What is attic in the house and what features her design


We are talking about the pros and cons of the attic floor, types of design and suitable design styles.

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What is attic in the house and what features her design

For the first time, the church was converted to the residential room French architect Francois Mansar - he equipped there a guest. Paris instantly picked up this idea, and attic - derived from the surname of their creator - appeared everywhere. In our country, the public learned what attic is, much later - only at the end of the 19th century. At first, these were rooms without light: small hearing windows in them allowed only a few rays from the street, and today it is a promising area, which can be made fashionable and stylish.

What you need to know about the attic floor


Pros and cons

Types of construction

  • Single car
  • Double
  • Loan
  • Four-page
  • With a balcony

Options for registration

  • Country
  • Classic
  • Loft
  • Kostal

What is attic in the house

We will analyze the definition according to SNiP. The attic floor is an area in the attic space, the facade of which is completely or partially formed by the roof surface. The height of the walls from the plane of the roof to the floor, as a rule, not more than 1.5 m.

The attic turn into a residential room, use as a warehouse, less commonly make kitchens. To enjoy the room year-round, it is insulated and make waterproofing.

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Difference from the usual floor

In the second (or third) tier, smooth walls and ceiling, it has a full-fledged tier and the highest height from all sides. Mansard is a floor or not? According to the standards, no. The paradox is that such a building is still called multi-storey. Now the attic can be made almost any form.


Basic materials for the construction of attic: wood, reinforced concrete and metal. By size most often it takes the entire area.

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Pros and cons

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a layout.


  • Increase living space.
  • Due to the insulation and the presence of heating, heat loss in cold times is significantly reduced.
  • Ability to make a bright attractive room, mount windows.
  • Repairs can be made without moving and large-scale resettlement.
  • The attic floor, as a rule, preserves better and maintains heat in winter than the facade.

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  • Due to the beveled ceiling, the walls are becoming lower.
  • Less useful area, also because of a peculiar ceiling.
  • The abundance of snow in the winter can close the access of natural light through the window.
  • Serious work on insulation and waterproofing require large investments.
  • Constantly high temperature indoors in the summer can be a problem.

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Types of construction

Depending on the design of the ceiling (roofs), several varieties are separated. We tell about them and show in the photo.

Single car

The most fiscal option. During construction, skates are not used, the beams are attached to the walls of different levels, so the SCOS is formed. It is important that its bevel angle is equal to 45 degrees, otherwise the snow can accumulate there, which, in turn, will require the installation of additional beams and the living area of ​​the floor will decrease. In the wall usually form a small window.

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Planning can be symmetric and asymmetric. In the first case, the horse is located right in the center of the building, and in the second there is a displacement. Fronttones are straight, and the upper floor acquires the shape of the trapezoid, but if the area is large, it may turn out the right square. The design has a minus - empty space on the sides, not always tenants it fits. So that the place does not disappear, cabinets or dressing rooms are equipped there. The windows are drawn up in the middle or at the very top, the choice depends on the angle of inclination of the roof.

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What is this - attic in the house with a broken roof? The design consists of two slopes with a different angle of inclination. Evil all the walls in this option is not necessary - it saves your budget. But the system rafters turns out more complex, sometimes rafters are put forward to the limits of the walls of the house. A complex architecture serves as additional precipitation protection. By means of the lone of the roof, it is possible to increase the living area, work is not difficult, but the calculation of the foundation is necessary.

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One of the most complex buildings. The design requires a preliminary drawing with all the calculations. The surface is obtained significantly larger than in all other versions, and materials will also be needed. The quadruck roofs are not terrible to the impulses of the wind, due to the fact that all surfaces are tilted. Houses with four-tie riding are considered the most aesthetic. It is important before starting work to strengthen the frame by inclined rafters, it accounts for the main load.

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With a balcony

The window opening can be increased, so the balcony sometimes attach. To make it more durable, put columns. They especially look at the entrance, framing the door. The balcony increases the quadrature and the useful area of ​​the room. It can be left without furniture or equip a seating area with a wicker chair or coffee table.

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  • We make the staircase on the attic of their own hands: Construction Review and Mounting Plan

Suitable styles

Attic is most often done in country houses, it will be logical to create a cozy and eco-friendly interior there. What styles for this will fit?


Natural texture of wood - your assistant. You can use it for wall decoration, floor, choose wooden furniture or hang as decor a couple of textured sleeps. If you are repairing yourself, do not forget to cover wood with varnish.

In combination with a tree, botanical prints, knitted things and natural textiles with bright textures look great. By the way, in the interior in the style of Country, you can successfully entertain the design features: beams and rafters.

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It is better to make a spacious room in such a style. Ceiling can be painted in traditional white, and for the walls to choose bright shades. On the floor it is better to put parquet or laminate with a tree texture. Furniture need strict correct forms. Decorating the Roman Curtains window, their concise design does not attack attention and does not overload the interior. You can add to the nature interior using active accessories - a wrought-iron frame on the mirror will perfectly cope with this task.

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Loft won the hearts of the owners of spacious large premises with high ceilings, former factories or plants. But, nevertheless, on a compact attic he will also look relevant. Especially if you have brick or concrete walls in your house. Pipes and beams should also be left without finishing. An ideal decor will be advertising shields and posters, several industrial lamps. Try to choose small objects of the situation, because the compact space large items will be visually even less.

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One of the most romantic styles - a coastal is always an association with rest, sea coast and summer. The collaboration of eco-friendly materials, simple functional objects and a relaxed atmosphere is ideal for lovers of travel and southern sun. Arrange the plants in the pots, cut the walls into turquoise or white, instead of the bed hang hammock, put the hotels or a rating set - and enjoy.

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