What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria


We tell how to choose the best acrylic at a price, appointment and smell and not run into fake.

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria 7088_1

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria

Each bath with time loses the dazzling white, covered with cracks and chips. The former was once smooth, the coating becomes rough, poorly cleaned. All this signals that Plumbing is time to change or restore. More and more users take the second solution. We'll figure it out how to choose a liquid acrylic for the bath to get as a result a cup with high-quality coating.

All about choosing bulk acrylic

What is better: acrylic composition or enamel

Criterias of choice

  • Color
  • Purpose
  • Smell

How to distinguish fake

What is better: liquid acrylic or enameling bath

First, find out how the bulk method is different (this is exactly the name of the restoration with a solution of acrylate) from enamellation. In the first case, the prepared bowl is poured with thick acrylic paste, which stain down, completely covers the base and forms a solid elastic coating. It takes about three days. It depends on the composition, brand, the like.

Advantages of restoration with acrylic

  • It will last at least 12-14 years old with proper care.
  • Special smoothness, which prevents the accumulation of pollution and facilitates cleaning.
  • Pleasant to the touch elastic coating, which longer than any other holds warmth.
  • The ability to paint acrylate before applying.


Of the disadvantages you need to know about the vulnerability of acrylic before mechanical damage and aggressive chemicals. Therefore, with renovated plumbing, you should contact it gently, wash it with special drugs.

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria 7088_3

Enamellation of the bowl involves the application of liquid enamel, which should be a full-fledged substitute for the factory. But this is unreal. After all, industrial technology involves heating the base to high temperatures, the creation of certain conditions that can not be played at home. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about full enamel. It is rather the usual painting of the foundation that will hide defects for a while. It is performed in the same way. The solution is applied to a bowl with a brush or roller. It is fast, easy and cheap. If necessary, several layers are superimposed fully closing defects. Enamel is distinguished by resistance to chemicals and mechanical influences. Therefore, no special care is required. But at the same time she serves for a short time, about five years. Then re-procedure is required. Therefore, enamel does not enjoy so popular as acrylic drugs.

How to choose the right acrylic for the restoration of the bath

Two-component mixtures are used to restore the bowl. Their composition is mainly similar, but depending on the supplements of the manufacturer may differ slightly. The volume of containers with drugs is different. It is determined by the size of the plumbing, which is to be restored. The packaging usually indicates the length of the bath. It is important to take into account this magnitude so that the composition is enough for the entire work. If you can not find a kit for a cup of the desired size, buy two.

In the package there are two substances that are mixed immediately before applying. The hardener in small portions is introduced into the acrylic paste and is well mixed. The instructions necessarily indicate the mixing time. This is a few minutes during which you need to mix the paste. Then it is left for a while, the exact value is again indicated by the manufacturer. During this period, the paste is defended, now it is completely ready for work.

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria 7088_4

Proper preparation is very important because it affects the quality of the finished coating. Therefore, when choosing attention to the presence of detailed instructions for the preparation of the mixture to work. With deserving trust manufacturers, it will definitely be. In addition, there are a few more points.


The drug is produced in two versions: colorless and white. The first is less common, most often a acrylate of a white shade in the range from the milk to the snow-white. When choosing, the acrylic paste is oriented, but also the color of the hardener is important. If it is saturated orange or dark brown, the likelihood is very high that after the rejection, the coating will acquire an imbued yellowish tint. And over time, it can become more noticeable.

Recovery enamel for plumbing and household appliances

Recovery enamel for plumbing and household appliances

Products of a number of brands are subject to caller. This means that the caloring pastes are produced, which are sold separately. Sometimes they come complete with a mixture. With their help, the desired shade is given to the finished solution. Professionals mix colors to achieve the desired tone, not recommended to do it. Great risk spoil. Solve liquid preparation is better in the bathroom. The color changes depending on the lighting, the desired shade is easier to get this way.

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria 7088_6


Despite the fact that all liquid acrylates are designed to restore the input method, their appointment will be a little bit. So, there are compositions for professional and home use. We will deal with what the difference between them.

In the inexperienced master, especially if he takes the case for the first time, it is very difficult to adjust the speed of the filling, to level the drums, the like. Therefore, it will be suitable for low fluidity. They slowly flow on the sibor, filling themselves all possible space. In the process of curing, the surface formed by them is leveled, hides the drums. They slowly dry, work easier with them.

At the same time, their operational characteristics may be slightly worse than professional blends. The latter is most often less dense, with high fluidity. They are applied with accurate movements, quickly spread, if necessary, it is a little smoking. To obtain high-quality coating, they are sometimes imposed in several layers. It is difficult to work with them, they quickly harde. After a short time, a selected application defect cannot be corrected.

For beginners, only the material without marking "professional" is chosen.

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria 7088_7


The bulk acrylic for the bath is always with the smell. This smells of chemical compounds. The intensity of the aroma depends on the ingredients of the mixture and the degree of their volatility. Some drugs smell stronger, some less. Sometimes the packaging is celebrated on the packaging. It should be perceived as a signal about low quality paste or fake, since a qualitative solution cannot have such properties.

It is necessary to clarify the speed of drying. If the coating is hardening very quickly, it indicates that it has a lot of hardener and plasticizers. This significantly increases its brittleness, which is not always good. The expiration date is also specified. If the material is overdue or close to this, it is worth refrangain from the purchase. Otherwise, the quality of the renovated surface may be low.

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria 7088_8

How to distinguish fake

Consultants of stores and master repairmen are often heard from clients about Stacryl. It is believed that this is exactly the name of the bulk material for the restoration. In fact, this is a coating brand producing Ecolor - a high-quality polymer that gives a good result. His name has become a nominal one. Along with the "Stacryl", the brand "Expanded" and "Plastol" is in demand. It is them for fake most often.

Signs of origin

  • The color of the packaging covers of the two-component mixture accurately coincides.
  • Marking of covers. I "Stacryla" and "Exchange" are stickers with the number of the party, at the "Plastol" - laser lithograph.
  • Brand logo. On the side surfaces of the tanks there are stickers with the correct brand logo.
  • Quality stickers. The production is used in the production of a flow-machine stagnation, where there are no skews, chances, etc. If they are, it indicates that the elements were glued manually.
  • Seals. They must be present and be integer. The fuses are on the jar with pasta and on a bottle with a hardener.

Before visiting the store, it is advisable to find out how the actual design of the packaging like the mixture looks like. Manufacturers from time to time change it to complicate life to those who fake their products. Having met on the counter last year's packaging option, you can safely pass by. Sensor's assurance that this is the last party in such design, hardly truthful.

What acrylic is better to choose for restoration bath: 3 criteria 7088_9

We found out which acrylic for the bath is better to choose. Do not save on the material. Products of a well-known brand are predictable in work, provided that the proper application will give a good result and last for a long time. This can not be said about the material-fake. The result of such a restoration is unpredictable and rarely pleases with high quality and attractive species. The saved amount turns into additional considerable consideration costs.

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