What is the deaf window and what their advantages


We understand the features of the deaf structures, their pros, minuses and methods to save on glazing.

What is the deaf window and what their advantages 6831_1

What is the deaf window and what their advantages

Deaf, that is, unopened windows are ordered infrequently. Meanwhile, up to 60% of the glazing of the country house can be made deaf and save in such a way a large amount.

Features of deaf windows

The deaf windows can be made of plastic and wood, and aluminum. The essence of their design is as follows: in the frame (box) the double-glazed windows are inserted and pressed it from the inside with a wide stapper (in the case of PVC - from 33 mm). Such a product requires fewer components (I do not need clarifying profiles, loops, locking mechanism) and much easier in production and installation. Therefore, it costs at least 30%, and sometimes two times cheaper than the opening.

With large-format glazing of private houses, it is often at all without factory frames, inserting double-glazed windows in the grooves and riggers of a wooden frame. This technology is called glass factor.

Deaf glazing widely

Deaf glazing is widely used in the construction of winter gardens, galleries, pavilions on country sites.


A relatively low price is the main thing, but not the only advantage of deaf windows. Among other advantages, first of all it is worth named high reliability and long service life. The design does not have mobile and fuel parts of the accessories, and the seals are not subjected to dynamic loads. Therefore, the time of "life" of the window is determined only by the quality of profiles and glass package. It is also important that the product does not need to be adjustable and care (with the exception of the washing of frame and brake).

In panoramic facade constructions

In panoramic facade structures of residential buildings, the deaf windows are always combined with opening.

In the manufacture of deaf windows, much less restrictions relating to the form. You can make arched and round structures of small radii, triangular with sharp angles, very small (350 × 350 mm) and large - up to 0.9 × 2 m (for PVC) without separation by imposses. At the same time, at the expense of the absence of a frame strapping, the window will skip more light.

This scheme shows that Boko ...

This scheme shows that the side flaps of the windows are rotary-folding, and the middle part is deaf.

Formally, the design without sash can be considered more resistant to hacking, as it eliminates a quiet opening by pressing the profile or impact on the locking mechanism: to penetrate the house, the attacker will have to break the glass.

Finally, the deaf windows have less breathability, compared with opening. Although in practice it may noticeably it can only be with a very strong wind or in a bodied frost.

What is the deaf window and what their advantages 6831_6
What is the deaf window and what their advantages 6831_7
What is the deaf window and what their advantages 6831_8

What is the deaf window and what their advantages 6831_9

Principle of installation of a glass unit without frame in a wooden wall frame.

What is the deaf window and what their advantages 6831_10

Aluminum deaf window.

What is the deaf window and what their advantages 6831_11

Fragments of facade deaf glazing with aluminum frame.


Now about minuses. The deaf windows are difficult to wash. With this problem, many inhabitants of modern new buildings with panoramic glazing of balconies were encountered. The front system provides only small flaps, and to remove dust and rain divorces with deaf parts, you have to use special devices, subject to unnecessary risk or for considerable money (from 400 rubles / m2) to hire construction climbers. Therefore, the deaf windows should be installed only where it is provided with easy access outside: on the first floor, a balcony or loggia (we are not an outer glazing, but about the window, chalked with a balcony door).

Transparent part of the deaf window & ...

The transparent part of the deaf window is greater than that of the usual. Accordingly, more and light source.

There is another solution - ordering structures with self-cleaning stalks, which caused a photocatalytic coating of titanium dioxide. But this will not benefit from the purchase of deaf frames, since the glass-paste inserted in them will cost almost twice as much.

Next - the deaf windows do not allow to air the premises. That is, they can only be combined with opening flaps, or equipped with ventilation devices (but the summer bandwidth of the window valves is usually lacking). There are other options, such as the installation of wall beats or equipment of the house or apartment with a channel system forced supply and exhaust ventilation.

Roller shutters can be equipped with ru

Roller shutters can be equipped with manual or electrical drive. And the one and the other system is perfectly combined with deaf windows

And the last minor nuance: if you think about installing the deaf windows on the first floor of a country house, then standard protective grilles and swinging shutters will not fit you. The lattices will prevent the washing of stalk, and the shutters will simply be impossible to open and close. We will have to seek designs with turnkey locks opening outside, and such orders are not fulfilled by all firms. However, if you plan to protect the window shoes with rolling shutters, the problem is automatically removed.

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