6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home


Lavender, Orego, Hoya and Gardenia - tell about the useful and beautiful plants that fill the house with a pleasant aroma.

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_1

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home

1 lavender

Lavender is a herbaceous plant that is considered wildlife. Its smell is soothing, so dried lavender is often present in the aromasasha, as well as a component of different means. Also added to tea and even some dishes. The flavor of the plant is light and unobtrusive. If you do not like bright and juicy smells, then stop the choice on it.

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During the flowering period, lavender decorate small purple blue flowers. If you put it in a ceramic pot, the composition will become a wonderful interior decoration.

The plant is quite capricious and requires careful care. For him, the overeximation of the soil is detrimental, but also does not love drought. It is necessary to watered with little and often, while not to give the soil to dry more than 1/3. Be sure to use drainage, which will absorb extra moisture. It will keep the lavender from overflows.

Put it in the solar place of the apartment - she loves a large amount of light. If it is not enough, then it may be worth thinking about buying a special lamp.

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6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_5

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_6

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_7

  • 6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_8

2 oregano (fragrant oregano)

We are accustomed to growing oregano on a garden and add it as seasoning to Italian dishes. However, it can be placed in a pot and keep at home. In this case, you will not only have spices at hand, but also a beautiful green plant. By the way, you can put it right on the window sill kitchen.

Oregano is easy to grow from seeds or buy a sprouted bush in the store. It is necessary to water it every 4 days. At the same time, it is important not to pour, because of this, the plant may die.

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6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_10

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_11

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_12

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3 peppermint

Mint is undemanding, but a very fragrant plant that is easy to grow at home. Like Orego, it can be put in the ground in the form of seeds. Either buy an ordinary beam at the grocery store or on the market, take one twig and put into the water. About 7 days should appear roots. After the twig you need to put in the ground.

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Mint loves light, so it is worth putting it on the windowsill on the sunny side of the house. It should be watering as often as the soil dries. You can simply check it out: stick a wand or finger if the ground is dry, I need watering. When mint slows down, watering stands just less often.

In addition to fresh and pleasant fragrance, this plant will bring you a lot of benefit. It can be added to tea, dry and make sachet, use to prepare mojito and other lemonade. Another unusual way that is suitable for home spa is chopped by fresh leaves, put in a small walker and put on the edge of the bath when accepting it. Hot couples and thin smell of mint turns into aromatherapy session and help relax

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6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_16

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_17

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_18

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4 Hoya

The second name of Hoya - Wax Ivy. This is a tropical evergreen plant, the leaves of which are really covered with wax. It looks sufficiently unusual: during the flowering period is covered with clusters of flowers, which are similar to small bouquets from afar. It is thanks to them that the plant has an unusual aroma, similar to the sophisticated perfume.

Hoyy is not recommended to put in the bedroom, because the smell is very rich and bright, sleep with this will be difficult. And if you want to transfer the plant to another room, then most likely it will reset the leaves.

Water hauy needed regularly. In the warm season (March-October) - every 7 days. With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to 1 time in 2 weeks.

Be carefully, Hoya is a poisonous plant. All parts are dangerous: both flowers and stems. It is impossible to get juice on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to work with it only in gloves.

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6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_21
6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_22

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_23

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_24

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_25

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5 Fragrant geranium

This evergreen plant is not demanding in care. You can deliver it both in a very bright place and in the half. Ideally, if you find a place in the room where the sun looks at all afternoon. The plant is not recommended to spray. It is worth watering as the soil drying.

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Geranium blooms almost all year round with bright inflorescences, so it will delight you from day to day. In addition, it is very useful. The plant is capable of cleaning the air, scare insects, for example, mosquitoes, and also has antiviral properties.

The smell of geranium is strong and specific. Therefore, before choosing a certain variety, it is better to sniff a plant in the store. So you can choose exactly the one that will like most. Gardeners note that different geranium varieties can smell apples, lemons and even nutmeg.

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6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_29

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_30

6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_31

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6 Garia

This is a tropical plant that is pretty picky to the environment surrounding it. He needs a large number of bright light: 6-8 hours a day. Gardenia loves warmth and humidity, does not tolerate a strong fluctuation of temperature. It must often spray, regularly water, not allow the soil to stop. Also you can't pour. It is better to pick up a good drainage, he will lock the plant from it.

But the complexity of growing pays for large creamy white flowers, which have a delicious magnificent smell. In the interior, the plant looks strictly and very stylish.

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6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_34

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6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home 646_36

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