Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places


In the economic closet, in a niche or on a warmed loggia - we tell where to hide household equipment and that it is worth considering.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_1

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places

It is not so easy to find a place for household appliances in the house, especially if we are talking about housing a small area. It is important that this space is comfortable, and the devices could be easily delivered. We tell where to keep the vacuum cleaner in the apartment so that they are comfortable to use.

Once reading? In the video showed all 8 convenient storage locations

All about the storage of the vacuum cleaner

What you need to consider

Ideas for accommodation:

- Standow

- Cupboard

- Special holders

- Postirochny

- Niche

- Loggia

- Wardrobe

- space under the stairs

What to take into account when choosing a place

The choice of place to accommodate the vacuum cleaner depends on your lifestyle. Think about how often we retire at home, how many times a week I vacuum. If you are accustomed to do it daily, the technique should always be at hand. To get every day the disassembled model from the depth of the cabinet will be uncomfortable.

It is also important to have anyone vacuum. For example, if you charge cleaning to children, the storage should not be difficult. A teenager may not cope with the assembly of technology, and he will have to call adults every time.

The second point of which it is worth thinking is the model and design of the device. There are both compact wireless options and very large construction. Close to your model and determine if the device is removed from the device and where it is attached, to how many parts can be disassembled, is there a place for nozzles, how to put (vertically or horizontally). If you fail to quickly understand these moments, then look into the instructions. There always describe in detail the components of the device and storage conditions.

And the third moment about which you should not forget - these are important requirements put forward to the location. Store the vacuum cleaner, as a rule, it is necessary in a dry room at a temperature not more than 40 ° C and a low level of humidity. Therefore, you should not leave it near the hot battery and under the right sunlight. It is also not recommended to post technique in the bathroom - there is very humid and hot. For any household appliances, sharp drops of temperatures are dedicated, so it is worth avoiding places where such can happen.

After you consider all these items, you can go to find a suitable storage space.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_3

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Where to hide the vacuum cleaner in the apartment

1. Put in the storage room

In the storerooms often place various accessories and techniques: a washing machine, mop, iron, detergents, tools. It all depends on the size of the room. If you have this, most likely, there is a place for a vacuum cleaner in it. In this case, the device will always be at hand, and at the same time hidden from strange eyes.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_5
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_6
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_7
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_8
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_9

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_10

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_11

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_12

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_13

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_14

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2. Place in the closet

The wardrobe is a place where the vacuum cleaner is most often stored in a small apartment. In small fleets rarely equip the storage rooms due to place saving, and there are not always loggias and balconies. Therefore, hide household equipment is the easiest enough to the right shelf. If it should be stored vertically, you will have to provide a high section. If the model is collapsible, then place it in parts.

Put the economic cabinet can be in any free place of the apartment. Often, this is located in the corridor and hallway, sometimes in the room or in the kitchen. If we are talking about home appliances, which during storage should be recharged, then inside it is necessary to place a socket. Otherwise, the wires from the extensionists will spoil all your efforts.

If the economic cabinet has nowhere to put, try to highlight a part of the wrapping. For example, disassemble the device and take it one shelf. Vertical can be placed in the wardrobe with clothing. For this, it will take a section with a height of at least 1.5 meters. However, keeping equipment for cleaning next to textiles is not the best option. You will have every time to wipe it from dust so that it is not staining things. But it is possible to provide additional cover that is put on the device.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_16
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_17
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_18
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_19
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_20
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_21
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_22
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_23
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_24
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_25
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_26

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_27

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_28

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_29

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_30

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_31

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_32

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_33

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_34

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_35

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_36

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_37

3. Use holders and retractable designs

Special holders can be used in different ways: just attach to the wall in any room or equip the cabinet. You can find them in stores for home. Pay attention to the third photo in the gallery: on it the mount was placed on the door, and the device itself was put in the closet. This method of organization makes storage convenient and compact.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_38
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_39
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_40
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_41

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_42

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_43

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_44

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_45

4. Find a place in the post

If there is a place in your home or apartment, then you can place household appliances in it. However, be careful and consider the conditions: if in this room you often dry underwear, then it may be too wet. In this case, the device is not stored there.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_46
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_47
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_48
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_49

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_50

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_51

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_52

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_53

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5. Place in niche

Under the niche is meant any free space in which walls or furniture are performed. The technique can be put between any cabinet and wall. For example, a small wireless vacuum cleaner will easily fit there, which is put on the stand. Ideal if the socket from which it charges will not far.

If your apartment has a big niche, then it is possible to organize a full-fledged household cabinet. Look at the second photo in the gallery. Here the shelf, hooks and convenient rawing were added to Niche, and the door that hides the contents from prying eyes.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_55
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_56

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_57

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_58

6. Find a place on the loggia

If you have a loggia in the apartment, then you can place the device on it. However, it must be insulated. Otherwise, the variable temperature and humidity will spoil the device. The vacuum cleaner can be stored on the balcony even in winter, if it is carefully insulated from the cold.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_59
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_60
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_61

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_62

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_63

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_64

7. Remove in the dressing room

This option is similar to storage in the storage room, but here it is implied primarily by placing clothes. If there is enough space for an additional wardrobe, equip such for household appliances. It is convenient: it can accommodate the iron, steamer, vacuum cleaner. Also enough space for ironing boards and other devices. A separate section will protect clothing from dust that can be assembled on devices after cleaning.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_65
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_66

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_67

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_68

8. Equip the space under the stairs

This option is for country houses and two-level apartments. Usually this space is empty and it is not so easy to organize it. Sometimes they equip the storage of products for cleaning. Especially if it is not about the front staircase. In the case of the latter, you can embed special sections that will be invisible to others. But such structures need to be made under the order, the price of them can be quite high.

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_69
Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_70

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_71

Where to keep a vacuum cleaner in the apartment: 8 convenient places 636_72

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