Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions


The final design of this house The author of the project timed to the new year. It turned out the interior, which is very easy to inspire. And also looking at him, then the most sensation of the holiday arises.

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Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions

About owners

The owner of this small house (92 sq. M) in a cottage settlement near Ufa - a young woman with three dogs. The cottage from the log she decided to build back in 2017. As it often happens, the house design passed gradually, and periodically the owner consulted with the designer Anna Yarulline (they live in the neighborhood) on the arrangement of the arrangement: how to better place the planning, which furniture and light to choose than to separate partitions.

First, the hostess in the stycle of the Alpine Chalet, and Anna created a designer collage that helped visualize this aesthetics. But after this idea, they decided to refuse: for climatic conditions Ufa, the Alpine Chalet seemed not quite suitable. As a result, the space was diluted with bright accents, the fireplace was added and decorated.

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"The natural color of the cut was decided to leave, so I added bright colors to the erected partitions, fireplace, textiles and decor, due to this it was possible to create an eternal holiday atmosphere in the house," says Anna Yarullina's designer.

The final chord in the work on the interior was decoration for the new year. And the result can really be inspired.

On the layout and the main finish

The house has a shared kitchen-living room, one bedroom and bathroom. Wooden walls from the logs were not issued with nothing - left a natural shade of wood. But the Gypsum Carton partition, which separates the bedroom from the kitchen-living room, issued Swedish wallpaper with drawings (ECO brands). From the kitchen-living room, this is a blue-red and white cage that resembles an English style. And on the side of the bedroom - the current floral pattern on a dark background.

The kitchen-living room has a stove-cam ...

The kitchen-living room has a furnace-fireplace. Its design also underwent changes in the course of work and consultation of the customers with a designer. At first, the plans were to put the red "bourgeois". But the owner decided to arrange the furnace with ordinary bricks. After the fireplace, lay a red tiled with tiles (production - Manufactory of Tsareva in the village of Chryptin), and he became one of the main accent elements in the kitchen-living room. Red finish effectively contrasts with wallpaper pattern and adds a festive interior.

About decoration

Materials both in furniture, and in the decor were chosen to become a tree from which the house was built. "The tree is a warm and living material, the other items introduced to this interior should have been to become him," the designer says.

Since the main task in the final decoration was the design of the new year, the heroine of the house and the symbol of the holiday was the Christmas tree.

High tree posted a number

The high tree was placed next to the bright fireplace. The decoration of the Christmas tree is not quite ordinary - this is a fantasy composition of toys, figures and ... colors. Flowers were used in the design in order to "connect" the decor of the Christmas tree with the ornament of the curtains. Christmas toys and decorations - Goodwill.

Fir branches from the Christmas tree are moving to the fireplace. They are decorated with the same figures and toys. Next to the fireplace you can see the boots. In the West, the Christmas stockings are accustomed to the fireplace, and here the designer put the attribute corresponding to Russian culture. Wovenka - Production of Factory Factory Footwear "IvanovopromSherty".

Another object of the festive d & ...

Another object of the festive decor is a covering table. And here also used flowers. "When decorating a festive table, I did not want to lose some naturalness, it looks like guests in the middle of a festive dinner decided to go out into the street to breathe fresh air. The combination of spruce paws with iris and cloves gives an exotic flavor to the holiday, "Anna Yarullina comments. Fools for champagne and glasses - Luxion Crystal Glass. Coffee service "Madonna" is made from porcelain, GDR, 1960s.

Other decor elements are no longer dedicated to the future holiday - textiles and painting. Textiles chose from natural materials: flax, cotton. According to the author of the project, they keep warm in themselves, and this is exactly what has been needed for this interior.

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Carpets ("Ami Carpets") - another elements of the decor - are performed in this interior not only a decorative, but also a functional role. Since the total space is not divided by anything, zoning was performed precisely using carpets.

About furniture

Furniture is woven in the interior, it is a continuation, even though individual things - with bright color upholstery, such as armchair or pouf in the input zone (PUSHE Factory). A lot of items (coffee table, chest of drawers, mirror and chairs (they are painted), table, bed, wardrobe, bedside tables) bought in IKEA. Several chairs in the dining area are vintage. They are renovated in the workshop by the decorator artist Alexander Znevinyan.

The bedroom is much calmer on about & ...

The bedroom is much calmer on the design, compared with the kitchen-living room, but it is supposed to be so. The natural colors of the tree are supported by other shades. The author of the painting "Seasons of the year. Summer "- Larisa Kudoyarova. Plaid - Sofi de Marco Home Collection. Basket - Kuchenland.

Designer Anna Yarullina:

Designer Anna Yarullina:

The decorative and stylistic part is an integral in the creation of a completed home interior. It can not be neglected, postponing this thing for later, someday, or without refusing to this stage at all. Decoration creates a kind of image and atmosphere at home, several parts can tell a lot about the owners of the house.

All furniture items, selected decor and textiles influenced an important component - the house is made of log. And the tree always has its own aesthetics, which imposes an imprint on other elements of the interior. All selected furniture and decor items must be in an inseparable connection with the tree. Well, and, of course, the leitmotif of the interior was the new year. If you consider in detail the interior in detail, it can be noted that all colors and textures seemed to be made from the most beautiful New Year tree.

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Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_11
Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_12
Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_13
Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_14
Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_15

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Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_17

Living room

Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_18


Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_19


Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_20


Log house decorated in the best New Year traditions 703_21


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