How to install a toilet bowl: 3 proven method


We give step-by-step instructions, how to fix the toilet to anchor bolts, internal attachments and without anchors (for glue).

How to install a toilet bowl: 3 proven method 6439_1

How to install a toilet bowl: 3 proven method

Bathroom - room with high humidity and increased cleanliness requirements. Therefore, it is very often decorated with a cafeter. Installing the toilet to the tiled floor is carried out quickly and without the use of special tools. We will understand what methods are used to consolidate and how to do everything right.

All about installing the toilet bowl on tile facing

Preparation for mounting

Installation methods

  1. On anchor
  2. On brackets
  3. On glue


Preparation for mounting

Before installing the toilet to the tile with your own hands, you need to conduct preparatory activities. They are in the preparation of the surface and pipes. The toilet is connected to the sewer riser and to the water supply, so all the necessary highways must be summarized and ready to connect to the device. The back of the plumbing is put on the wall so that the drain is above the sewer nozzle. Otherwise, it is possible to force fluid in the pipe, which is fraught with the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

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Toilet bowl with Bach Outdoor Cersanit

Well, if the conclusion of the plumbing equipment is precisely included in the sewage pipe. In this case, no adapters will be required. If this is not the case, you need to prepare additional items: plastic parts or corrugations. Working with the latter is much easier. To connect water, a flexible hose is used, which is fixed using a threaded connection.

Paul should also be prepared. The surface must be smooth, without drops and protruding elements. Very rare, but this happens. In this case, all significant roughness rubbed the sandpaper or neatly removed by the chisel. Worse, if irregularities are too large. Then you have to take care of the lining plate, which levels them. The tile must be cleaned before work so that the dirt and garbage are not under the device.

How to install a toilet bowl: 3 proven method 6439_4

Ways to install the toilet to the tiled floor do it yourself

To secure plumbing to the base, three methods are used: on an external or inner mount, for glue. Everyone has its drawbacks and advantages. So, the easiest way to put the equipment to external fasteners. It's simple, quickly and reliably. True, the attachments remain in sight. This shortage is deprived of the installation method on the inner bracket. It turns out reliably and beautiful, but the work is complicated.

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Toilet with Bach Outdoor Roca The Gap

Both options suggest the drilling of the floor covering, which is not always possible. If, for example, a warm floor is laid, you have to choose another method of fastening. In this case, the plumbing is glued to the base using different compositions for this. The process is very simple, but the result is not always reliable. Therefore, they choose glue only when it is impossible in a different way. We will analyze all three techniques in detail.

1. Fixing on anchor bolts

So put only devices, at the base of which there are mounting holes. In the configuration of the equipment there must be bolts and decorative plugs. If they are not, you need to buy. In addition, they will need a drill and two drills for a concrete basis and ceramics for 8-10 mm, a key, anchor with liners, sealant, hammer, a pencil for marking.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We carry out markup. To do this, we put Sanfayans to the place where it will be located, circle along the contour. Insert a pencil into each mounting hole, make a label.
  2. Drills landing sockets. We begin with a notch core exactly in the center of the previously set markers. It will help the drill to keep on slippery surface. Drilling start the tile tool. Then, when ceramics will be passed, change it to the drill for concrete. The penetration depth is determined by the length of anchors.
  3. Prepared deepening vacuum cleaners to remove dust from them. Insert the liners from the plastic so that the upper edge falls below the tile. We put them in place with a queen or a hammer. Before that, you can enter some glue. Some masters assure that so fasteners will be stronger.
  4. We put the device for the base. But first we apply to the edge of its sole layer of silicone sealant. Alternatively, you can lay the strip of the composition of the contour separated on the floor.
  5. Fix equipment. Insert anchor in the nest prepared for it. Important point: necessarily the presence of rubber gasket between anchor bolt and ceramic leg. Otherwise, an excessive force in its tightening will provoke the splitting of Sanfayans. Ostive tighten the anchor. Check the quality of the installation, if necessary, I pull the fastener slightly. We close the hats with decorative lining.
  6. We remove from covering the surplus sealant, speaking in the process of work. We remove them with a soft rubber spatula or moistened in the water.
In addition, we offer video on how to install the toilet to the tile on the anchor bolts.

2. Installation on internal mounts

It is possible only for devices with hidden inside brackets. They are attached to the surface, then Sanafayens is installed on them. We will need a drill to it drill on the cafél and concrete, key, sealant, pencil. We offer a step-by-step description, how to install the toilet to the tile.

