Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles


In this two-room apartment, the designer managed to create a comfortable space with a living-dining room, a bedroom, a dressing room and two bathrooms. At the same time, the minimum amount of bulk furniture and properly thought-out scenarios do not make space sincelable.

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Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles

Having equipped his housing in a new monolith-concrete house, a married couple dreamed of modern comfort and aesthetics, while wishing to see the color and style diversity. In the public zone, elements of the loft, industrial and bright colors were assumed; The decor of the bedroom, on the contrary, wondered soft. The kitchen-living room required zoning options - with the possibility of isolation of the kitchen from the living-dining room. In one of the bathrooms, the shower compartment was to design, in the other - install the bath.


In the apartment with outlines in the form of the letter P and three windows facing two opposite sides, the developer allocated two bathrooms and three large rooms, all rooms were connected by corridors.

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In general structure, adjustments were made: the entrance to the kitchen was made from the living room, which allowed, a slightly shocking the partition, to fit in the hallway a built-in wardrobe in the hallway.

Custom-made shelf-ko & ...

Custom-made bug-console with a wrought frame echoing with the appearance of the chandelier, carpet and design of the curtain. Carnations on the upholstery of the backs of dining chairs are responsible for the overall concept.

Another built-in closet of a small width, but of a standard depth, thanks to the transfer of an undesiable septum bathroom, made at the entrance to the apartment. The bedroom was allocated a dressing room with a sliding door, which is removed into the built-in penalties, and between it and the bathroom was filled with the width of the duct box a small compartment for the washing machine.

Expressively decorated and intert

Expressively decorated and interior doors: 1 m width panels are made of white matte glass in black frames with square fillets and thin lines "Stretchecks".

Doors are moved to the built-in penalty. The sliding door with the upper suspension is in the hallway: a large mirror in a veneered frame hides a wardrobe.


New partitions elevated from the puzzle blocks. Since the draft repair was performed by the Developer, on the finished tie, the floor was tested by an oak engineering board (living quarters) and a porcelain tile (kitchen, an entrance hall, a bathroom and a bathroom).

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The windows and radiators did not change, the windowsill were made of plastic (except for kitchen - it is made of quartz, as well as table tops in the working area and at the bar counter). For the lighting of the bar rack, an unusual reception was used: three wall-mounted lamps on long pantographs attached to the ceiling. In a similar style, the flooring in the living room, and the bar chairs are performed.

For cooking in the kitchen ...

For cooking in the kitchen there is a solid front: the P-shaped countertop is located in such a way that it is not difficult for her to settle down together. Step rack rack closes household details from the entrance side.

The walls were painted, the ceilings were leveled by plaster, partially - drywall, in the bathrooms - mainly using stretch structures.


Spaciousness and feeling of free movement in this apartment create features of planning: deep prospects, trajectories of movement with interesting changes in the angle, as well as the minimum number of volume furniture. The decor emphasizes these properties even more.

In almost achromatic kitchen Pre & ...

White, the bar stand is prevalent, the bar is removed from the window - the interior looks very spacious, and each dark line on this background is extremely expressive.

For example, a layout of tiles is very interesting. So, in the hallway, a large wave-like floor pattern sets forward movement, in the kitchen apron, laid with an irregular combination of dies in the achromatic range, resembles an expressive abstract canvas, a rowing layout in combination with small patterns creates an effect of rich oriental carpets, grazing floors and rising on the wall. The combination of parts of the brutal techno and industrial, elements of pop art, environmental and ejeotatives pleases the view of the change of paintings.

In the living-dining room two wide & ...

In the living-dining room, two broad doorways are one of the hallway corridor, the other serves as an entrance to the kitchen. For this reason, the room design connects the motifs of both rooms, but in a softened form.

A saturated green entrance hall is replaced by a gentle-olive tone of walls and light textiles, rigid ahromatic rhythms in the floor carpet and gently transform into shades of gray on six cards of European cities above the sofa.

Laconic bedroom furnishings, & ...

The bedroom furnishings are laconic, in addition to a wide bed with a high steam back, bedside tables and a bench with a soft upholstery. Here is a small dressing table with a comfortable chair.

Graphically looks and lamps, they are either the right geometric forms, or their plaffones resemble crystal lattices.

In the hallway turned out very not

In the hallway it turned out a very non-standard mix of styles: classic phylins on the doors and doors, elegant gypsum eaves are adjacent to modern chandeliers and cabinets in the spirit of the sixties of the last century.

Carpets from tile with rich small ornament, located irregularly, spectacularly adjacent with a white wall tile and proper geometry of plumbing.

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Designer Vera Shevendock, Auto & ...

Designer Vera Shevendock, project author:

Spouses needed comfortable housing for two with a perspective for the next 5 years. Based on this, layout was organized: spacious kitchen with bar counter, living-dining room, bedroom. Storage systems are dispersed in three zones. The washing machine and the boiler were placed in a separate compartment with a lolan door. There is a lot of natural light in the apartment that I wanted to beat. For example, this feature took into account when choosing a tile for apron: each dies has a bevel (chamfer) around the perimeter, and now this "cut" is overflowing in the lights of light. The owners love home plants, so the colors were made to order the regiment, we put it on the far wall of the living room. Air conditioners were installed by the developer, we only had to remove non-psychotic plastic boxes for the wiring, which we hid in the strangers.

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Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_20
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Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_22
Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_23
Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_24
Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_25
Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_26
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Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_29

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Living-dining room

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Living-dining room

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Living-dining room

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Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_37


Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_38


Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_39


Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_40


Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_41


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Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_43


Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_44


Classic and Loft in the interior of Moscow doubles 7242_45


The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Designer: Vera Sheverdock

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