3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage


Designing the sewage system correctly and use mechanical clearing methods - we tell about how to eliminate breaks and prevent them.

3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage 7396_1

3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage

Cleaning the external sewage pipes of the house of year-round use is a difficult task without a qualified plumbing brigade. Therefore, it is better to perform all the conditions for normal sewage operation.

Properly design pipeline

The best way to solve the problem with pipe clouds is to design the pipeline without errors. It should be laid with a defined bias, which depends on the material and diameter of the pipes. For the inner wiring of the sewage, you need to use products with a diameter of at least 50-80 mm, for a central riser and an external pipeline to a septic tube should be a diameter of at least 100-110 mm. Should avoid sharp turns of the pipe, one turn 90 ° is better replaced by two rotation by 45 °.

The values ​​of the plugs of pipes in dependent

Values ​​of pipes of pipes depending on their diameter. The values ​​are given for pipes from polymeric materials. The slopes are indicated from the calculation of 1 p. M tubes. Insufficient values ​​of the slopes lead to caution due to low fluid flow rates and ultimately to form blocks. A too large bias can also lead to work disorders (for example, to a water breakdown).

Do not forget about frost: the outer sewage should be laid in the pipe outlet zone from the house on average by 30 cm above the level of primer of the soil (but at least 70 cm from the ground level). Local insulation or pipe heating increases the reliability of the sewage operation. All these measures will help reduce the risk of all sorts of emergency, but, of course, they will not be able to fully exclude them. Therefore, during the arrangement of the sewer pipe, do not forget about the convenience of its service. To do this, there should be strait revisions on the riser and near turns on the domesticated section of the pipe. And for cleaning, you can use chemical or mechanical cleaning.

Use spring plumb

Mechanical tools are more efficient. Of these, the simplest is a spring plumbing cable. It can be purchased for insurance, the benefit of it is small, just a few hundred rubles. Choosing a cable, look at its length, it should be sufficient to clean the pipeline throughout its length. Short (2.5 or 5 m) Cables in summer conditions are usually not suitable, most likely you will need a cable with a length of 10-15 m or even longer.

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3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage 7396_7

For laying sewage, pipes made of polymeric materials with high smoothness of the inner walls are used

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Steel cable, diameter 9 mm, length 3 m

The cable is more convenient to use when it is equipped with a rotational mechanism. These devices - they are called manual turntables or cables with a turntable - can be purchased for 2-3 thousand rubles. Even more efficient mechanisms are electrical clean machines, which are advanced turntables with a cable rotation electric drive. But this technique has already tens of thousand rubles and refers to professional.

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3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage 7396_13

Powerful and compact clean PowerClear machine (ridgid). Light design provides the necessary maneuverance when working in conditions of insufficient location

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Hand cleaner Ridgid Power SPIN + with automotive packages, Spiral length is 7.6 m

3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage 7396_15

Hand cleaner Ridgid Kwik Spin + for lightweight cleaning works in the pipes of wastewall and sewer purposes, the spiral length is 7.6

Use household sink of high pressure

You can also use household sinks of high pressure to clean pipes. Some of their models can be equipped with special flexible hoses for cleaning clogged pipe drainage, pipes or storm sewage. Similar kits for cleanings are Kärcher, Husqvarna, Sterwins and some other manufacturers. These kits can be purchased separately. As a rule, the longer the hose, the more expensive the set: for the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles. You can purchase a hose of 7.5 m long, and for 5-6 thousand rubles. The hose will be 20 m long.

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3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage 7396_18

Purification of pipes using high pressure washing Kärcher

3 ways to eliminate and prevent blockage in external sewage 7396_19

Flexible hose (15 m) for cleaning clogged pipes (Husqvarna)

Daria Bogomolov, manager of p ...

Daria Bogomolov, Upono Infrastructive Development Development Manager

Among typical errors in the arrangement of sewage, which must be paid attention to: the insufficient bias of the pipeline leads to the formation of blockages; Too big slope increases the noise of water flow; the presence of a very large number of turns (concerns the taps of 90 °), which reduces the flow rate, leads to caution; the incorrectly selected diameter of pipelines with too much longer may not cope with the flow of wastewater; The lack of ventilation of the sewage riser leads to the appearance of unpleasant odor in the room; The selection of a ladder for installation in a shower cabin with insufficient bandwidth is closed by stagnation of water; installation of a ladder without a dry shutter with a non-permanent mode of its operation causes an unpleasant smell.

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