Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions


We tell about the timing, which is recommended to make repairs, as well as the sequence of work for apartments with rough and pre-trimmed trim.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_1

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions

How to plan and where to start repairing in a new building? The sequence of actions depends on whether there is a facing, and how efficiently it is made. The finish can be a draft or pre-proof, which uses budget materials. Most often it is not at all. About 6% of apartments are rented in the finished form. In modern houses there are often no partitions. It is assumed that the owner should build them on their own, or leave everything as it is - the spacious premises have its advantages. The phasetance also depends on the time of year and on whether heating is included. It is possible that first of all will have to do the conditions for living brigades.

Instructions for starting repair in a new building

When you can start

What you need to consider when planning

Sequence of work

If the apartment is handed over with a rough finish

When you can start finishing

One of the most important nuances is the material from which the house was built. Walls, gender and ceiling in the first two years give shrinkage. It leads to the appearance of cracks on an plastered surface. In brick buildings this period takes from 5 to 10 years. It is not worth a hurry with a screed and flooring. Horizontal plates must finally get up in their place. Interpanel joints in reinforced concrete structures are experiencing the greatest deformations. In monolithic houses, they are least noticeable.

To understand whether the building gave the final shrinkage, will have to conduct an examination. To do this, contact the engineering campaign.

If you need to urgently adjust to the new living space, and there is no time to wait, there are two solutions to the problem.

You can use plaster and putty with plasticizing additives that increase their elasticity. They are able to shrink and stretch along with the base. Their outer side is experiencing less loads from moving. The finishing layer is damping the deformation, so the paint, wallpaper or other fines not affected. This method is perfect for the kitchen, bathroom and toilet - the tile is placed on the elastic glue with plasticizers.

The second option is a premedive facing. For it, materials are used that will not be sorry to change in two years on the finishing finish coating. The basis is better to wake with wallpaper without putty and plaster. Not much attention should be paid to the interior design. The coating should be convenient and environmentally friendly, but no more. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that there will soon appear on the walls and the ceiling soon there will be cracks and detachalies. This is a serious disadvantage of this method. The advantage of it is the possibility of using after shrinkage of any materials.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_3

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It should be in stages.

Purchase of materials

It is necessary to consider in advance where building materials and plumbing will be kept, whether there are enough money for their purchase and payment of services of a construction company, whether the order is held for a long time. Making an order from Europe, you need to calculate the time he will hold on the way. In August, all European firms are closed. Their employees go on vacation, so waiting time at the end of summer will increase significantly.

The stock must be at least 10% in case of marriage and damage when laying. Use materials from one batch - just so you can achieve homogeneous color and relief. The same tiles or rolls of wallpaper from different batches are noticeably different from each other.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_5

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Reference plan

If redevelopment is to be redeveloped, it is also added to the schedule. Development and coordination of the project may take several months. Each area has regional legislation specifying a list of prohibited activities. In Moscow, such a document is a resolution No. 508 of PP "On the organization of reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings". Their study is exactly where to start repairs in the new building. When the works begin, it is desirable to refrain from spontaneous solutions - they may be at least illegal. It is necessary to step by step to plan all your actions and do it in advance.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_7

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What can not be done by law

  • Installing equipment that affects resource consumption in adjacent rooms.
  • Full or partial demolition of ventilation channels.
  • Transfer of heating devices connected to a riser on a balcony or loggia.
  • Connecting a warm floor system to GVA pipes or central heating.
  • Laying channels in panels and interpanel seams. It is allowed to finish in the layer of plaster. The walls of the brick under the prohibition do not fall, but they can be very worn. Before finable, it is necessary to conduct their survey. To do this, you will need special equipment that are placed in engineering organizations.
  • Expansion of the bathroom at the expense of residential premises.
  • The device of the openings without coordination of the project. They cannot be done in columns, in interpanel seams and other places where the prefabricated elements are allowed.
  • Weakening of the supporting structures, the creation of the conditions under which they experience the loads over permissible. In buildings of typical partition series, it is better to do from drywall - brick can be too heavy. If you plan to increase the load, it is desirable to first conduct a survey of carrier structures. In old buildings, they are significantly weakened. The reason for this is the age, wear and illegal redevelopment.
  • Unauthorized device of loggias, balconies, creating a foundation under them, even if they are provided by the project. Also prohibited their association with indoor premises.
  • Redevelopment in the entrance, in the attic and in the basement, if they are general property. Such works are allowed only with the consent of all residents;
  • Combining a room with a kitchen if a gas stove is installed in it. Between them must be a tightly closing door.
  • Changes in the appearance of the facade if the building is an architectural monument. In the houses of typical series, any changes are agreed in government instances.
  • The device is more than one mezzanine indoor.
  • Installation on mezzanine stoves and plumbing.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_9

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Sequence of work when repairing an apartment in a new building

Before starting directly repair, we advise you to replace locks on the entrance doors to protect yourself from the unreasonable guests. It is possible that the duplicates of the keys remained from builders, representatives of the management organization or buyers who refused to acquire housing.

