How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction


We tell about effective ways to remove self-keys film from furniture, glass and walls.

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_1

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction

There is no time or money for full repair, and I want to update the interior. Then use self-keys. This is a real chopstick in such cases. With it, you can quickly "repaint" furniture and doors, update the interior. Over time, the material comes into disrepair and requires replacement. Before sticking a new decor, you need to get rid of the old. Let's talk about how to remove the self-adhesive film quickly and without trace.

All about the removal of self-keys film

What you need to know about the material

How to remove the decor from different reasons

- From furniture

- from glass products

- from walls and other smooth surfaces

How to remove glue traces

What you need to know about self-keys

Finishing material is completely synthetic. It consists of two layers. The first is decorative. It is most often made of polyvinyl chloride, but also use propylene, polyester or a combination of these polymers. It is this layer that determines the appearance of the finish. It can be transparent or color, with a pattern or monophonic, matte or glossy. The operational characteristics of the coating depend on the thickness of the film and its properties.

The second glue layer. The composition of the adhesive mastic can be different, so one self-kept is easy to remove, and the other is very difficult. Most often, the manufacturer informs acrylic or rubber glue. They are durable, well hold material. So that the mastic does not remove ahead of time, it is covered with a layer of waxed paper. Before sticking it is removed.

Relatively recently appeared laminated self-stale films. They have a decorative coating consist of two layers. First - paper or fabric. They define the appearance of the material. On top is a protective layer of plastic. The rest of the decor is similar to its two-layer analogues. This finish is beautiful, but less durable and practical. When removal is sometimes removed in layers, which makes it difficult to work.

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_3
How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_4

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_5

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_6

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How to remove the self-adhesive film from glass and other surfaces

Self-tech is used to design different items. With its help, the window or door glass is turned into stained glass, they change the color and texture of furniture, decorate small items. We'll figure it out how to delete the decor from various bases.

From furniture

Self-tech decorate facades, countertops and other surfaces. Before their next update, it is necessary to find out how to properly remove the self-adhesive film from the furniture. Before removing the decor, it is desirable to determine which material is made of the base. This is important in order not to spoil the subject. So, the wood plates "do not like" moisture, while the tree will easily endure her short-term impact. To remove the finish, you can use two effective methods.

The first is in the heating of the canvas. To do this, take a construction hairdryer (you can do and domestic) and the site is heated from the edge of the part. The softened preheated self-tech is gently fitted with a sharp spatula or a knife, carefully pull up and aside. It rises and quite well drops from the base. In the process of tightening the canvas continue to heat. Thus remove the entire decor. It is necessary to work as a sharp tool carefully not to damage the furniture. In addition, with the same purpose it is necessary to control the heating.

The second technique is to dissolve the adhesive layer with special preparations. You can take any spray to remove stickers, solvent, alcohol, gasoline or WD-40 liquid. The edge of the self-adhesive film is neatly lifted by the spatula. The plot is processed by the selected solvent. It is necessary to try to get the drug to the other coating, dissolving adhesive mastic, give some time to dissolve and move on. Important moment. It is impossible that the drug spoil the base. It is advisable to try it on an invisible piece of furniture, only then use to work.

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_8
How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_9

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_10

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_11

From glass products

Before removing the self-adhesive film from the window window, it can also be heated too. But there are some nuances. So, heavily heat the glass surface is not always possible. For example, if there is a minus temperature on the street, this method is categorically unacceptable. Glass can crack. In warm weather, he will effectively work. Heat decorative canvas with a hairdryer or any suitable electric heater.

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_12
How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_13

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_14

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_15

If there are concerns for the integrity of the glass base, you can use hot water to heated. Self-tech is wetted by hot water several times, give glue to soften and carefully remove the strips with a spatula. It can be pre-made on the vinyl coating of the notch so that the liquid gets directly in the adhesive layer and destroyed it faster. Sheets make a sharp tool.

In order to effectively soften the adhesive coating, any detergent solution is added to hot water. Solvent, White Spirit, Acetone, and those similar to them are good tools. They are applied to the decorative decoration plot so that the composition partially hit the opposite side of the strip. A sharp spatula gently remove the detached material. Repeat to complete finishing removal.

From walls and other smooth surfaces

The removal technique depends on the material from which the base is made. However, the heating is most often used. We will analyze for an example, how to remove the self-adhesive film from the wooden surface. It is better to do this by a construction hairdryer at low power, but appropriate and consumer. Heat a small plot from the edge of the coating, push it with something sharp, pulling toward and up. Continue to heat the canvas, completely remove it from the wall. Solvents and other chemical drugs are better not to use the tree. A great risk to spoil him. You can try this method on plastered or metal surfaces. It will work on plastic, but before this it is necessary to check whether the solvent will spoil the base.

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_16
How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_17

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_18

How to remove the self-adhesive film: a simple and understandable instruction 712_19

How to remove the remnants of glue

It is not always possible to remove the decorative coating so that there are no traces of the adhesive mastic. In the recommendations, how to remove the self-adhesive film from plastic and other reasons, they are advised to remove them with special drugs. Sprays are well coped to remove stickers. It can be applied to adhesive traces of a solvent, white spirit or gasoline, and WD-40 is suitable. The drug is left for a while so that he softened the remnants of the adhesive, then they are cleaned.

From home tools, you can make a suitable solution: chips of the economic soap and soda is bred in warm water to the state of the Cashitz. They apply it to a polluted surface, slightly rubbed, leave half an hour. After that, carefully wash off. As a solvent, any vegetable oil can be used. It is better to do this on the grounds that will easily wash away from fat. If the plot with pollution is small, you can lose it with an ordinary eraser. He copes well with the traces of glue.

Self-player is a good choice for quick and inexpensive interior updates. Her relevance is due to the fact that the toned decor can be easily replaced by the new one. True, before this you need to get rid of it served. Do not try to glue a new decorative layer on top of the old one. Most likely, the canvas will face unevenly, feces will appear, bubbles. Therefore, the old coating is cleaned, traces of glue remove, if necessary, prepare the surface under sticking. Then the new design will fall smoothly and neatly.

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