5 dominant trends in modern housekeeping


We analyzed the catalogs of large companies that develop projects of houses, and allocated the main trends of our time.

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5 dominant trends in modern housekeeping

Over the past 5-7 years, the number of finished projects-solutions of private houses has increased markedly. The fact is that more and more residents of megacities decide to move for the city. However, even in the matter of choice of at home, we are seeing an interesting trend: typical projects are little attracted by potential tenants, and the demand for copyright projects that combine style, practicality and functionality are growing significantly every year. What trends dominate in house-building today?

1 minimalism as a direction

The most efficient use of each square meter of housing in Europeans and residents of Asia seems to be laid genetically. For example, in Japan, a family can exceed 20 square meters in an apartment. m. In the Russian housing market, global trends gradually find a response when designing home and now we are observing that in modern projects there are fewer luxury palaces in the Baroque style. They replaced the more compact buildings of strict forms, while not deprived of interesting decisions. After all, at the expense of rational planning (specialists who, certainly, worked) even on a small area, it is possible to place all elements of furniture and infrastructure. Designers are trying to avoid complex broken lines, giving priorities for simplicity and functionality.

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2 Original Roof Designs

Such a popular solution as a metal tile has already managed to become the norm. Nowhere to go nowhere: in many corners of Germany and the Netherlands, the material and even the color of the roof dictate the local authorities or the owners of the villages. We have such tough rules, fortunately, no, so modern projects of houses are distinguished by a variety of roofs. It is curious that on the wave of searching original solutions, designers are increasingly returning to a slightly forgotten folding roof design. In the XIX century, the folded metal roof was a symbol of the owner of the owner of the house. But with time new materials began to appear: slate, galvanized wave leaf, soft materials ...

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Today, folding roofs are worried about the second birth. This is one of those designs that accounted for moral and engineers, and designers. Techinari knows that Falsa as a connection is one of the most reliable ways to ensure the roof of tightness for many years. In other words, the term of the random operation of the fold itself is about the same as the metal from which sheets are made. Designers also like pure strict lines of this type of roofs - they perfectly fit into any project of the house. In addition, large manufacturers can find not only a large assortment of solutions, but also different textures. For example, in the range of Severstal, there are several series of folding roofing materials: "Steel silk" with a smooth color polymer coating, "steel velvet" already with a textured coating, "steel cashmere", in which both options can be combined. By the way, this is one of the few manufacturers who produces a roof according to GOST and gives a guarantee from end-to-end corrosion to 50 years.

Fold structures began to use both in the facades finish: they are perfectly looking in the stylistry inarnhouse (at home of simple forms that were previously characteristic of economic buildings).

Anatoly Panin, the expert on the shelf ...

Anatoly Panin, an expert on the roof with 25 years of experience:

When choosing a material for a folding roof it is fundamentally important to pay attention to its characteristics. The thickness of the steel base, the amount of zinc and the type of polymer coating determine the durability of the folding roof, resistance to corrosion, environmental exposure and service life. It is no less important that the metal of such leading manufacturers, as Severstal, corresponds to the declared characteristics and GOST. For example, a guarantee against end-cutting corrosion of rolled "Steel Shelk" (metal thickness - 0.5 mm, zinc weight - 180 - 275 g / m², smooth color polyester coating 25 - 30 microns) and steel velvet (with textured polyester coating 30 microns) - up to 25 years. Twice more warranty for rental "steel cashmere" with a mass of zinc - 275 g / m², and a simple or textured polyurethane coating.

3 less floors

Another legacy of the Soviet era, whose echoes have long imposed standards in the house-building, is a desire to fit as much as possible living space in the standard area. That is why the floors in country houses were solid (connected only by stairs), and the ceilings at the level of 2.5-2.7 m did not embarrass anyone.

Since the country life has become associated with comfort, much has changed. Now in the catalogs of a large designer bureau you will find a lot of projects of fairly high houses of everything with one floor. No horizontal barriers - even the roof is covered by lags. So you get an additional space that, with a small size of the room, makes it spacious, adds "air".

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The compromise option is a living room with a high ceiling and the second floor, which occupies only part of the area of ​​the first.

4 Panoramic glazing

Another 10 years ago, projects with panoramic glazed could be recalculated on the fingers. There are two reasons for this. First, even on a new generation of Russian homeowners actively crushed outdated standards: no large glasses, only metal doors, deaf fences, etc. Secondly, it was not difficult to produce a panoramic window. Therefore, such solutions were expensive and often used in commercial buildings.

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Today, in projects of houses you can meet not just big glasses, but also designs with barebacks or glass angles! It is not necessary for security to worry: most of the villages are protected well, besides, the insurance of country houses and property leads to the habit.

5 large glazed terraces

Country life is different from the urban, that you are not locked in the "box" .. if not so long ago a favorite vacation spot of country residents were gazebos, today there are increasingly large terraces in the projects of houses. They can be installed a rocking chair or barbecue - this is indeed a practical and universal solution that can raise your level of comfort to the step above. By the way, there are always no steps and tracks on the terrace you can always go out in domestic slippers. Residents of the middle strip of Russia are increasingly preferred to complement the terrace with glazing to effectively use it even late in autumn. At the same time, if you analyze modern projects, glazing is usually performed in the form of sliding frames in the entire height of the walls. Such can be opened in good weather and enjoy fresh air and stunning views.

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