It is important to take into account some technical aspects. The transfer of the riser is easier to spend in the summer when it is disabled. Agree to turn off the management organization in the winter period is not always possible. Brick masonry and cement screed on the loggia or in the unheated apartment is better to do in warmth. At a negative temperature, the cement solution is grabbed longer and does not gain marching strength. Installing double glazed windows are not recommended for severe frost. To avoid risk, it is desirable to postpone their installation for the summer.

Planning repairs in the new building from scratch in stages, it is necessary to follow an important principle: when we are tighting, you need to move from top to bottom - otherwise you can get a finished coating or bring it into disrepair.

Specialists advise to start finishing only after the end of the draft. Otherwise you can scratch the tile or parquet particles of cement or sand. The walls will be easy to spoil when moving the bath or other large-sized items.

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Black work

  • Electrician wiring - To connect the light and sockets, you need to install a switchboard. Without it, it will be impossible to use the grinder, perforators, another tool connected to the network. There must be a thoughtful layout plan, where the position of sockets, lighting devices, washing machine, other equipment is noted.
  • Replacing heating devices - if you perform it after decoration, the radiator may not fit into its niche due to the thickening of the facing layer.
  • Device partitions in apartments with free layout.
  • Installation of communications for plumbing, creation of brick or concrete bases.
  • Floor screed.
  • Watching and putty.
  • Facing the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Installation of suspended ceilings or painting overlap.
  • Replacing window boxes, window sills and double-glazed windows.
  • Installation of plumbing - it is better to spend it before finishing coating so as not to damage the surface. Plumbing needs to close the cardboard sheets.

Cutting works

  • Finish treatment of walls and floor.
  • Installing interroom doors.
  • Assembly of embedded furniture, such as wall cabinets.
  • Installation of electrical appliances, sockets, switches, plinths covering wires.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_12

Repair steps in the new building may differ in each case. We have given only a common scheme that cannot serve as a detailed step-by-step instruction.

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Instructions for an apartment with draft trim

As we mentioned above, the house should give a shrinkage, which takes several years. During this period, the walls, the floor and the ceiling undergo strong deformation. An ordinary screed and plaster in such conditions can give a crack, so materials that will not mind will be replaced when the shrinkage is over. As a rule, they do not differ in high quality and are designed to replace. This does not mean that the developer may be committed violation of sanitary and technical standards.

As a rule, a screed has already been made in the premises, the vertical surfaces are plastered and covered. Wiring is ready, but there are no sockets yet. Pipes are connected to the riser - it remains to connect them to the plumbing. Sometimes the developer sets the plumbing itself, but it is mainly budget models. The same can be said about the doors, double glazing, heating devices. Their quality leaves much to be desired. Do not hurry with overhaul. At first, it can be limited to the following actions.


To compensate for deformation during shrinkage, suspended ceiling systems use. If the height allows, the flat metal frame is installed and the plasterboard sheets are placed. The frame is collected from the aluminum profile and attached to the overlap with the help of dowels and screws. For low rooms, stretch ceilings are suitable - they take less space and are a baguette that is attached around the perimeter. The baguette is stretched by a canvas made of polyvinyl chloride. Such a system is perfectly withstanding any displacement of structures. It does not have to change it. In addition, it does not proceed.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_14


The walls in the bathroom can be painted either to cover with a tile, prelayed them with plasterboard sheets. There is another solution. Plasticizing additives make the composition more elastic additives in cement glue. Such a cladding is just a long time and shrinkage is not terrible. Installation of plumbing is made at the end of draft works.

You can safely stick wallpaper. Displacements inside the panels are not so great to break the canvas. Vinyl wallpaper possesses the greatest elasticity. They perfectly draw and easily take the shape of the bends. When using plaster, it is desirable to give preference to the compositions with plasticizers. Decorative mixtures are applied with a thin layer with a spatula. Many of them contain polymers that make them elastic. In combination with a soft draft layer, they create a reliable coating that maintains small base displacements.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_15


On the floor it is better to lay linoleum. If necessary, it will not be difficult to remove and make a finite screed.

When the finish coating is ready, go to the installation of sockets, switches and lighting devices. At the end of the entire process, we establish built-in furniture and equipment. Wiring hide under the plinth.

Where to start repair in a new building: Step-by-step instructions 6976_16

If we consider the repairs in a new building from scratch step by step and compare them with a list of work at the finished black trim, you can make sure that the costs will be almost the same. The main advice is not to rush with the final cladding. It is more profitable to spend time waiting for the development and coordination of a well-thought-out project.

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