Instruction Washers: how to cut a junk smoothly


Reveal professional tricks, how to saw exactly wood and metal.

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Instruction Washers: how to cut a junk smoothly

With the help of jigsaw, wooden, plastic and metal blanks are treated. That's just at first it is not always possible to do smooth cuts. We'll figure it out how to cut the jigsaw smoothly and neatly.

All about how exactly sawing with an electroller

Features of equipment

What affects the accuracy of the cut

How to do straight cuts

- on wood

- Metal

Manual Lobzik work

Tool Features

The electrolovik is a device for sawing various materials by reciprocating the saw blade. The cutting element receives reciprocating vertical movements from the electric motor. So the propulsions are performed in the workpiece. Some models are additionally equipped with a pendulum move, which allows the beer simultaneously to move not only up and down, but also back and forth. This speeds up the cutting process.

The design of the tool includes a bed, housing and a drink with a mechanism for its fastening. The bed is the basis on which the remaining elements are fixed. It must be smooth, massive and durable. It depends on the accuracy of the direction of the cutting node, its vibration. In the case there are all equipment nodes. It is manufactured in two versions: with a "iron" or arcuate handle. The user selects for itself the most comfortable variety.

The mechanism for fastening the cutting element "answers" for the reliability of fixation, the accuracy of the direction and the absence of a backlash. Electrolovka are equipped with an additional snap-in helps to perform a smooth cut. This guide bus, side parallel focus, anticole liner. Pop Circular is useful for cutting circles.

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What affects the accuracy of the cut

So that the cut turned out to be smooth, it is necessary to choose an electrical device suitable for the material being processed. We list what you need to consider.

  • Power equipment. What it is higher, the less effort is applied when cutting. Vibration decreases, the risk of bending the pink and move it to the side is reduced.
  • The number of revolutions or frequency of the stroke. For hard metal, for example, steel, low values ​​are chosen for soft wood - high.
  • Pilking length. The wider the billet, the longer the blade should be. The discrepancy between these sizes provokes vibration, the peak mode of the instrument. The seam is often broken - uneven edges and chips are formed, its width increases.
  • Blades thickness. Determines its rigidity. The thicker item, the better it retains perpendicularity relative to the workpiece, the quality of the cut is increasing, the risk of "care" is reduced to the side.
  • Pink width. The wider the item, the easier it is to save the direction of cutting. Wide plates are used for sawing in a straight line, narrow are used for curvilinear sections.
  • Pag of teeth. Selected under the type of material. For example, a step to 1 mm is designed for metal, in the range of 2-3 mm - for furniture shields, laminate or parquet board, in the range of 3-6 mm - for coarse tree processing.

The blade material may be different. This affects its rigidity, strength and sharpness of teeth. We produce piles with different characteristics for metal, wood, ceramics, plastic.

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How to make a logo saw straight

The sawing process is made up of several stages, listed them.

  1. Select the blade of the desired length, thickness and widths. Recall it with dimensions and material of the workpiece.
  2. Choose and adjust the work move. Determine the need for pendulum stroke. If high speed is required, it is left. For cleanliness, the cut is turned off.
  3. Choose and, if necessary, install an additional snap.
  4. Prepare workplace. Mandatory durable stable stand. It is desirable that its surface is smooth.
  5. Slip the cutting line. It is best to use a black marker, it is clearly visible. So do if you can leave traces. Otherwise, a simple pencil is used. It is easily erased by an eraser.
  6. The workpiece is fixed on the stand. It should be firmly fixed, without the possibility of motion to the parties. If the item does not fully fit on the surface, the supports are installed under the hanging part. Otherwise, it will interfere with sawing.
  7. Pilate a blank on the markup.

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The sawing process is somewhat different depending on the material being processed. We will analyze how correctly and smoothly cut the jigsaw.


The included electrolybiz is put on the surface of the part so that the front of the soles felt tightly to the base. A loose fit at the beginning of the cut can provoke a blow and severe vibration. As a result, the blade will move to the side. Well, if there is a "Smooth Start" function. Then the electric motor smoothly takes the revolutions, which will exclude the jerk. No need to put pressure on the tool, he must move himself. It will be slow, but for sure.

The user needs to control the markup ratio and the cut point. Assist in this can backlight or laser beam, as well as blowing. Sawdles are blown away from marking, it should be clearly visible. It should not be hoped for an additional snap. Visual process control should be permanent.

For the smooth side of the partable part it is advisable to use lateral emphasis. Split wood along the fibers is best with the pendulum turned on. This reduces the risk of peeling from the trajectory and increases the speed of work. Semi-finished products made of softwood large thicknesses, over 45-60 mm, saw on the minimum longitudinal feed. This reduces the risk of curvature of the slice plane. At elevated pressure, inclined propyl is obtained, which is undesirable.

Similarly, they work with glued products and solid wood, and in this case, the recommendations are valid for a smaller thickness of the workpiece. In the process of sawing, cutting resistance may increase. This means that the cutting knot fumbled and it must be replaced. Other signs of the attempted tool - change its color and heating.

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The electroll bison should not handle the metal canvas with a thickness of more than 10-12 mm. To work, choose a special pink for metal with small teeth.

The pendulum mechanism is disconnected, select the minimum frequency of the working stroke. If the workpiece is very thin, up to 2-5 mm inclusive, it is best to fix it between two plates of fiberboard. So it will be possible to cut the part exactly, reduce vibration and rattling. The cut line in this case is planned on wood cooker.

When cutting, the metal is subjected to significant loads, so it must be securely fixed. But it is necessary to do it so that the blade is fluently moving vertically. Cut the metal semi-finished product easier using lubrication, it improves gliding. For this, the trajectory is applied dropwise machine oil. Cutting thick plates spend gradually with mandatory breaks for cooling the equipment and the cutting node.

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Features manual instrument

Not only power tools, but also manual fixture is applied. Before processing, the semi-finished product is reliably fixed, markup is applied to its surface. We list the basic rules how exactly sawing with a manual jigsaw.

  • In the process of cutting the tool moves strictly up-down.
  • The amplitude of vertical movements should be maximum so that the entire length of the peel is involved.
  • Pilyat without jerks and sharp movements, very smoothly and slow.
  • It is impossible to put pressure on the cutting node much, otherwise the accuracy of the cut will suffer. If you need to change the direction, the second hand is gently moved or deployed the processed part.

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We must know that the cutter is performed only at the time of the blade movement from top to bottom. Therefore, it should be moved freely, without push. Important moment. When drinking, the pail leads along the inside of the outlined circuit. Making the line of the mark should not be made, because even a very thin canvas will leave some width. This is especially important if an accurate fit of the heated elements is required.

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