Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house


Customers of this project had a dream - to live in a house, similar to the housing of the Hobbits. Walls without angles, a round roof of a canthaw, a border of the lungs - the authors did everything to embody the idea of ​​life.

Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_1

Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house

Customer requirements

Customers - a family with two salting children of school age - turned to a close friend and neighbor architect Galina Pea for professional help. Their long-time ideas about the house of the weekend was finally obtained - the spouses purchased a plot in the cottage village "Berendevo Kingdom" (Moscow region). The location of the station - in the coniferous forest, on the high bank of the Nara River, as well as the preferences of the owners who dreamed of a house in the "Hobbit Style", predetermined the architecture of the country's constructions.

The house is harmoniously entered the landscape & ...

The house is harmoniously inscribed in the landscape environment - it seems that the building is a continuation of the natural relief.


In the plan, the house is a circle with a diameter of 11 m with a small protrusion (a staircase on the ground floor and a tambour on the first). Around the entire first floor there is a gallery with a wide terrace. The site has a difficult relief than and substantiates the flood of building. At the base level, it is planned to enter the site in front of the house, on the first floor - the main entrance. The oval retaining wall, which is connected to the basement, forms the inner courtyard of the drop-shaped form (the windows of children's bedrooms are watching here).

Windows pass in bulk, everything ...

Windows runs in bulk, throughout the first level. Even with a round window-porthole looking out of the living room in a tambour, there is a downer on the street. If necessary, you can take advantage of the Roman curtains of dense natural fabric.

The round plan is dictated by another wishes of customers - the maximum of the natural lighting of the premises throughout the daylight. That is why the windows of the first floor are consonant with the gallery and installed split, throughout the level. Kitchen-dining room and living room - like a dial of sunny clock with axis in the form of a fireplace. The sun is moving in a circle, looking sequentially into the chain of windows.

Fire chimney - Dominants All & ...

The chimney of the fireplace is the dominant of the entire interior - fastened in the cooker of the inter sequencing and serves as a support for rafted roofing - briced from the Altai cedar. A single space illuminates a whimping composition compounded from lamps of various shapes, sizes and colors.

Construction features

House design - monolithic frame. The base level is based directly on the foundation - a waterproof and insulated monolithic plate. The stove of inter overlap relies on the hollow monolithic column (in the center of the construction) and partially onto the retaining wall. In the center of the first floor there is a round fireplace hearth - one of the main structural elements of the building, its chimney, in turn, serves as a support of roofing rafters. The height of the premises on the basement is 2.7 m, and at the first level reaches 4.5 m.

Interior and exterior of the cottage Este & ...

The interior and exterior of the cottages are aesthetically interrelated - the first is a continuation of the second, since the main idea of ​​the house is continuous admoniming the landscape surroundings. From the kitchen-dining room you can get on the terrace with a summer dining area.

In the implementation of the project - both for facades and interior works - used mainly natural materials. According to customer approved by the plan of the architect, the roofing coated was the reed, dranke (shing) from larch was used for finishing the facades and the retaining wall. It is noteworthy that in a few years the color of the walls and roofs will change - under the influence of the Sun and precipitation, the golden shades of the root and drank will become silvery gray.

Open on the ladder of transit

Open on the staircase interconnecting is decorated with a frieze resembling a field. The decor element is made of short sleeves of lanes treated with antipiren. A similar admission is also implemented in the decor of the external, visible from the studio of the vertical plane of the mezzanine.

The construction and decoration of cottages occupied as many as 2 years, during this time three companies changed. The first of them managed perfectly with the monolithic works and the construction of the walls, but the roof from Kamyshem turned out to be "not on the teeth." The next firm removed all the questions on the roof and even descended the facades of the race, but there were no specialists in the interior. He was entrusted by the next brigade. Her employees should be noted, with understanding relate to inventions - because when finishing indirect walls and surfaces, difficulties constantly arose. So, instead of wooden plinths used jute ropes, for coupled two floors on an oval staircase, a border of the lunite was built. A wooden platband for a round window-porthole did not have time to make to dress at home, so the architect splured wreath from the vine. The idea was so liked by the hostess, that from the joinery of the platband was abandoned.

In the interior minimum items & ...

In the interior, the minimum of the decor items, but even their presence is dictated by the functionality rather than aesthetics. The color and pattern are brought by finishing materials and a decor.


The first floor of the house is a single representative space, which includes a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. Auxiliary premises (vestibule, bathroom, boiler room) are lowered in height, and the mezzanine is arranged above them, with which, in addition to the studio interior, the pond and forest panorama is visible. Landscape environment can be seen through a through fireplace. On the ground floor, around the central hall, private premises are bedrooms and bathrooms.

Kitchen skews folded from Penolar & ...