Installation Instructions

  1. We carry out the fittings of the brackets. To do this, carefully turn the pluck, check its compatibility with fasteners.
  2. We carry out markup. We put the device on the base, we supply it along the edge of the sole. We celebrate the sections where fasteners should be.
  3. Drilling nests for anchor. In the location scheduled on the tile, the core perform a notch that reliably keep the drill. So far, do not reach the concrete drilling nozzles for the tile. Then we put the winning drill, work on. Depth is determined by the dimensions of the anchor.
  4. We remove dust and crumb from deepening. We take plastic liners, insert them so that the upper edge falls below the tiled plate.
  5. We put the brackets in place, reliably fix them with anchor bolts.
  6. We wash the sealant the installation circuit on the tile or the edge of the Sanfayans legs. I exhibit it in place, slightly pressed to the floor.
  7. Fix equipment. Through the side openings insert the fasteners, we spend them through the brackets, tighten. Check how firmly the device is worth. If necessary, pull up more.
  8. Remove the surplus silicone, if necessary, shouting the gap between the coating and the leg.

Important moment. If plastic brackets, and this most often happens, when installed on an uneven surface, they are deformed over time. The toilet will start shifting or staggering. Therefore, before the installation starts, you must track the horizontal, if necessary, put the leveling plates or something like that.

How to install a toilet bowl: 3 proven method 6439_6

3. Fastening without anchors

The only option to secure Sanatayans where the drilling is impossible. For this, only equipment with a large volume of large volume is suitable. This draws attention to when buying.

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Toilet with Bach Outdoor Sanita

Options for adhesive compositions

  • Liquid Nails. Choose preparations with acrylic or neoprene components. The last option is toxic, but it is better to hold plumbing equipment. Liquid moisture resistant nails are durable, resistant to any mechanical impact. Catch very quickly, so it is impossible to slow down with the adjustment in the process. Future dismantling will be difficult. Remove the plumbing is hardly possible.
  • Silicone sealant. Preparations are used on acetic basis and neutral. In both cases, the seam may not be durable enough, so they choose silicone not always. The main advantage is quick installation, because it will dry the composition for a long time. Sealant thermosetics, moistureproof. In the presence of special additives, antibacterial properties receive. Dismantling does not cause difficulties.
  • Epoxy formulations. Penetrated into the structure of the joint materials, ensuring the maximum strength of the seam. Universal to use, waterproof, relatively quickly dry. Dismantling is complicated, as a result, most often have to change not only plumbing, but also the tile. Available in various versions: liquid, powder, paste. Preparation of composition for gluing.

Toilet bowl with Bach Outdoor Cersanit Carina Clean ON

Toilet bowl with Bach Outdoor Cersanit Carina Clean ON

Sometimes it is glued to cement. This is an outdated, quite a time-consuming method, not always gives the desired result. We will analyze how to properly install the toilet to the tiled floor with glue.

Install the toilet

  1. We carry out markup. We put Sanafayans on the floor, slightly press on top and supply a pencil.
  2. Cooking outdoor coverage. For a good adhesion with adhesive drug, a rough surface is needed. If the tile is smooth, it is easy to fix it with your own hands. The portion of the future contact is cleaned by the emery skirt. We wash off dust, dry the surface. If you require instructions for glue, additionally degrease the base.
  3. Painting or ordinary tape carefully gently glue the outer edge of the marked circuit. So we will protect the tile from pollution.
  4. We apply glue to the base of the sole. We put Sanatayans on the floor, trying to get exactly in the marked contour. If necessary, adjust the position of the device. Click it to the base.
  5. Gently remove the tape. Spatula Remove the speaking excess adhesive drugs.

It is impossible to use the equipment at least a day, during this time the glue completely curses. You can find accurate information if you read the manufacturer's instructions.

How to install a toilet bowl: 3 proven method 6439_9

Common mistakes

Sometimes inexperienced masters make mistakes that spoil all the work done. We will analyze the most common of them.

  • Insufficient leveling of the base. Horizontal tracking using level. Otherwise, leaks may appear, other breakdowns.
  • Poor-quality sealing. Leads to the appearance of leaks, unpleasant odor. It is important to use only high-quality components and materials. All operations are neat and according to the instructions.

How to install a toilet bowl: 3 proven method 6439_10

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