Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose


We are talking about the features of acrylic and steel baths and we conclude that it is better.

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose 7113_1

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose

The usual cast iron gradually gives his position, acrylic and steel came to replace him. Today in the article will deal with what is better: acrylic or steel bath.

Compare steel and acrylic baths

Features of plumbers from acrylate

Pros and cons acrylic

Features of steel plumbing devices

Pros and cons of steel

What to choose what is better

What is the different acrylic bath from steel? The difference in the material that goes to their manufacture. What determines all the properties of the structure. Let's talk about each.

Features of plumbing from acrylic

Acrylate bath - the general name of a whole group of different in its design properties. They are combined only that in the manufacture of the housing used acrylate. Its quantity and characteristics of the finished product will differ significantly. In industry use two technologies.

Bath Roca Hall 170x75 Acrylic Corner

Bath Roca Hall 170x75 Acrylic Corner

Extrusion or pressing

The upper part of such a bowl is made of the band acrylic thickness of only 0.1-0.3 cm. To enhance the structure, it is coated with several layers of polyester resin or fiberglass. Particular tiles can be laid between them to enhance the system. But in any case, the molecular bonds of the polymer are weakened, it quickly loses its attractive appearance and operational properties. Sensitive to all adverse effects.

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose 7113_4


The melted polymer is poured into a form, after cooling, a bowl of solid polymer is obtained. The links between its molecules are preserved, so cast plumbing has the best than extrusion, characteristics. It is environmentally friendly, retains an attractive appearance and good properties for at least 20 years. True, its price is much higher.

Bath Aquanet Viola 180x75 Acrylic Corner

Bath Aquanet Viola 180x75 Acrylic Corner

Diffuse externally extrusion from casting is difficult, almost impossible. This means that in the store it is worth checking certificates of conformity, not too trusted consultant.

Feature acrylic bowls - the presence of a metal frame. Material plastic, especially when increasing the temperature. It is easily bent, which leads to the appearance of chances and cracks. Frame is designed to enhance the case. Credible manufacturers design frames for each of the models, since there are no universal solutions. Frames are folding or welded whole. The latter speaks of insufficient tank strength.

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose 7113_6

Pros and cons acrylic

To decide which bath to choose, acrylic or steel, you must imagine the advantages and disadvantages of both options.


  • Low thermal conductivity. Acrylate is considered warm, that is, it retains the temperature for a very long time. For half an hour, the reservoir will cool all over half graduates, so you can not have a long time in it.
  • Low weight. Mass of polymer capacity from 19 to 45 kg. All define the dimensions, the form of the product, the like. Difficulties with transportation or installation, as it was in cast iron copies, it does not occur here.
  • Antibacterial characteristics. Microorganisms do not like a smooth acrylic surface. They do not settle and do not live on it even in attractive conditions of high humidity and heat for them.
  • Noise isolation. Plastic absorbs sound waves, so the tank is filled from acrylic without noise.
  • Safety. Acrylic is environmentally friendly and safe. The coating is smooth, but not sliding.

The casting technology makes it possible to make a bowl of almost any form. The only problem is the design and manufacture of a frame that will strengthen the bath. Designers highly appreciate this opportunity, choosing complex configurations. In the material prepared for injection, dyes are added, painting it in different colors. Another plus is a simple installation of nozzles for water massage, aeration, etc. This is a weighty argument in the dispute, which bath is better: acrylic or steel.

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose 7113_7


The main disadvantage of polymer structures is sensitivity to abrasives and active chemicals. For this reason, cleaning products are chosen carefully. It is best to take specifically for this preparations. Acrylate, especially extrusion, poorly tolerate mechanical damage. True, small chips or scratches are easily closed with remkomplekt. Strong blows can destroy the walls of the container.

Bath Aquaate Mia 165 Acrylic Corner

Bath Aquaate Mia 165 Acrylic Corner

Features of steel bowl

The base of the steel bath mold under the press is a blank of sheet metal. Its thickness is different: from 1.5 to 4 mm. What it is more, the stronger the plumbing works better. Determine it on the eye, unfortunately, it is impossible. It remains only to check the technical documentation or believing the seller.

