How to choose and mount the garage gate


We choose the gate of the design, size, type of management and other features and tell me how to mount them with your own hands.

How to choose and mount the garage gate 7444_1

How to choose and mount the garage gate

By installing garage doors, we expect that they will reliably protect cars and other property from cold, damp, wind. Long for a long time, will not need additional repairs. Select the gate for the garage, determine the selection criteria.

All about choosing a garage gate

How to choose the right
  1. System type
  2. Climatic conditions
  3. Safety
  4. Management type
  5. Appearance
  6. The size


How to choose a gate for a garage

1. Decide the type of system

Seven varieties of such designs are produced: swing, sliding, folding, rolled, lifting-rolling, lifting-rotary and sectional. The greatest demand is still lifting and swivel and sectional. Swing and rollback we were well acquainted before, they are still produced, mainly domestic companies. Practical West Consumer These models for some reason did not perceive.


Require a rigid frame and dual drive, as well as a large free space, thoroughly purified from snow and garbage. Equipped with two sash, which swap forward or inside. Fixed on the loop to the columns either to the built-in frame. They are trimmed with any suitable material. It is allowed to embed an additional small door. It is convenient to use it when there is no need to remove the car.

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A closing entrance The metal plate is killed to the side. Therefore, they need an additional width of the room for placing the canvas outside the opening. Then no free space in front of them is not required to open the door. Can be equipped with automatic, applied as entrance fence. They have a large margin of strength, resistant to hacking.

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Consist of several sections, can open or up. The angle of inclination depending on the number of elements varies in the range from 90 to 180 °. The room for them should be slightly larger in volume. We need a stock of length and widths so that the vertical sash can be freely folded by the "accordion". In addition, for placing the mechanism of the plates, the width or height is also required.

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Comparatively new development. Consists of narrow (up to 150 mm) profiled horizontal bands (lamellae), hingedly connected to each other into a flexible strip. It is wound on the shaft, fixed above the entrance. The cloth rises vertically, so snow drifts are not scary. The car can approach the garage almost close.

The thickness of double-wall lamellae with the heat insulating filler in the inner cavity can not exceed 25 mm. Otherwise, the roll, in which the lamellas fold, becomes too large in diameter. It bends and stuck in the side vertical guides. In the cottages, rolled devices are used for low opening, often equipped with manual drive.

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Lifting and rolling

Like rolled. Only the canvas rolls along the drive asterisk, as in the chain transmission. It is placed under the ceiling with an open position. For this, the guide rails are installed on the work and under the sides of the sides, and each lamellae is supplied with two supporting rollers.

Than already lamellas, the better the cloth is broken, it means that there may be less height of the pendant. But it increases the number of joints between the plates and rollers, the heat and waterproofing deteriorates, access to the cracker is simplified.

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It successfully combines the strength and ease of opening in manual and automatic modes with relative cheap. This is a solid flat canvas on the entire opening area (not more than 62.2 m). It rises, stacked under the ceiling using a hinge-lever mechanism. The weight of the device is backed by springs mounted on sides in protective covers.

The cloth is made of galvanized painted steel with a thickness of 0.8 mm. Due to the lack of guides there are a number of additional advantages. They open almost silently. The plate can be tightly pressed to the frame, which improves tightness. The height of the prolok (from the top of the opening to the ceiling) can be reduced to 60 mm. However, the flow diagram (kinematics) creates a number of inconvenience to the owner.

At the entrance, the car cannot approach the garage closer than 1 m, otherwise the lifting plane can touch the machine. From the side of the entrance, it is necessary to make the threshings so that it is possible to close the carrier plate to it when closing. The threshold is low (up to 30 mm), but the car's rustle push on it is still experiencing. When repairing, all the cloth changes, partial replacement is not possible.

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So far remain the most common. Floor component from horizontally located sections. Therefore, when opening, it moves vertically up and removes under the ceiling, as well as in lifting-rolling. Sections can be wide (up to 500 mm), so they need only 4-6 pcs. This reduces the number of joints between sections, increases the rigidity, improves thermal insulation properties.

