Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points


We tell about how to prepare the house from the inside and outside, to make the septic tank and what work to spend on the site.

Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points 6985_1

Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points

Autumn is the time preparing for the winter period. It does not matter whether you will periodically come to the site or not, it is necessary to hold a number of mandatory work. We will figure it out how to prepare a cottage for winter to not count losses and losses next spring.

All about the preparation of cottages to the winter season

  1. Work outside the building
  2. Events inside the house
  3. Works on the site
  4. Preparation of cellar and basement
  5. Preservation of septicism and water supply
Not everyone is ready for preliminary troubles, but if they challenge, the first spring visit to the country area will become unpleasant. Burnt tap pipes, unpleasant black fungus on the walls, moldy furniture. The listing will be long. To spoil for the cold season can a lot. Therefore, the maternity owners with special care are carried out preparatory work. Check, whether everything is fulfilled.

1 How to prepare a cottage for winter outside

On the eve of the cold, a thorough audit of the overall structure of the construction is carried out. Start from the roof. Carefully examine the roofing material. Detected holes, slots, separated fragments are repaired. If you leave them in this state, the roof will certainly leak. It threatens leaks from the ceiling, and the most unpleasant one will adversely affect the condition of the rafter.

The drainage system is also inspected. If possible, it is better to take it off for the winter. So you can be sure that the pipes will not bother and do not deform under the influence of snow and ice. Concrete breakdown of the structure in this case is covered with strips of plastic film, and better with old linoleum, and tightly pressed so that the protection against moisture does not move. Stationary drains are brushed from garbage, covered with plastic or metal plates.

It is worth passing by the attic. Here are the nests of a sherry or OS. Getting rid of them need immediately. Insects in the fall often inhibit, it is easier to destroy them. In the spring it will be more difficult. Use suitable insecticide. It is sprayed, waiting for the time specified in the instruction, then carefully remove the socket.

Sheds and visors over the entrance doors are another inspection object. Light or emergency design is better removed. It will not stand the weight of the snow mass and break. Door and window loops are lubricated, then they will later be easier to open. Hinged locks are covered with protective covers. They are cut from ordinary plastic bottles.

Before the departure, the windows are tightly closed. Where winter visits are not planned, it is advisable to close them down from the board shields. They will protect the glass from the gusts of the wind. Wide gaps in the sash, it is desirable to sneak tissue strips or scotch. Otherwise, the draft will provoke condensate loss, which will lead to the appearance of fungus.

Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points 6985_3

2 What to do inside the house

Preparation for cold weather is carried out within the structure. Start with cleaning upholstered furniture and washing textiles. Everything that can be carefully cleaned is dry well. The latter is very important. Mold and fungus love moisture, they will certainly settle on non-dry fabric.

Purified and dried furniture is covered with a thick plastic, which is fixed on it with a scotch. If it is not, used cutting bags for garbage. All textiles that is not planned to be taken with you is packaged in tightly closed plastic bags. Inside sometimes there are means from moths. It is worth taking care of the rejoicing rodents drugs. The house lays folk remedies: branches of elder, grass with a strong smell, such as wormwood. For a better result, use the poison.

The dishes are clean, dried and removed into the closet. There she will drank less. After that, a wet cleaning is carried out.

Before leaving, be sure to turn off gas and electricity. Gas cylinders, if any, calmly fall, even if they are partially or completely filled. Gas is compressed from the cold, so the integrity of the cylinder does not threaten anything.

Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points 6985_4

3 What to do in the site

How to prepare land at the cottage by winter? The list of events depends on what is in the country.

Garden landing

Clean the beds. Clean the roots of weeds and the tops from them. The complex mineral fertilizers or organic substances are then introduced. If necessary, various additives contribute to improving the soil structure. So, for heavy clays, sand, compost or sheet humus are chosen. For sand - wood sawdust, humus. Sour soils are improved by dolomite flour, lime, chalk. To properly prepare the soil at the cottage by winter, it is defined.

