How and how to drill a porcelain tile


We tell about five types of dried, choose the best and give step-by-step instructions for drilling holes in the tile.

How and how to drill a porcelain tile 6510_1

How and how to drill a porcelain tile

The porcelain tile has good consumer qualities, so it is constantly used in the decoration of modern apartments and houses. It is not surprising that the need to process such a cladding occurs quite often. For this apply different technologies and fixtures. Tell how to drill a porcelain tile on the floor or on the wall.

All about the drilling of porcelain

Choosing a drill
  • Wison Bur.
  • With diamond spraying
  • Crowns
  • Feathers
  • Ballerinka

Drilling process

  • Brown
  • Crown
  • Ballerina

Cooling tool

Which drill to choose

The material is distinguished by a high level of strength, it will take a special tool to work with it, which can also be used and unprofessional. Consider how to drill a porcelain tile at home.

Wison Bur.

The most economical option is a drill with a winning tip. Its cutting part is made of a special solid alloy, which perfectly copes with a cafeter, brick and concrete. However, for porcelain stoneware, the product is still not intended, so after drilling two or three holes it will have to be thrown away.

It should be noted that the battles will win ...

It should be noted that the overheating will be afraid, besides, dried a small diameter (4-5 mm) in the process of work can break, so you need to buy them with a margin.

Diamond spraying tool

Sometimes it is necessary to make a large number of recesses in the wall - not 2-3, and 5-10 or more. In this case, it is easier to acquire a bouwn with a sparing approve. This technology is characterized in that the diamond crumb is attached to the base using a solid solder consisting of an alloy, which includes a manganese or chrome. The frozen bunch firmly holds crystal fragments on the cutting element, which is significantly increased its resource. Similar cutting on porcelain book can be used both for dry drilling and wet.

For Large Diam holes

For high-diameter holes (10-68 mm), it is necessary to stock the crown - the product made in the form of a hollow tube (cylinder). Its edges are also covered by a riding diamond crumb.

The tool made by this method has a high reliability, but also stands at this notice.

Diamond crowns

If you drill a lot to anything, it is advisable to apply diamond crowns and coated with a coating applied by galvanic fastening. The essence of the method is that on the cutting edge as a result of the electrochemical process, a layer of nickel compounds is precipitated, into which the diamond crystals are immersed.

True, this layer does not have ...

True, this layer does not have the necessary firmness, and the strength of his clutch with the basis also leaves much to be desired. As a result, the abrasive is quickly wears and, after 5-6 holes, the chorus with a galvanic coating fails. But but the price of it is an order of magnitude lower.

Steel feathers

Another budget tool for working with porcelain stoneware - feathers (spear) borants for the tile. They are used if the diameter of the recess does not exceed 12 mm. The tool is equipped with a tip in the form of a cropped pen (spear), sharpened at a sharp angle only on one side. With it, you can prepare a place under a dowel, but for this you have to make considerable efforts: the boring is moving very slowly, and with strong Nazhima risks break. Nevertheless, it allows you to save on an expensive professional snap.


Often in the already lined wall you need to make several holes of different diameters. For example, for laying plumbing or ventilation pipes. In this situation, a special circular drill is useful, which builders are called "Balerinka". The design of the device resembles a circulation: on the axial element by means of a long lever is fixed working part with a cutting edge. The lever allows you to set a certain radius. The sharpening can be made of winning or have a diamond (corundum) spraying. However, despite this, the tip quickly comes in disrepair.

To not buy every time ...

In order not to buy a new tool every time, it is better to immediately find a ballet with a replaceable cutter. Change the cutter is much cheaper than buying a new unit.

Before work, buy a protective lattice of plastic (if it is not included): the limiter will not allow construction dust to operate on the sides.

We looked at how to drill porcelain stonewares. Summarize. With a limited budget, it is better to take advantage of a speck-shaped reducing plate or drill (crown) with a working element from winning. If it is necessary to perform work as soon as possible, it is advisable to purchase several tools with a diamond spraying applied by a galvanic method. In order to drill a large number of recesses, you will have to spend money on a product with a diamond crumb, which was fixed by sintering - option is the most expensive. Different slot diameter can be made by a special device for circular drilling - a ballet. It will be much cheaper than if you bought a separate diamond crown for each size.

