Remove it is impossible to leave: 6 convenient ideas for organizing space that look sloppy


Open storage, ironing board in plain form - these and other household decisions may seem tasteless and irrelevant, spoil the interior and clutch space. But is it worth bringing your pretty need for beauty? We understand together.

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Remove it is impossible to leave: 6 convenient ideas for organizing space that look sloppy

1 Open storage

What only offensive words are not called the shelves, racks, rails and open storage systems: these are dust collectors, and the horror of allergies, and the seats of dust ticks, and the main thing - a sign of a slopful interior.

On the one hand, this is justified: to maintain the perfect order and purity on open shelves with a modern rhythm of life few people can. But even easy inaccurability instantly strides when storing in sight.

On the other hand, the benefits of open storage are indisputable: it is easy to find the right thing, and access to it is simple. Having everything you need at hand, with household matters to cope much more quickly. Do not give up from ergonomics in favor of the perfect order?

How to improve

Do not deny yourself in open storage if you consider it comfortable. But you can take a number of measures so that your creative disorder does not create a visual noise and did not lead to the confusion of guests at home.

  • Organize open storage in the least noticeable places (outdoor clothes hanger in the bedroom, an angle rack, the railway system - in a zone that is not stuck in the eye).
  • Provide a aesthetic option in case of receiving guests (for example, a screen or a curtain, followed by your storage system for a while).

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  • 5 storage methods that need it even the most expensive interior

2 products in "native" packaging

We all know that the packaging of most goods is designed at all for the aesthetics of our interiors, but to attract attention to the shelves of supermarkets. And also we know that heterogeneous jars, bottles and boxes create visual noise and, alas, a feeling of space of space.

But after all, overflow and shield everything in beautiful containers is an occupation that requires time. Not to mention the fact that they will have to spend. In addition, regular care is needed behind these containers. Not everyone is ready to change the precious moments of their life on the aesthetics of the interior.

How to improve

Fortunately, you can do without the cost of energy.

  • Stayed on manufacturers offering packaging neutral tones (some brands have already cut down that buyers find tubes and boxes of restrained shades more cute).
  • Put on trays, in the basket (heterogeneous jars in the bathroom will look more careful if visually combine them into the group by placing in a wicker basket or on a decorative tray).
  • Remove from sight (behind the doors and in containers for storing bright packages will not disturb your gaze).

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  • 6 options for aesthetic storage of smallest things in the bathroom

3 Magnets on the refrigerator

At the mention of this point, many designers begin nervous ticks: indeed, the collection of motigntics on the refrigerator can spoil even the most appointed interior.

On the other hand, do not refuse themselves the pleasure of considering foreign trophies, recalling the trip. In the end, your interior is a reflection of your character and lifestyle, is it really there is no place for warm vacation memories?

How to improve

Of course, no one is able to ban you to fix the fridge magnets. Moreover: to some extent it meets the current trend - the course on the personalization of space. But you can save the memories of the holiday just more accurately.

  • Several magnetic boards in the frame - and turn the collection of magnets into an unusual wall decor.
  • Take a rule to bring more functional souvenirs into memory (than a collection of cups worse than the collection of magnets?).
  • Select the magnets in a single style.

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4 Utensils and techniques on the table top

The kitchen table is empty only in apartments from glossy magazine pages. In real life, it is often something like something. It is worth: kitchen utensils, spices, napkins, dryer for dishes, standing for knives, organizer for cups, kettle or other small household appliances. It looks not always neat.

What to do? Do you really hide everything you need and spend time every time, getting out of lockers? It is unlikely that such a solution can be called reasonable and ergonomic.

  • 5 errors in design, due to which the apartment looks sloppy

How to improve

Turn kitchen accessories and technique in kitchen design elements: make stylish exposures from spice jars, put stylish napkins in the napkin, choose household appliances in color and kitchen style.

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  • 7 comfortable and unusual techniques in cleaning, which few people know

5 Ironing board in unfolded form

Typical apartments cannot boast of impressive area: most often the speech about to highlight the place for a separate mini-laundry or a shopping room, does not go. As a result of the mop and vacuum cleaner, somehow are in the closet, the corner or outside the door, but ironing board and iron - in view of the frequent use - often remain in sight. The feeling of unorganized space with this situation is guaranteed.

On the other hand, if you alone you almost daily, fold-lay the board - spending time and strength and additional inconvenience. Why not leave in the unfolded form, if you are really so much more convenient.

How to improve

  • At a minimum - to choose for an ironing board is not the most prominent place in the apartment.
  • Pay attention to the folding models (some of them can be hidden behind the cabinet door or disguise the wall mirror).
  • Close up with a screen or curtain.

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  • 6 ideas for order in the bookcase (if you are tired of constantly searching for the shelves)

6 Frankly Unless Design

Stretch ceilings with drawings, vinyl stickers, plastic accessories, obviously artificial flowers and other "horrors of design" can not be considered to be trend, often spoil the interior, they look inactively and, it seems, few people can come to the soul.

If it were not for one "but": all this is considered cheap and tasteless only in the world of adults. But as an inexpensive way to please the baby with a bright, unusual, ready for the change of children's children, these techniques have the right to life. Moreover: if you use them with the mind (read - enter in the appropriately selected concept), you can get a very stylish space.

How to improve

Of course, we all would like to pamper our Chad a stunning designer children, surrounding them exclusively with natural materials and expensive furniture. Alas, not always such an alignment to real, but you can try to find a compromise.

  • Combine natural materials with unprofinal (game decor and storage accessories, for example, may well be plastic, but textiles is better to choose natural).
  • Pick the harmonious color combinations (bright - does not mean "exit", and color - does not mean a variety).
  • Think out convenient, aesthetic storage (in the children's room and so many details, decorative elements, furniture and game zones, there is no need to further overload the space with a mess).

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