Systems are produced from only two sections. For strength, they are connected by loop joints, and so that the plate cannot be forcibly raised by hacking, for the top make separate side guides. The sections are made of galvanized and primed leaf steel with a thickness of 0.8-1 mm and are single-perched, for cold garages, and double-wall insulated, 42 mm thick.

In the recommendations, how to choose sectional gates for the garage, emphasizes that the insulation must have low water absorption. Otherwise, condensate formed on the border of the section of heat and cold flows inside it, in winter it can disrupt the equipment. Good, if not the best, insulation is considered polyurethane foam.

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Comparative signs of different types

Signs Dispensenye Raging







Thank you

Lifting - rotate Section


Installation in the opening +. +. +. +/- - +. -
Installation behind the opening +. +. +. +. +. +. +.
Is it possible to put a car close to the goal - +. - +. +. - +.
Additional width of the garage - +. +. - - - -
High perturbation, more than 200mm - - - +. - - +/-
Guide rails under the ceiling - +. +. - +. - +.
Remote control +. +. +. +. +. +. +.
Wholeness of the web +. +. - - - +. -
Permissible thickness of thermal insulation, mm More than 50mm More than 50mm No more than 25mm No more than 25mm Up to 50mm More than 50mm Up to 50mm
Cost **), U.E. 250. 300. 1300. 1600. 1900 * 1500 * 2400 *

2. Rate climatic conditions in its region

The warm room is a guarantee that the car will not need to warm up for a long time in winter, as well as worry that the details rust and prematurely fail. The insulated design is capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room, protect the property from frost, high humidity and wind.

Thus, collected from sandwich panels with a thickness of 40 or 45 mm, it is comparable with a brick wall at 55 or 60 cm, respectively. Additional thermal insulation provides a special seal around the perimeter of the panel. Moreover, due to the impressive thickness of the sandwich panels, the winds are kept up to 120 km / h.

At the same time, they are reliably protected from rust and small mechanical damage due to applying steel sheets of a zinc coating sandwich panels, polyurethane soil, as well as a decorative layer with polyamide particles (PUR-PA). The use of galvanized or stainless steel accessories also helps extend the service life.

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3. Make sure security

Defining which gate to choose, it is important to make sure of their safety. Especially if there are children and pets in the house. For example, the minimum gap between the sandwich panels or lamellas should exclude the possibility of pinching fingers or clothing. The absence of sharp edges on the elements provides protection against cuts. Another important element for safe operation is traction cables that are withstanding the load, 6 times higher than the mass of the plate.

A serious question about the stability of equipment for hacking. Unfortunately, attempts to find beautiful, elegant and durable like armor gates unsuccessful. From serious thief, nothing will save (and the safes are open). But the system should determine the attempt as longer. At least 10 minutes, so that the police could come by the alarm. The garage must be included in the overall security system of the home. It is useful to install several latch locks and casov in different places.

4. Select the type of control

Garage flaps are forced to work every day and in any weather. Make the process of their operation as convenient as possible helps automatics. It allows you to open and close the design without leaving the car. The electric drive can be turned on manually, from a stationary push-button station or using a radio signal from a remote control from a distance of up to 30-50 m.

The electric drives of different firms differ constructively, but for all a small power (from 150 to 450 W) is characterized. When "on the opening" work, the locks automatically open, the cloth is drawn under the ceiling or shut down. When closing, everything happens on the contrary. The use of traction belts eliminates you from the care of their lubricant, having the usual to drip on the roof of the car.

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The design and composition of the drive devices and automatic control systems significantly affect the total cost. Typically refer the price of the base kit, including the frame, the canvas, manual drive and constipation. Be prepared for the fact that for each additional item must be paid separately.

