7 bad habits that reset all your cleaning efforts


Choose incorrect detergents, forget about dirty places and not pay attention to the leakage - rather get rid of these habits.

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7 bad habits that reset all your cleaning efforts

1 miss the problem with plumbing

A small leak of the mixer, clogged plums in the sink at first can irritate, but globally does not seem to be a big problem. However, clogged pipes can simply burst, especially if they are old, and the mixer is to break from a large pressure in the end. Permanent drops will leave rusty traces on the sink or bath, which will make the interior slurry and dirty. All this will cause damage not only to cleanliness, but also in general the quality of repair, and if you also flood the neighbors in this way - you will have to pay for their repairs from your pocket.

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Do not close your eyes on it. Clean the siphon regularly, carry out the preventive cleaning of the plots, for this it is even necessary to use household chemicals, lungs are easily removed, if you fall asleep in the drain soda and pour vinegar. Change the layers at the mixer so that it does not tech.

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2 incorrectly clean the air conditioner

On the filters of air conditioners also accumulates dust, which after it comes together with the cooled air and settles on the furniture. The same thing - about ventilation lattices in the bathroom. Do not forget to periodically remove them and rinse with water. By the way, this is a matter of not only the cleanliness of the house, but also your health, and the key to the fact that the ventilation system and air conditioning will work properly.

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3 Use incorrect cleaning products

Not all household chemicals are good, especially if your home has furniture from natural materials. For example, an anti-fat cleaning agent is guaranteed to spoil the wooden tabletop, and the acidic cleaners will damage the tabletop from a natural stone. The same thing about facilities for cleaning floors with wax, which are categorically not recommended for laminate. Carefully read all the instructions and labels before using the tool, even at first glance, harmless vinegar or citric acid.

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4 accumulate garbage

How often do you shake up the bottom of the tooster (the bread crumbs accumulate)? And do you not forget to wipe the garbage bin? You may seem that you remove the house regularly, but there are hidden dirty places, because of which ants and cockroaches may appear.

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5 Do not bring the case to the end

Any cleaning is done according to a specific plan. Let's say cleaning the carpet. You must spend it, apply a cleaning agent, carefully labeled it and be sure to wash off with water. If you skip the last item and leave a foam on the carpet, it will enter the inside, will spoil the material and will collect even more dirt. Or, for example, cleaning mixers. After you wash the remedy with water, they need to wipe dry, otherwise the divorces will still remain. Another common mistake is to leave wet dishes on the tabletop. Wipe it dry and remove into the closet, otherwise dark spots will appear on the working surface or worse - mold.

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6 Forget about the dirtiest places in the apartment

We have already facilitated your life and accounted for a list, which entered the drawers, rubber cooler seals and washing machine and other inconspicuous places that you can forget to clean.

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7 limited to cleaning inside the house

If there is no specially hired person in your entrance, which is regularly washing the floors, you will have to think about cleaning the staircase. After all, you will bring dirt into your apartment. Arrange with your neighbors and make a schedule or contact the management company so that they hire a cleaner.

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