Check list: 51 Important purchase for self-repair


In our selection, a complete list of tools and materials that you need: from the respirator to the finish finish.

Check list: 51 Important purchase for self-repair 6507_1

Check list: 51 Important purchase for self-repair

For repair in any room

In whatever room you did not plan to start repair, you will need universal items to protect against injuries in any case.

Means of protection

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  1. Protective glasses.
  2. Respirator. An ordinary thin respirator from the pharmacy is not suitable, look for the desired model with a good degree of protection against dust and toxic substances in building stores.
  3. Overalls. During the finishing work, you can wear a protective overalls, also working with any tools, wear tight protective gloves so as not to get irritation and not injure your nails.
  4. Helmet. If you remove the partition, cut something or drill, it will not be superfluous to put on a helmet with a protective glass for a person in case of fragments or small debris.

Respirator Sibrth

Respirator Sibrth


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  1. A pair of extension cords.
  2. Portable lamp in the protective grid. It will help make sure that the sockets are connected and work properly, but it will not be a risk of injury if the light bulb is bursting.
  3. Protective corrugations.
  4. Mounting and junction boxes.
  5. Cables.

Extension on the coil of Power Cube

Extension on the coil of Power Cube

Measuring tools

For accurate measurements, the following items will need.

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  1. Notebook and handle, crayons, markers.
  2. Line.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Construction kitchen - to check straight angles.
  5. Laser level (level).

Laser level Instrumax Element 2D

Laser level Instrumax Element 2D

For repair in the bathroom

If you are going to make repairs in the bathroom, you need to prepare for working with tiles, plumbing and pipes.

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  1. Platekorez. Cheaper to buy mechanical, but if there are a lot of tiles, the electric will save time. It is not worth replacing the tiles on the grinder, as it is designed to smoothly cut the tile without creating chips and cracks.
  2. Tool for mounting water pipes. It is selected depending on the material of the pipes: metal or plastic.
  3. Rubber cizyanka. It is needed to tightly and smoothly plant a tile.
  4. Spatulas: rubber and steel. The first is needed for uniform distribution of grouts, and the second - for applying glue. It is also worth looking for a subtle sharp spatula who makes a deepening in the grout between the tiles, so that it looks aesthetic.
  5. Pipes with all the necessary fittings: taps, couplings, valves and tees.
  6. Flexible hose to connect toilet bowl with water supply.
  7. Tile glue and grout.
  8. Waterproofing: rolls - for floors and penetrating - for ceiling.
  9. Finishing: ceramic tile, moisture resistant paint, plastic panels or moisture-resistant wallpapers.
  10. Sealant and plinth for the processing of the junction between the bathroom and tiles.

Spatula Dominus.

Spatula Dominus.



For finishing work in residential rooms

We offer a complete list of tools and items to dismantle the old finish and laying a new one.

For ceiling

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In order to remove the old paint from the ceiling and prepare it to repaint, you will need:

  1. Sandpaper (coarse and fine-grained).
  2. Paint and pigment.
  3. Two species putty: starting and finishing.
  4. Rolls and brushes.
  5. Protective film for walls, windows and gender.

Putty Knauf Rotband Finish

Putty Knauf Rotband Finish

For painting walls

The most affordable way to update the walls with your own hands is to paint the walls. To do this, you will need:
  1. Plastic cuvette for paint. It is best to choose an option with a side, about which you can remove the surplus paint from the roller.
  2. Roller, medium or large size.
  3. Putty and primer.
  4. Rolling.
  5. Emulsion or acrylic paint.

For wall pasting wallpaper

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  1. Paint bath.
  2. Roller with a pile of medium length.
  3. Rubber roller for rolling wallpaper and roller for corners.
  4. Plumb and pencil.
  5. Roulette and level.
  6. Wall-made glue.
  7. Wallpaper. The easiest is to glue ordinary paper or fliseline.

Roller for seams of wallpaper

Roller for seams of wallpaper



For floors

Repair and laying of the new floor are divided into several stages. At the stage of cutting floor covering, the following tools will be needed.

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  1. Platekorez or Basic saw.
  2. Pillet for jigsaw.
  3. Stuslo.
  4. Laser level.
  5. Construction plumb and floor beacon.
  6. Material for screed.
  7. Raquel.
  8. Strip or milling machine, if the floor is concrete.
  9. Finishing materials that can be laid without professionals: linoleum, laminate, ceramic tile, carpet.

Stove Stavr.

Stove Stavr.

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