The molded billet enters the decoration. It is enamelled or coated with a layer of protective polymer. Enamellation differs from the one that is performed on a cast-iron basis. It is superimposed only one, sometimes two enamel layers. They can be white or tinted by any color. In the hardened form, the coating is almost without pores, so it is cleared easily. Pollution is not settled on smooth enamel. Skoles and cracking are found on such tanks less often.

Bath Roca Swing 180x80 Steel Corner

Bath Roca Swing 180x80 Steel Corner

True, only if the basis is strong enough. Thin metal under the weight of a bathing person or water begged and deformed. Enamel on these sites is peeled, then chips. The polymer layer keeps much longer. Good choice - a bowl of stainless steel. It does not need additional finish, only molding is enough.

Most bowls are required frame. This is similar to acrylic, but they are not always equipped with them. Folk crafts are advised to establish such tanks, especially thin, only in a reinforcing frame. The easiest way to collect brick supports, put the design on them, blend space under it with construction foam. Before this plumbing is filled with water, otherwise it will raise it with foam.

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose 7113_10

Advantages and disadvantages of steel

Let's start with the advantages of steel structures. A lot of them.


  • High heat transfer. Metal walls are warm very quickly. To heat the plumbing, sufficiently solid it with hot water. True, the material cools the material as quickly, so it will be necessary to lie in the water of a comfortable temperature.
  • Little weight. Metal systems, of course, harder polymer, but not much. Models are similar dimensions and form weigh almost the same. It means that we are not difficult to regulate them. You can put on fairly thin overlaps without amplification.
  • Hygienicity. Smooth coating does not hold pollution. In addition, it is not sensitive to most aggressive chemicals. But still cleaning with rude abrasives or acids with acid is better not to abuse.
  • Durability. On average plumbing serves 15 years. With good care, this time increases.
  • The price of metal systems is lower than that of the injection acrylic or cast iron. The short-lived extrusion more often wins in value, but its quality is incomparably lower.


  • High heat transfer, which contributes to rapid cooling.
  • Bad sound insulation.
  • Deformation of the product under the influence of water or human weight.

All of them are quite simply leveled. So, the installation of supports with the subsequent bleeding of the mounting foam removes all the problems.

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose 7113_11

Bath Donna Vanna 170x75 Steel Corner

Bath Donna Vanna 170x75 Steel Corner

Conclusion: what bath it is better to choose - steel or acrylic

Answer the question is uniquely impossible. To choose always to the future owner, only he knows what he wants to see in his bathroom. And yet, summing up, make conclusions.

  • It is more comfortable to use acrylic. He is warm to the touch, long retains heat, does not slide, it does not "sound" when filling.
  • It is easier to care for steel construction, especially if it is a stainless steel. Acrylate is too capricient. An error in choosing a cleaning preparation can do it very expensive: the surface will irrevocably deteriorate. Drop, even with a small height of an acute or heavy item, can become a fatal for extrusion bowl.
  • Installation is about the same in difficulty for both systems. It is not complicated by considerable weight, but requires installation of a frame. At the heart of the polymer, it is easy to cut holes for hydromassage equipment if they were not provided. Metal for this is not intended.

It is necessary to know that all the advantages of a particular material that professionally seduce consultants of construction stores is fully manifested only during the operation of high-quality models. Made "On the knee" copies of the incomprehensible producer they definitely do not possess. On the contrary, an additional list will be added to the well-known list of flaws.

Which bath is better: acrylic or steel? Compare and choose 7113_13

Determining for yourself, which is better: acrylic or steel, take into account financial opportunities. It is reasonable to buy the highest quality model of the budget segment, despite the fact that its price is above the analogues. It will last longer than the cheapest, but fashionable copy of the more expensive segment. Although it may not look so beautiful.

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