8 items and means that will be needed for independent cleaning of the apartment after repair


Building vacuum cleaner, respirator and stepladder - made a useful checklist from tools and materials for posturont cleaning in our article.

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8 items and means that will be needed for independent cleaning of the apartment after repair

When the renovation in the apartment is finally completed, I want to call back in an updated interior as soon as possible. But before sick room, you need to get out after repair: get rid of dust, garbage and traces of construction mixtures. Often, the cost of cleaning is not expected, or during the repair, the budget goes beyond, and there is not enough funds. We tell in the article that you will need for independent cleaning of the apartment after the end of construction work.

1 Powerful building vacuum cleaner

The main problem after repair is building dust. It is not easy to get rid of it, the filter of a household vacuum cleaner quickly clogs, and small dust particles can get into the engine and cause damage. The optimal solution will rent a building vacuum cleaner, with its help you will be able to get rid of dust faster and high quality, and be sure that it will not break. Choose options with telescopic tube and different nozzles - to process all available surfaces, including walls and ceiling.

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2 Old clothes

No matter how powerful is a vacuum cleaner, construction dust particles will still be asced to your clothing. Try to come to the object already in the working suit, which will not mind will be thrown after cleaning. So you can not worry that accidentally capnete on the trousers with a solvent, or stain when you rub dirt in hard-to-reach places.

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3 glasses, respirator and gloves

To protect the open areas of the body from dust and various solvents, you will need glasses, respirator and rubber gloves. Fuely to several pairs of gloves in case one will break. Choose glasses and a respirator that fits tightly and make sure that they are compatible with each other.

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4 Solvents for building mixtures

After the construction work, traces of various mixtures remain on the surfaces, which are not removed by conventional detergents. Their residues are rubbed with special solvents, individual for each particular mixture. Depending on the type of coverage of your walls and gender, you may need solvents for cement, plaster, glue and sealant. Also go to White Spirit. More aggressive chemical compositions are suitable for tile processing and plumbing. For laminate, parquet or wallpaper, it is necessary to experience the effect of funds on an invisible area so as not to damage the surface with a potent drug.

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5 stepping

To clean the ceiling you will need a stepladder. Usually the staircase in the apartment is already there, it is used by builders for repair. But if you need to buy it, then select the right size based on the height of the ceilings and your growth. Do not forget to think about where you will keep a stepladder in the new apartment.

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6 buckets for water and rods

Take buckets and pelvis with a margin so that you can simultaneously remove several rooms and use various detergents. Prepare a large stock of rags - the more, the better. In order to save time cleaning, it is easier to throw out dirty rags than missing them. Therefore, you can take the old rag.

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7 Tools for cleaning surfaces

To clean the ceiling and walls you will need a mop with a soft nozzle, with the help of which you get rid of dust left after cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Take the stationery knife and spatula, they can cut off or scrape pieces of dried plaster, putty, cement, glue, foam or sealant. You may also need a metallic urine, an abrasive sponge and a brush with rigid bristles to remove residuals of dried mixtures.

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8 Universal detergents

After cleaning all the surfaces from the residues of building mixtures and dust, it will be necessary to make the final cleaning of the apartment with the help of detergents. For plumbing suitable one universal means containing chlorine. To clean the walls, use a weak soap solution that does not hurt the coating. Do not forget to take spray for cleaning the sink of glasses and mirrors. For the floor, pick a tool suitable for your type of surface. Tile and laminate are wiped with a sponge with a soft soap solution, and for parquet or board it is necessary to apply special leaving compositions.

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