5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house


We tell how to turn the bedroom into the most comfortable space in which it will be pleasant to sleep and relax.

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_1

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house

1 Dense curtains

If you can buy only one item in the bedroom - let it be dense curtains. There are roller blackout models, they are best suited, since they do not miss the light at all. If they do not like or fit into the interior, take long fabric curtains from dense dark textiles. You can hang with light translucent curtains for them, which will cover the window during the day, and the dark time to move away.

What will it give

After a couple of weeks after replacing the curtains, you will begin to notice that they began to fall asleep faster and hard to sleep, it is less likely to wake up in the middle of the night. In complete darkness, melatonin is well produced, which the body cannot obtain in another way.

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_3
5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_4

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_5

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_6

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2 calm color palette

The color palette is a question of taste, but if you need a living room and sleep, it's better to look at calm neutral shades. They do not have to be blond - muffled dark gray, blue or green will also fit.

What will it give

Our brain reacts in different ways to various colors. Bright saturated paints make it angry and help to concentrate. And the muffled and calm do not cause such a reaction and therefore, entering the room, you will automatically start relax.

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_8
5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_9

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_10

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_11

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3 Some decor

On the one hand, the interior of the bedroom is important not to overload, as the visual noise does not give to relax. But on the other - if you want to enjoy finding the room, you need to decorate a little. Choose two or three subjects that fit well in the style and raise your mood.

What will it give

Beautiful decor that you chose yourself pleases and helps to love the interior. You will be nice to wake up and be in the decorated room.

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_13
5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_14

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_15

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_16

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4 Correct bed

It is very important to do so that it is the bed that the bed occupied the main place in the bedroom composition. Choose where to put it first, and cabinets, dressers and other furniture place on the remaining free place. Be careful to the location of the battery, windows and doors. Next to the heater may be hot, and you will sleep badly. Next to the door may be uncomfortable psychologically. Proximity to the window is a matter of taste. Someone likes, waking up, push the chart and look at the waking city, someone - no.

What will it give

If the main place is assigned under the bed, then the room immediately configures on vacation. And comfortable sleep is more important than the bulk storage system or workplace.

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_18
5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_19

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_20

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_21

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5 Soft lighting

Pick for the bedroom are not too bright light bulbs with warm light. And be sure to think about the switches near the head of the floor so that you do not have to go to the door every time, and then go back to bed in the dark.

Also add one or two muffled light sources to, when you relax in bed before bedtime, you didn't beat the ceiling light. In addition, it is convenient if you need to get up at night.

What will it give

For a healthy sleep, you need to spend an hour in front of him. Enlarge yourself only in a non-lame scattered light so that the brain is gradually rebuilt on the night mode.

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_23
5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_24

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_25

5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house 642_26

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