Looking for nowhere: 8 design receptions that make your interior banal


Visual noise, typical furniture and decor, monotonous carpets and other mistakes that should not be allowed if you want to live in a unique setting.

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Looking for nowhere: 8 design receptions that make your interior banal

1 Posters with plant motifs

Simplicate posters with a picture of the leaves of fern and the Monsters were given away so that we decided to mention them first in the list. Cute design reception pretty quickly turned out to be a lure that was blocked and switched to the discharge of banalities. And no longer so important, did you buy similar posters or painted yourself, were the collage of them or posted an individual element of the decor, the total one: the interior with them looks boring and typically.

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  • 8 interior cliches, from whom it would be time to get rid of the designers)

2 monotonous carpet

Monophonic carpets of inexpressive colors - the result of the fear of color, erroneous interpretation of practicality and the right sign of boring interiors. There are a lot of more interesting options: retro carpets, keilims, textiles with graphic patterns and ethnic motifs, etc. Why simplify the situation of your own home, limited to banal carpets?

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Looking for nowhere: 8 design receptions that make your interior banal 6705_9

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  • How to fix a flat and boring interior: 5 simple ways

3 White Kitchen

Another 5-10 years ago, the white kitchen called the dream of any mistress. Today, it is rather a designer cliché: you can meet this in every second house and in half Instagram-blogs. It is not surprising that popular designers of the whole world are increasingly abandoning the snow-white facades in favor of color or even dark. Perhaps such solutions are much less universal, but they will not reproach them in banalities.

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Looking for nowhere: 8 design receptions that make your interior banal 6705_22

  • 8 items that urge the interior of your kitchen (and where to children)

4 No patterns

In addition to the fear of color, there are also fear of patterns. Yes, the patterns are not always simple: it is easy to rearrange, it is difficult to choose the actual and suitable in style, you need to consider the scale of the pattern, be able to combine. However, refuse patterns in the interior - it means to make it flat, inexpressive, boring and typical.

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Looking for nowhere: 8 design receptions that make your interior banal 6705_25

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  • 6 beautiful techniques in the design of the kitchens, which rarely use (and in vain)

5 sharp contrasts

Sharp contrasts in principle are rarely appropriate. And today, when complex shades and halftones are in fashion, they are most often an obvious sign of banal, morally obsolete interiors.

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Looking for nowhere: 8 design receptions that make your interior banal 6705_30

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  • How to use contrasting color combinations: detailed guide and 30 visual examples

6 Typical furniture and decor

Are you afraid of bold stylistic solutions, unusual furniture and design items? Not ready to redo, refine, customize, make something with your own hands? We are not accustomed to give objects to the second life or use them not by appointment? Do you prefer discreet, typical furniture and a decor from the mass market? If you answered "yes" to one or a few questions, your interior can certainly be considered a banal, as if you have come down with the hungry pages of furniture directories.

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7 Non-compliance with the rules of composition

The boring atmosphere does and non-compliance with the basic rules of the composition (or even in principle the absence of a composition as such). If there was no symmetry or asymmetry in your interior, there is no dynamics, not taken into account ergonomics, there is no zoning - roughly speaking, if the house is unsystematic placed furniture, not combined in groups - Most likely, the interior looks everyday , and even sloppy.

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8 Visual noise

Cleaning products and cosmetic bottles-jars in native packaging with motley labels, multicolored books of home library books, open storage with an ill-conceived organization, not to the place set vails, souvenirs, photo frames, magnets on the refrigerator - all this creates visual noise, simplifying the situation and reduce Interior to banal.

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