Kitchen frame folded from foam blocks along the round wall. In the resulting niches built ready-made furniture modules, the worktop was posted a mosaic. The utilitarian addition is the Russian mini-oven.

All surfaces inside the house smoothly conjugate, the premises are deprived of a clear geometry, which once again reminds of naturalness, natural lines. The decoration is underlined ascetic, in it, in fact, no decor - all attention is focused on the panorama of the forest outside the windows.

Despite the visual one

Despite the visual unity of the common space, various materials are selected in it - in the zone between the kitchen and the dining room, the parquet board is laid in the living room.

For registration, milky-white plaster, wood of various breeds (cedar, brought from Altai, Spruce and Pine, conceded during construction), metal (copper), slate, marble mosaic, ceramics, jute rope, vine, Lena sections. Even the ceiling lamps are environmentally friendly - made of pressed paper.

Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_11

In the son of the son and the bedroom of parents, calm natural tones prevail.

Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_12

Daughter's bedroom "painted" more than all other premises.

The daughter of the owners is the future ballerina, ...

The daughter of the owners is the future ballerina, so its room is solved in the white-pink range and is equipped with a large mirror. And even the suspension lamp resembles a ballet pack.

Architect Galina Pea, author ...

Architect Galina Pea, project author:

Cooperation with customers was interesting, close and friendly, the family actively participated in the process at all stages - from the design to landscape work. As a result, a mushroom house grew up in a coniferous forest. In his village, however, they call the "house with a kettle" - and all because of the smoking, made in the form of a kettle Dagestan master-tinsmith. The same master worked in the interior - he fulfilled all the work on copper, including the apron of a round fireplace. In general, there are a lot of details inside the house (the exception is the cabinet furniture), which are made manually, according to my drawings and sketches. One of these elements is in the dining room - this is a bar table on thick wooden poles. A tactile surface of his countertops resembles elephant skin. The item is made of boiled oak on a special technology developed by the master-designer Denis Milovanov from Soho Concept.

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Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_16
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_17
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_18
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_19
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_20
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_21
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_22
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_23
Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_24

Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_25

Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_26

Living room

Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_27

Living room

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Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_30


Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_31


Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_32

Ground floor

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Like a fairy tale: Moscow region Residence in the spirit of the hobbit house 6741_34


The enlarged calculation of the cost of arrangement of the house with a total area of ​​140 m2, similar to the presented *

Name of works Number of Cost, rub.
Preparatory and Fundamental Work
Marking axes in accordance with the project, layout, development, recess and backflow of the soil set 69 350.
Sand base device under the foundation set 25 900.
Device of monolithic reinforced concrete base plates with the manufacture of reinforcement frame and formwork installation set 152 700.
Waterproofing foundation set 12 700.
Thermal insulation of foundation set 25 600.
Other works set 14 350.
Total 300 600.
Applied materials on the section
Sand for construction work set 34 700.
Concrete, Armature, Formwork set 269 ​​500
Waterproofing membrane set 44 850.
Polystyrene foam (200 mm thick) set 52 200.
Other materials set 20 100.
Total 421 350.
Walls, partitions, overlap, roofing
Masonry of outer walls from gas-silicate blocks with insulation and outer decoration (plaster, textured facade paint, wooden dranco (shing) set 872 300.
Conical roof device with warming set 268 150.
Installation of window blocks and doors set 109 500.
Other works set 62 500.
Total 1 312 450.
Applied materials on the section
Gasilicate blocks Ytong, polystyrene foam (thickness 200 mm), solution, fittings, textured facade paint, Wooden dranco (shing) set 998 700.
Pileproof vat, mineral wool Rockwoo, waterproofing membrane TYVEK, timber 75 × 75 mm, Altai cedar, coating set 395 100.
Wooden window blocks and doors custom set 410 750.
Other materials set 90 250.
Total 1 894 800.
Engineering systems
Electric installation work set 89 250.
Installation of heating and ventilation system set 155 600.
Plumbing work set 812 00.
Total 326 050.
Applied materials on the section
Materials for electrical work and installation of the lighting system set 146 100.
Equipment and materials for installation of water supply and sewage systems set 284 500.
Set of equipment and materials for mounting the heating system (electric warm floor,

Electric wall and in-country convectors)

set 325 400.
Total 756,000
Finishing work
Decoration of walls from ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware; Device of floor coatings from ceramic tiles and parquet boards; Ceiling device from GLC, plastering, painting and other works set 625 400.
Total 625 400.
Applied materials on the section
Plastering, Tikkurila paint, Ceramic tile, Porcelain stoneware, Mosaic, Parquet board, Glk and other consumables set 653 800.
Total 653 800.
TOTAL 6 290 450.

* Calculation is carried out without accounting of overhead, transport and other expenses, as well as profit of the company.

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