5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom


Forbidden shades from our selection will not let you relax and how to relax.

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_1

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom

The bedroom is a place where the relax atmosphere should reign, contributing to good sleeping. Therefore, it is better to use neutral, calm colors better for its design - and definitely not shades from the list below.

1 red

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_3
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_4

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_5

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_6

Red color is the most exciting and energetic, even aggressive, it will definitely not help you sleep. If you still want to add a bedroom interior a little passion, choose deeper shades: dark burgundy, plum, and better add them accent.

Although there are just nothing against the dark bedroom - but here we will have to think good job so as not to make the interior gloomy.

2 bright green

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5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_8

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_9

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_10

In the bedroom, any acidic or too bright shades should also be avoided. Imagine yourself in a salad room - can you fall asleep even when the light is turned off?

3 orange

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_11
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_12

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_13

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_14

Orange color, like bright yellow, enhances activity and generates energy. With a calm atmosphere, which should reign in the bedroom, it has little in common. If you want to add these solar colors in the design of the bedroom, choose more pastel shades.

4 Any saturated shades

It is not by chance that one of the most common bedroom shades are beige and light gray. It is such unobtrusive tones that help them quickly move away to sleep. But bright saturated colors will encourage the activity.

If you are without brightness nowhere, in the bedroom, use it pointing it - as a decor or for decoring the wall behind the back of bed, which you will not see, lying in bed.

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_15
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_16
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_17

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_18

Make a bedroom bright will help colorful textiles

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_19

Do not forget about bright accessories. They will win look at a light background.

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_20

5 Any color that you do not like

An unloved tint, even if, according to the designer, he is ideal for the bedroom, it will be annoying you and will not give to sleep. Why provoke extra stress?

What shades can be used?

  • Bright and calm shades that will not excite.
  • Blue and green colors - they soothe and relax.
  • Dark colors - immersed in a dream, but use them with caution.

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_21
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_22
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_23
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_24
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_25
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_26
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_27
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_28
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_29
5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_30

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_31

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_32

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_33

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_34

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_35

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_36

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_37

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_38

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_39

5 colors in which you do not need to paint the bedroom 7382_40

However, if you have long dreamed of a red or lemon bedroom and are confident that it is in it that you will see your best dreams, do not pay attention to our recommendations. The design first should work on you!

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