Brick fence: Types of laying and 47 real photos


Deaf or viewed, monolithic or combined - we tell what kind of design you can choose to build a brick fence.

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Brick fence: Types of laying and 47 real photos

Brick fence - a solid design, for those owners of private houses, who are not looking for temporary solutions. After all, the wear resistance indicator of this material is one of the highest. Yes, and the choice of design is truly impressive. Consider the design options and the photo of a brick fence.

All about how to make a brick fence

Benefits of material

What kind of choose

Solid masonry

Sectional or combined


Advantages of bricks

  • One of the strongest and durable materials. If this is not a hollow porous model, it is difficult to damage it.
  • Not afraid of bacteria, is not affected by chemicals and humidity.
  • Depending on the type, it withstands an average of 50 to 200 frost cycles and thawing.
  • Thick walls withstand wind up to 40 meters per second. And the average maximum value is 15 meters per second.
  • White, brown, yellow or green - the choice of textures and colors is limited only by the fantasy.
  • Environmental.
  • It's nice to work with him. Conscientious manufacturers rebel products that differ from the standard more than 1 mm.

In this case, a significant minus is the price. If you want to get a deaf wall at the output, be prepared for costs.

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  • 7 truly cool ideas for the design of the fence (you can repeat!)

Brick species

There are several types of stone, they differ in technical characteristics. The most suitable fences are considered the following.

  • Ceramic. The most famous and familiar to everyone. It is made of red clay, so it has a characteristic color. If the appearance of the wall is not as important, you can build it from this material. But today it is still more often used for the construction of the basis, and the cladding is performed by others, for example, - facing ceramic.
  • Clinker. The most durable and therefore universal. If you want to save the budget, use it only for finishing. Such a brick fence in the photo will not differ from the analogues fully laid out by clinker.
  • Hyper pressed. According to the degree of wear resistance and strength, it is often compared with clinker. Dyes add to a mixture of cement and raw materials, the colors palette are due. Like clinker, it is both the main building material, and facing.

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  • What kind of fence will suit you? 8 types of fence for different needs

Solid masonry

The type of masonry is the first thing to be thought out when choosing a fence design. There are three varieties.

The deaf wall is suitable for those who exactly want to hide from prying views. But, I must say, the solid masonry is rare today, after all, the fence is constructed with the use of columns. And they can be decorated, placing on top, for example, lights.

If a monophotional structure looks somewhat boring, we suggest seeking options with patterned masonry. To do this, you can use various shades of stone.

In addition, you can choose the thickness of the fence: from half to one and a half or more bricks.

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  • All about brickwork: types, schemes and technique

Sectional or combined

The desire to save or appearance is difficult to say which of these factors makes such a masonry so popular.

The stone is perfectly combined with other materials, it is able to reflect them. For example, the fence from the professional sheet with brick columns looks much more interesting than the simple fence from the professional flooring.

Brick and forging

The most elegant and beautiful brick fence is a combination of fine artistic forging and a stone array. Classical open type - with brick columns and a small base, no more than half a meter.

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There is a more closed brick and forging model, where the ratio of materials is approximately the same. The pillars and the lower part are made of stone, and the upper assumes an artistic decoration, it is she who gives the whole design of lightness.

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Third option - using wrought elements only in the top of the wall. At the same time, the fence itself is made in the technique of deaf masonry, that is, without gaps. Forging in this case wears only decorative and protective functions.

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If you like this type of fences, be careful when choosing a manufacturer who will join the composite, and the installation wizard. It is a sufficiently heavy design and with the wrong installation it can be damaged, and even worse - quickly fails.

Brick and Profile Fence

This option is choosing most often. The advantages are obvious: such a design will cost cheaper than the deaf brick, but will last at least 50 years, and even 70 years. Want a solid wall? Choose whole profliches. And the viewed design is made from Ershtrokenik, it looks like a professional flooring chopped into separate parts.

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One of the main advantages is the simplicity of the structure. The combined model can be erected independently with a minimum set of tools. Features of the design allow you to use the sheets of any size, the main thing is to choose the material and correctly calculate its quantity.

For the construction of the fence, any type of profiled metal sheets is suitable: polyvinyl chloride, pural, polyester and plastisol. Even the dark metal profile for a long time will preserve the appearance, since it is resistant to the effects of sunlight and temperature difference.

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In combination with a tree

Wooden fence with brick columns is suitable for those who appreciate the warmth of the tree, but wants to get a more durable material. After all, the most vulnerable place of a wooden fence is a support - she rotes the first. Brick pillars will solve this problem.

In addition to the classic vertical location, there is more modern - horizontal placement of boards, as well as original diagonal versions with wood thread or curly fastening. They are both deaf and with the proof.

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During the installation, do not forget about waterproofing. And already in the course of operation, be sure to follow the structure of the structure, since the tree is the most fragile and mapping material from this point of view. If you notice that with the board, the lacquer comes from time to the update.

Decorative masonry

This type includes curly structures of different shapes and sizes. So that the construction looks spectacular and to the place, first correlate the design with your own home, landscape and even the street. Otherwise, instead of "wow" it turns out the opposite effect.

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