulated wire in a protective sheath.
  • The device of new loggias and terraces on the second and above the floors.
  • Reconstruction attic, technical floor.
  • Work on reorganization and (or) redevelopment in homes recognized in the prescribed manner of emergency.

Note that the re-equipment of the attic room under the attic refers to the reconstruction, and not to redevelopment and is regulated by completely other regulatory legal acts. In addition, for such a reconstruction, it is necessary to resolve all owners of the premises in the house, since the attic refers to their common property.

If you bought an apartment without finishing and there are no partitions and plumbing equipment in it, repair with redevelopment must be done on the project and get permission to it.

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Why no permission

These events are not considered to be reorganized or redeveloped and do not require documentary. In fact, these include changes that affect housing elements that are not displayed on the plans of the BTI or not indicated in the passport of the apartment.

  • Cosmetic repair of premises (including the replacement of wall coatings, floors, ceilings, exterior joinery elements, in particular, windows). Thus, now you can replace the old window blocks with new ones with double-glazed windows and do not worry that their color and binding drawing will be different from the initial one.
  • Device (disassembly) of built-in furniture (cabinets, antlesoles that do not form independent premises; their area is not subject to technical accounting).
  • Replacing engineering equipment similar by parameters and technical device (for example, the heating device is replaced by more modern, but the same power, but such an event must be coordinated with the management company).
  • Installation of outdoor technical means (antennas, air conditioners) on the facades of apartment buildings.
  • The glazing of loggias and balconies (except for houses related to the objects of cultural heritage).
  • The permutation of household electric stoves in the dimensions of the kitchen room.
  • Rearrangement of heating (heating) and gas appliances (except for the installation and permutation of gas devices with a gasket of additional supply networks). For example, the gas stove can be rearranged, only shortening the gas pipe or increasing it with a flexible metal hose that must be certified. These works have the right to carry out only employees of the Moscow State University "Mosgaz". But the towel rail in the bathroom can be deployed or transferred to another wall (heating appliances are not shown on the room plan). But the transfer of heating devices must be coordinated with the management company in order not to disrupt the operation of the central heating system or the DHW. To transfer the same gas column from the bathroom only to the kitchen or other non-residential premises, and perform this event only on the project.

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In what cases need to coordinate redevelopment

This is a job to fulfill the project.

  • Device and transfer of toilets and bathrooms.
  • It remains in force a ban on placing them over residential rooms and kitchens. Accordingly, the kitchen or even part of it can not be placed under the bathroom of the apartment located above.
  • Disassembling partitions, a device not closed doorways in partitions, enclosing gasified rooms.
  • As a result, it is impossible to combine the kitchen equipped with a gas stove or other gas devices, with a living room as part of the studio space.
  • The device of bearing walls. Such works are sometimes performed if it is necessary to strengthen the overlap over the room. But at the same time, the load on other walls is redistributed, which can lead to unacceptable deformations. Therefore, the project is needed.
  • Creation of openings in overlaps (when combined vertical) with the device of internal stairs.
  • A device or change in overlap designs conducted during the repair or replacement of existing ones.
  • Creation of openings in the carrier walls of the panel house and the intercircular partitions.
  • Close up of commercially completed openings in the bearing walls and overlaps. It does not matter who made the opening in the supporting structure - you or the former owner of the apartment. You will have to imagine not only the project, but also the technical conclusion about the admissibility of such a reorganization. The opening, coming up by your predecessor in the bearing wall, will not be able to simply close the plasterboard sheets.
  • Combining loggias with indoor rooms.

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  • Full or partial disassembly of undesupply partitions that perceive an additional excess load from overlapping (unloading). Unloading wooden partitions are designed to reduce the deformation of the bearing overlap structures, along which they are installed. In stone buildings with a rigid structural circuit, wooden partitions also allow to reduce spatial compliance and increase the stability of the construction as a whole. Such partitions are found in old houses with wooden and mixed overlaps. Their disassembly is possible only if the overlaps are strengthened, and it is necessary to perform it by the project.
  • The device of partitions in houses with wooden floors (residents of buildings built until the 60s of the twentieth century must first of all find out what their overlaps they have).
  • The device in apartment buildings with reinforced concrete floors of partitions that create excess loads on them (provided that the partitions with a thickness of more than 10 cm are made of bricks, puzzle, ceramzite concrete, foam concrete and gas-silicate blocks, or from other materials that have loads of more than 150 kg / m2). This refers to any houses - both full-blood and monolithic, since the limit values ​​of the loads and the effects on the elements when calculating the reinforced concrete structures are one for all.
  • Works on the device of floors, as well as the change in their design. In the floors, we will stop more detail, because when re-pleased, they are often faced with frivolous. Floor design includes several layers: base, thermal insulation, sound insulation, screed, upper (finishing) coating. There may be additional layers. The number of floor layers depends on the purpose of the room.

If only the finishing coating is changed or on top of the old lay a layer of new, work can be performed without negotiation (in the documents of the BTI type of coating do not yet indicate). However, to replace the coating associated with the disassembly of the old design (for example, you decided to laminate laminate instead of the linoleum and at the same time slightly increase the height of the ceiling), you will need to develop a project, at least in a simplified version.

The project device project includes floors of floors, the schemes of their device and waterproofing. If the connecting apartment passes in the floor, the project should provide measures to ensure its safety and safety. The project needs to be attached to the author's supervision. In the course of the device flooring, acts of examination of hidden work should be made. Most of all the claims from the neighbors occurs when laying a laminate, so that this coverage needs to be especially careful to do sound insulation.