Lawn and flowerbeds

Leaves, dry grass gently crushed. Do not leave all this in the winter. Too many pests and causative agents are looking for shelter here in the cold season. The assembled garbage is burned or removed from the site. Flowers are cleaned with flower. Before that collect seeds. Bushes roses are cut. The earth is drunk. Perennials are covered to protect against severe frosts.


It's time to remove dry foliage and Padalitsa, where the pests find yourself. Fruit bushes and trees cut to be plentifully fruitful for the next year. Mandatory moisture profitable watering. Under each tree, depending on its size, pour from 10 to 15 buckets of water. The rolling circle is mured with peat or compost. The trunks are desirable to bother. Young and thermal-loving trees are hidden from the cold.

At the end of the garden work, the inventory is clean, wash and dried. So that the tools are not rusted, they are abundantly lubricated with machine oil.

Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points 6985_5

4 What to do with cellar and basement

It is necessary to prepare a basement or cellar for wintering. Start with ordinary cleaning. The garbage is swept away, the web is removed from the walls. Shelves are removed and carefully dried in the sun. The next step is disinfection. The shelves are treated with an antiseptic, for example, aqueous solution of copper sulphate. In this case, the liter of water takes 100 g of vitriol. You can buy a suitable preparation in the store.

The room also need to dry or at least ventilate within a few hours, better days. Walls are desirable to be bled by a lime solution. For its preparation, 2 kg of lime is divorced in 6-6.5 liters of water. In the process of blissing, the foci of mold is sometimes detected. They are immediately destroyed. For this, an effective antiseptic is used, for example, a 40% solution of formalin.

There is another way to cook the cellar at the cottage to winter: the use of smoke checkers. It consists of disinfectants, which in the process of burning fall into the smoke. With him, they penetrate all corners of the room. You need to use checkers carefully, accurately performing the manufacturer's instruction. Before you ignore it, all metal objects endure from the cellab or cover them. The ventilation openings close tightly.

Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points 6985_6

5 How to Make Water Support and Septic

Especially vulnerable in the cold season of the year plumbing, it is necessary to prepare it to frost. The most important thing is to completely drain the water from the system. The randomly remaining liquid during freezing will break the pipe. For each line, we consistently perform uncomplicated operations.

Preparation of water pipes

  1. Blind water supply.
  2. At the lowest point, open the drain crane. We are waiting until the liquid comes in gravity.

The absence of the crane complicates the task. Pipes have to blow by an autocompressor. In this case, the collers are closed, the compressor is connected to the pipe. Press up pressure up to 3-4 atmospheres, open one valve. Repeat for each of the lines. All cranes are left in a root position. Otherwise, they can split at minus temperatures, because in them, in any case, the minimum amount of moisture remains.

Septicchka should also be prepared for winter cold. If one of the factory sewage systems is installed on the site, all actions for its conservation are described in the manufacturer's instructions. The drives, including homemade, can be preserved.

  • How to prepare a water supply in the country to winter

Preservation Septica

  1. For 2-2.5 weeks before the last pumping into the tank, bacteria are introduced, which will be cleaned.
  2. Septic tackle completely pumped up, or a lot of weight is removed. The equipment is rich enough.
  3. Capacity is filled with water. Otherwise, the reservoir can be deformed in the cold, and in the spring it can push it onto the surface. This does not apply to concrete and brick designs.

All liquid from sewer pipes, washbasin, drain tank, irrigation systems completely merged. Where there is a probability of stagnation of moisture, for example, in watercutters of sanitary devices or in drain traps, it is recommended to fall asleep a spoonful of salt. This will reduce the freezing temperature of the liquid.

Preparation of cottage to winter: checklist from 5 points 6985_8

Proper training of cottages by winter is the basic condition for the complete safety of property and communications. The points of the autumn check-leaf listed by us will help not forget anything, spend all the necessary events in the house and on the site.

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