Little bright dial for young mistress


The area of ​​this apartment is just 49 square meters. M, but the designer rethought the planning in accordance with the requirements of the Customers and proposed a modern colorful decision. Now there is a kitchen-living room, and a bedroom, and even two wardrobe rooms.

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Little bright dial for young mistress


Young woman, economist, an employee of one of the famous companies, is fond of architecture, Italian culture, loves travel.


Change outdated layout on modern, combine the kitchen and living room, to organize a private space with a storage system, to equip the place to work. The implementation period of the project: 3-3.5 months.

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In order to realize the wishes of the client, the designer had to resort to significant redevelopment - the benefit of the initial situation allowed to dismantle and transfer the available walls and partitions. The existing bathrooms combined, thereby wining the place to install the "columns" from washing and drying machines. Almost the entire corridor was used for the arrangement of the storeroom (with the entrance from the living room). Another wardrobe appeared in the bedroom - part of the private room area involved for its organization. Unfortunately, from the full association of the kitchen and the living room had to refuse - the apartment is gasified, because of which the cooking room should be isolated from the residential basis. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​visually common space was supported by providing a glazed partition with sliding doors between the zones. The required hostess workplace appeared in the bedroom.

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The designer retained the original brickwork, massive cast iron radiators and concrete beams. By the way, these circumstances are likely to complicate the implementation of the project - the builders have to be careful and neat cleaning the surfaces of a large area. Also for the design of the walls chose the interior paint of non-standard saturated shades. Three basic colors (blue-green, yellow, both warm and cold, pink) agreed on color and textured cards (collages). Outdoor coatings in the apartment will serve parquet board and porcelain stoneware.

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Storage systems

One of them (for clothes and shoes) is organized in the bedroom, the second (economic appointment and sports equipment) - one can say in the living room. The hallway provides a spacious cabinet (for outerwear and seasonal shoes).

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Lighting scenarios

The proposed options are designed to maintain a volume and spatial solution. The basic scenario is point ceiling lights, accent - styrene-forming suspensions, table lamps and lamps. Also in the apartment there is a navigation lighting - at the outlet of the bedroom there is a key, through which you can turn on at once three point lamps, "reading" thus the trajectory of motion from the private room to the bathroom and kitchen.

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Furniture and decor

In order to minimize the cost of implementing the project solution, and it is reasonable to use each centimeter of the square, the objects of the situation for the most part are supposed to be custom. Objets d'Art are due to the interests of the customers. True, the author of the "Hooligan" project with them - the reproduction of Italian canvases is decorated with paint, according to the coloristic scheme of the interior, the busts of David are repainted in bright shades.

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The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Project author: Masha Gulbekyan

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