How to drill a hole in a ceramar

It should be understood that the porcelain tile cannot be treated canopy. That is, the method in which the workpiece is fixed on the workbench in such a way that its processed part hangs over the floor, is unacceptable. Otherwise, in the process of drilling, the material splits into parts.

Hole is needed

The hole must be played as far as possible from the edge. The recommended minimum distance from it is 1.5 cm. If you don't need to drill through, it is advisable to make a mark in advance on the stamp to which it has to get while working.

Using the perforator, you need to turn off the impact mode in a timely manner, otherwise the finish will be densely corrupted.

Getting Started, keep the tool strictly perpendicular to the facing.

Instructions for drilling winning

Applying the boys with a winning tip, it is necessary to set the speed of rotation of a drill or screwdriver by 500 rpm. If we are talking about working with a diamond drill, then the optimal speed for it is 1500 rpm. In both cases, that the tool does not slide on the surface of the tile, the processing place is better to make painting scotch.

Before drilling onto the wall, carefully catch it up: if the sound gives the presence of voids, it will have to refuse from work, since such a processing finish will not stand. It is unwanted to touch and seams - this is fraught with the appearance of cracks. In extreme cases, the hole needs to do strictly in the middle of the joint.

As soon as the roe pass the tile through and reaches the concrete, change the drill on the one that is intended for this material. If, of course, it remains to be deepened further. The two recent recommendations also belong to the tile laid as the finishing coating on the floor.

When working on a workbench (or table), the porcelain stoneware should be hard to fix and ensure that under its entire area there was a solid substrate (plywood or drywall).

The video displays the process of drilling to win.

Tips for drilling crown

The formation of holes with the use of diamond cylinders is not much different from similar operations with swelling. And yet some features are available.

So, the recommended rate of BP & ...

Thus, the recommended rotational speed of the crown depends on their diameter. If he is not more than 3 cm, the drill must be exhibited by 800 rpm. The tool with a large diameter (from 6 cm) is better to use at a speed of 400 rpm.

Well, if the model has a centering car - it will help hold the drill on the spot. With its absence, it is better to make a special template: cut the hole in the plywood or plasterboard sheet of the desired size.

Ready stencil follows

The finished stencil should be attached to the treated surface, fasten and start drilling in it. After it is possible to deepen in the material at least per millimeter, the Fanur can be removed.

Check out the video about the correct drilling of the tile with the crown.

Work with ballerina

First of all, it will be necessary to fix the device cutter at a distance from the axial rack, which will correspond to the necessary radius of the hole. The distance can vary from 15 to 45 mm. Before starting drilling in the center of the cut circumference, it is recommended to make a small deepening. It will help correctly install the ballerina and avoid its displacement in the future.

In places where treatment is assumed, the material surface should be lubricated with machine oil (excluding the hole in the center).

Fixing the device in the cartridge drill, you can proceed to drilling on small revolutions. It is very important not to make too much effort. Excessive cutter load can damage the tile or to the instrument breakdown. In addition, you need to hold hard drill in your hands, not allowing its distillation, otherwise the process will go unevenly: some part of the outlined circle will be cut off, and some kind - no. In order for the working elements of the ballerica to do not overheat, drilling must be carried out with periodic stops.

For successful work with adi & ...

For successful work with the adaptation requires some experience. If you apply this device for the first time, first it would be not bad to practice some unnecessary billet.

How to cool tool

It is very important not to forget about cooling. To win this rule no exceptions. But some models with diamond spraying already contain cavities with olive oil, therefore such supports can be operated without additional wetting. Crowns with a cutting layer made using sintering technology are also often used without wetting. But it should be borne in mind that this leads to a sharp reduction in their life.

It is possible to cool the cutting element in different ways. The most popular way is to water it from a bubble with butter or water. But at the same time one hand will be constantly busy, which is very uncomfortable.

An interesting option is to make a hanging drop with a hose from plastic dishes, stretching it to a drilling site.

Of course, it is best to buy ...

Of course, it is best to buy a ready-made adaptation that will only be fill and secured on the wall. Sometimes the liquid is supplied with the help of the injection tank, however, the ability to connect it to a drill or a perforator is provided only in modern models.

There is a more economical method, but it is suitable only for a tile laid on the floor: cutting into the lid from a plastic bottle hole, and then using a plasticine, stick it into porcelain stoneware and pour water. Being inside this container, the drill is no longer overloaded.

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