5. Pick up the best color.

The harmonious combination of garage flaps with the facade of the building and other protective structures is very important. You do not want the exterior of your home carelessly?

Manufacturers offer ample equipment design possibilities: various patterns of the canvas, textures, rich palette of colors on the RAL and Deutsche Bahn directories. In addition, a list of options is offered: built-in wickets, windows, panoramic glazing and ventilation grids.

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6. Select Size

Standard equipment dimensions
Type of construction Minimum dimensions, mm Maximum dimensions, mm Price 1m2 serial gates, rub Price 1M2 gate to order, rub.
Sectional 20001800. 50003000. 4100. 5600.
Rotary lifting 22501920. 50002125 (45002250) - 6400.
Rollent 20001500. 60005000. - 3150.
* The step in size is usually in a width of 200-500 mm, and at a height of 50-150 mm (depending on the manufacturer).

Installation of equipment

Installation is possible at any time of the year, with any condition of the premises. It is important only the preparedness of the opening and the accuracy of its size, which must be 20-25 mm more external frame size. When installing flaps behind the inlet, its width is usually made by 30-50 mm less than the width of the panel.

To place the drive mechanism, the type height is 400-500 mm, but if necessary, you can find a model that requires the presence of a height of 60-100 mm. Fine opening can be additionally reinforced with welded structures. The lower edge is usually installed at the pure floor level (the exclusion is the rotary devices).

Installation technology includes six steps: installation of guides or frames; checking the position of the web; installation of the drive; connection of it with a web; Installation of automation system and general control with adjustment. The main difficulty is to set the frame and guides, avoiding the skew plate. For this you have to adjust the position of the support anchors. For building structures, these brackets are attached to dowels or concreted into them.

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Installation instructions on the example of the lifting-turning model:

  1. Attaching the mounting bracket in the middle of the left rack by bolt, install the sash with the frame in the opening at the desired distance at the level of the pure floor mark. For the safety of works, bring them outside the boards.
  2. Drill in the wall hole with a diameter of 12 mm and a depth of 120 mm under a dowel, along the place through the hole in anchor.
  3. After checking the position of the frame, lock the middle anchor dowel (diameter 8 mm, length 80 mm).
  4. Secure the upper left anchor on the frame, set it up vertically and attach this anchor to the wall of the dowel finally.
  5. Place the frame horizontally by level, then install the right rack at the same distance from the front plane of the opening, like the left rack and secure it in the upper right corner in the same way.
  6. Slightly overturned the sash, check the density of its adjacent to the base of the magnitude of the light slot between it and the threshold. If necessary, moving the frame at the bottom, achieve uniform fit, attach it to the floor at the bottom corners.
  7. Confolding the basis on the anchors located in the middle of its racks, completely open the sash and adjust the tension of the springs, engaging them for different suspension holes.
  8. With the help of pencil "sneakers" from the corners of the design on the ceiling, swipe perpendicular to its middle.
  9. Place the drive arrow along the built line and attach it first to the wall, and then to the ceiling with suspension and dowels.
  10. Signing the thrust on the top of the web with bolts, connect them with cables with automatic locking mechanisms and emergency opening.
  11. Adjust the position of the limit drive switches in the "open" and "closed" positions using adjusting screws on the electric drive housing.
  12. Check the operation of the system at the beginning in manual mode, then do the same operations using the remote control.
  13. Pize the concrete solution under the threshold. After its solidification, builders can begin the finishing finish of the slopes, the threshold, the floor and the gap over the sash.

We offer to watch a video with an example installation.

We figured out how to choose an automatic garage gate. It remains to determine the manufacturer. From the products of Western manufacturers on the market, the equipment of Normstahl (Switzerland, Germany), Hormann (Germany), Clopay (USA), Meswac (Finland), and others are successfully mastering such firms as "Aries", Roll, Style as "Aries", Roll, Style, ELVINA +, SIMPLEX. Domestic products produce the firms "Vesta", "Lept", "Erin", Rolclassic, etc.

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