7 simple and cool design hacks from IKEA for indoor plants


We show how to turn outdoor hanger, stair staircase and even a flashlight for a candle to accessories for room colors.

7 simple and cool design hacks from IKEA for indoor plants 7097_1

7 simple and cool design hacks from IKEA for indoor plants

1 stool staircase as a pedestal for flowers

It seems that the stair staircase "Beckwem" is one of the most universal objects of furniture ICEA. He finds a place in any room and helps in a variety of situations. We could not get around it by side, speaking of room plants.

Look at how great with & ...

See how wonderful stool looks as a pedestal for flowers. It seems, he specifically for this and was intended. Bonus: Ikea offers this ladder in the natural color of the birch array, and if you wish, you can paint it into any suitable shade.

Price: 999 rubles.

  • Soil humidity sensor and 7 more useful and budget products from IKEA for indoor plants

2 Floor hanger for mini-garden organization

Just take a look at this idea: Rigg's outdoor hanger turned into a real home mini-garden. Depending on the location, the garden can also serve as a peculiar partition and help in zoning space.

On the shelf for shoes can be ...

On the shelf for shoes, you can place larger pots with flowers, and the crossbar will become an excellent place for suspended porridge. Bonus: Outdoor hangers have wheels, so your home mini-garden will also be mobile.

Price: 1 399 rubles.

  • Decorative greenhouse and 8 more useful novelties from IKEA for home plants

3 panels from table top

Admit: Looking at it Panno, you did not even recognize the legendary Packed table "Lakk"? But it was from his countertop this kind of frame for succulents.

Like panel you can smart & ...

You can make a similar panel yourself: it is worth only to make the necessary drank and plant succulents. By the way, this decor can be simply noted to the wall or hang it - to solve you.

Price: 599 rubles.

  • How to add indoor plants in the interior if absolutely no place

4 Reheling for suspended porridge

We all know that the rails can be used not only for direct intended purpose. But did you think that with their help you can organize a spectacular composition of suspended porridge with indoor plants?

See how neatly Rail & ...

See how neatly Reheling the "FINTORP" looks in the interior. And the plants themselves create a peculiar partition, zoning space.

Price from 449 rubles.

5 table with a secret

The coffee table "Kvistbru" literally pushes to creative solutions: its foundation is a well-viewed storage compartment. Some are located here magazines and books, others - decorative pillows and blankets, well, lovers of indoor plants will find an unexpected place for another one or two kashpo.

Agree, it looks like

Agree, it looks quite effectively. Bonus: Room flower will be protected from pets of pets.

Price: 2 299 rubles.

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6 Lantern like Cachepo

Do you recognize the lantern "Toppig" in this original hanging accessory? In a new capacity, it looks so organically, as if it was specifically created for this purpose.

Initially, the lantern was black, o ...

Initially, the lantern was black, however, in the process, the alteration of it was painted white and added metal accents using paint with the corresponding effect. Instead of candles, the pot with a plant was placed inside, it turned out air and unusual.

Price: 799 rubles.

7 New look on the cart

Roskug truck is another universal ICEA product used in various purposes. Why not turn this subject in a stylish pedestal for indoor plants?

Lovers of small flowers in A & ...

Lovers of small flowers in a neat potty such an idea will definitely have to do. In addition, so home garden looks very comfortable and organized.

Price: 3,9999 rubles.

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