In addition, let's say on the installation of washing and dishwashers, as well as hydromassage baths (in everyday life, we received the name "Jacuzzi"). Does it require permission? Washing and dishwashers, microwave furnaces, like irons, coffee machines, refrigerators, belong to household appliances, and do not coordinate their installation and the connection is not necessary, but only subject to the sharing of instrument data within the dedicated electrical power. This follows from paragraph 35 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006. N 307 "On the procedure for providing utilities to citizens." The hot tub and shower cabin are sanitary devices, and at present in houses with reinforced concrete floors such equipment can be mounted in return for old without additional matching. However, the installation of heavy jacuzzi baths on overlap, which are not designed for such loads (for example, wooden), is fraught with serious consequences for residents of apartments below. Therefore, in this case, a project is needed. If you want to organize a sauna with an electrically heating in the apartment, a project is required, providing special fire fighting events.

If the apartment is purchased without finishing and there are no partitions, no sanitary equipment, repair with redevelopment must be made by the project and get permission to it.

The owner or the employer of the apartment needs only to submit a minimum package of documents to the "single window" service. After 20 days (if the house is an object of cultural heritage - after 35 days), it will receive permission to redecessing or motivated failure.

What changes can be reported after

According to the decision N 508-PP, the performance of certain works can be issued after their completion - notifying, not receiving a preliminary permission. In other words, penalties for these events are not threatened with you.

  • Rearrangement of plumbing devices in existing toilet size, bathrooms, kitchens. Note that the fastening of the instruments and pipelines of sanitary-hygienic rooms to the ed-military walls enclosing residential rooms, and to their continuation outside the rooms is allowed only if the specified walls are made of bricks, have a thickness of at least 0.38 m and at the same time Complied regulatory requirements for sound and vibration insulation.
  • Close up of doorways in undesupply partitions.
  • The device of partitions without increasing loads on overlapping over a permissible level (referred to the partitions from the lungs of quick-scale structures - in this case, the load does not exceed the calculated).
  • Complete or partial disassembly of undesupply partitions (with the exception of intercastar).
  • Employing device in undesupply partitions (except for intercouqu). The possibility or inability to carry out work is determined by the main condition: they should not cause damage to the safety or constructive reliability of the building as a whole or its separate part, that is, should not violate the constitutional rights of other citizens associated with the protection of their lives and health.

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When to report redevelopment

Those who studied a variety of typical decisions of redevelopment of housing presented in the catalog of typical design solutions of redevelopment of apartments in residential buildings of mass series on the Moszhil's website, and found the appropriate option, can go in two ways. It all depends on whether a project is needed to implement a specific solution.
  • If it is not required, it is possible to first fulfill the work, and then report it to the housing inspection.
  • And if you like the redevelopment, it is possible to make only the project, you will have to get permission in the "one window" of the Moszhilospect. However, you do not need to contact the project organization - in the redevelopment statement, you must simply give a link to the selected option from the catalog. In the latter, not all series of houses are presented, but over time it will be replenished with new solutions.

Perhaps none of the options included in the catalog, you are not satisfied or your home is not built according to a typical, but according to an individual project. In this case, you will have to turn to the author of the project of this building or to another organization, which has permission to perform design work (the corresponding SRO tolerance) so that you fulfill the redevelopment project.

You have illegal redevelopment: what to do?

For those who have already changed the planning of their apartment, but did not make everything properly, the question is relevant: it is necessary to do it now, when it is no longer required to obtain permission to perform many works, and do the penalties threaten?

The apartment plan obtained in the BTI, on which there are no red lines, will necessarily need in cases where it is necessary to make any operations with this real estate, requiring a notary certificate. In addition, when making a mortgage loan to buy an apartment in the secondary market with a changed planning, the Bank makes a decision depending on whether the work done is legal. Sometimes the Bank requests such information in the Moszhilospect. The cost of an apartment with impassable redevelopment is significantly lower, as the new owner will have to legalize it and issue new technical records. According to the legislation, the new owner, acquiring the right to residential premises, begins to bear the responsibility associated with its illegal use.

To register the ownership of the purchased apartment (it does not matter whether unauthorized redevelopment is done in it), we need only a real estate plan. In this case, in the Count of Certificate of State Registration, which describes the object, make a mark: "Reference is made, not agreed in the prescribed manner."

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Now a few words about the fine for illegal redevelopment. Although Art. 7.21 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses no one has canceled, the Moszhilppection loyally refers to those who decided to voluntarily "surrender to the authorities." In relation to such citizens, there is a kind of "amnesty", that is, they cost without fines, but the analysis of changes is still carried out.

If the carrying structures and general property are not affected, the design of the work performed does not represent any difficulties and is purely notification. Somewhat more complicated if the changes made are included in the list of activities, for the implementation of which the project is necessary.

In this case, in order to legalize the redevelopment, it will be necessary to submit to the technical conclusion on the admissibility and safety of the work performed by an authorized project organization, in particular the MoszhilniaIproekt State Unitary Enterprise, and for typical houses - GUP MNEITP.

If the changes made violate the current standards and it is impossible to harmonize them, an unimprovant renewed room must be returned to its original state in accordance with the BTI plan. Well, if the owner or employer refuses to fulfill the legal requirements of the housing inspection, the case is transmitted to court. A detailed free consultation on each specific case of redevelopment of Muscovites can always be obtained in the inspection on the supervision of the reorganization of premises in residential buildings in its administrative district.

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