How to choose a pillow: 5 important parameters


We select a pillow in shape, stiffness, filling and durability.

How to choose a pillow: 5 important parameters 6631_1

How to choose a pillow: 5 important parameters

1 height

In stores you can find pillows from 6 to 16 cm. If you do not have a specific doctor's prescriptions, focus on a height of 8-16 cm. Analyze your old pillow: if you want to push your hand all the time, or in the morning you feel pain in neck and shoulders, it means you need a height more. Also, high options are well suited to those who like to sleep on the side - for a comfortable sleep, you need to make the neck parallel to the mattress without curving.

If you are tightened or sleep on your back, take the option lower - 8-10 cm. If you can try to lie on it, make sure your chin is on it and does not go down when you learn.

Those who are used to sleep solely on the stomach are needed low - 6-8 cm.

Also do not forget about the mattress: for a soft model, you need a higher pillow, and vice versa.

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How to choose a pillow: 5 important parameters 6631_5

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2 Filling

It is common that the natural filler is better artificial. But both options have their pros and cons. Models with a natural filler from the fluff and the pen will serve you longer. Pooh is responsible for softness, and feather for elasticity. Rate the ratio of two fillers. Their ratio should be approximately equal, with a small distortion towards one or another filler, depending on whether you love pillows to softer or rigor.

TRIVES orthopedic pillow

TRIVES orthopedic pillow

The main disadvantages of pillows with natural filler are a high price and unsuitability for people with allergies. Also, cosmetologists do not recommend using them to people with problematic skin of the face - options with artificial filling are better suitable for them.

Models with artificial filler cheaper, serve a little less, but do not provoke allergies and inflammation on the skin.

Special orthopedic options, with special fillers supporting a certain form, it is worth buying only after consulting a doctor. Incorrectly selected form or use by their healthy people without any problems with the spine can lead to health problems in the future.

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3 appearance

Case pillows must be made of dense tissue so that the filler does not get out when used or during washing. It is also worth checking the seams - well, if they are double, without curvature, missed areas.

An important test that can be spent straight in the store is to raise the product for corner and shake hard. The cushion of the middle rigidity almost should not be knocked down, and soft can be knocked out, but slightly.

It is not necessary to purchase square shape pillows, since for a healthy sleep, it is necessary for the shoulders of the man lying on the mattress.

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4 seasonality

In the summer, when a person sweats a lot, you need to sleep on breathable models with good breathability. Options are suitable with filling from bamboo, silk, fluff or latex.



In winter, modal models with natural fillers, for example, with octoral and pen, wool or holofayber, are perfect.

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5 Service life

For about ten years, you will serve as a model from latex. A little less, about five years, hold the shape of feathers and downs, as well as most of the artificial fillers. The shortest term at bamboo, artificial fluff or holofayber - about three years. Unfortunately, they are knocked down in lumps with frequent washers.

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How to choose a pillow: 5 important parameters 6631_30
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How to choose a pillow: 5 important parameters 6631_34

  • What a pillow to sleep is better to choose: we understand the types of fillers and parameters

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