How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways


We use external factors, dischargers, poisons to get rid of snakes and learn to behave correctly when meeting with reptiles.

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways 7598_1

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways

In the summer, except solar baths and picnics, you can face creeping troubles at the cottage. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of snakes on the plot becomes more relevant. In the article we give ways to solve it.

Get rid of reptiles in the country

Causes of appearance

Ways to drive amphibians from giving


First aid

Reasons for the appearance of reptile

They are pretty asocial animals that will definitely not come to contact with a person in their will. However, it also happens that reptiles appear on the garden and summer cottages. Such an unpleasant neighborhood has several reasons.

Common types of snakes in the middle lane

  • Just
  • Mesyanka
  • Poloz
  • Viper
The first three species do not have poison, so their bite leaves only a reminder in the form of a wound and strong fright. Frecks love to enjoy frogs and small rodents. Such "neighbors" may well be your allies in the fight against these pests. But Vijuki is exactly the view that you should fear. The bite of such reptiles can lead to a fatal outcome.

Spring are considered the most dangerous periods when they come to the molt and the time of the eggship of the eggs, and the end of August. These months, they are especially active and aggressive. Now consider why they appear.


The creeper feed on small rodents, insects and eggs of birds. Therefore, if there is something from the listed one in your site, it may be because of this, a snake could be visited.

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways 7598_3

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Many secluded shady seats

Reptiles love to lay down in shady, warm and quiet places where no one disturbs them. High grass, heaps of garbage, roots of trees and warehouses of boards and logs are perfectly suitable as such a shelter.

Forest and abandoned houses near

The source of the incurred neighbors often becomes their natural habitat - the forest. Refusing during the hunt or search for food from there may accidentally "get over" and to you. Another very sad reason can be cutting down a forest, because of which the animals are nowhere to live and hide. Potential danger represents abandoned areas that gradually overgrow and become an excellent place to cover amphibians.

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways 7598_5

It happens that the creeping is made through the cottages along with cars, building materials or feed for livestock. However, such cases are quite rare.

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How to scare the snakes from the country area

These are rather chopped animals. With any danger, they will try to hide or crawl soon.

External factors:

  • Sharp and caustale. Garlic, dry mustard, combustion products and chemicals.
  • Noise. They definitely do not move the noise of the motor, lawn mowers, loud voices of people and musical instruments.
  • Jerzy. These little prickly animals were always called the main enemies of creep.
  • Cats and dogs. These animals reptiles also bypass the party, as they love to hunt them. However, it is worth noting here that poisonous reptiles can attack in response, which will lead to the death of your pet.

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways 7598_7

If light artillery did not help, then it is necessary to fight snakes on the site more serious ways, since this may depend on this and the health of your relatives. Consider several effective methods how to drive uninvited animals.


Such devices can be purchased in stores where the means to combat pests are sold. According to their scheme, they are similar to rodent devices. The discreteners can be divided into three groups:

  • Sound
  • Vibration
  • Ultrasound

The choice of each of them will depend on the type of reptiles that are visiting your home. It is necessary to place such devices in those places where amphibians can hide, then the devices will definitely cope with such a difficult task like scaring the snakes from the country area, and will fall back to appear in your future.

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways 7598_8

Special services

Fale, as a measure of combating guests, is extremely ineffective. They will catch one individual, but the other is shining behind it. Therefore, preference must be given to those services, under which it is understood not only calf, but also processing the entire area from creeping.

There is another effective way to help bring snakes from the country area and prevent their further appearance. Set the fence close to the ground, so that no one can crawl and sprinkle under it. It can also be treated with chemicals that rejected reptiles.


In stores now you can find poisonous tools from snakes on the plot. However, this method sometimes does not work, because they feel the poison and will not crawl down to the bait. Moreover, the composition of poisons can be extremely toxic for pets. Therefore, with such treatment it should be careful.

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways 7598_9

Folk Methods

This impact can be called the most humane and harmless both for the reptiles themselves and for others.

  • Plant Garlic Groke, which will scare reptile with its sharp smell.
  • Lower the dry mustard along the fence of your home.
  • In places where they can make their shelter, place the cropped naphthalene balls.
  • Install the turntables that will be able to drive the creep with their movement.

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Despite the fact that these animals are very rarely attacked by the first and try to establish a potential danger from a potential danger, the precautions must be observed. After all, in the country, you can meet not only innocuous, but also Gadyuk, whose bite is very dangerous.

Rules that secure you:

  • Go to the cottage in the shoes.
  • While working on the beds, wear gloves and protect the body with dense clothing.
  • Regularly mow the grass.
  • Remove the fallen dry leaves from the ground.
  • Carefully examine vegetation.

What to do when meeting

If you unexpectedly met the reptile, then you do not need to panic to do sharp movements. Rehend to her as well as an unfamiliar dog.

  • Gently start moving back and give the animal to spin.
  • Do not turn to her back, do not twitch and do not run away. Some species of these reptiles are very bad, but have a good rumor. Therefore, it is likely that he heard how you are moving away, the snake itself crashes.
  • Do not try to catch a reptile or push her foot.
  • Call customer service.

How to get rid of snakes in the country area: 5 proven ways 7598_11

What to do if the snake still bites

First aid victim from bite is a very important process. Sometimes the life of a person depends on it.

  • First you should not panic. Try to reassure the victim. In the event that crawled on you, sit down, try to move as little as possible and try to suppress your fright.
  • The next task is not to give the poison to be learned. Therefore, you need to drink plenty of water. Tea, coffee and alcohol in such cases are contraindicated because they are rapidly heartbeat, extend the vessels and contribute to the instant spread of poison throughout the body.
  • Do not process the place of bite with alcohol. He will have the same action as alcohol. Use green and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Do not make a harness on the wound either we also do not recommend. It can cause stagnation of harmful substances at the place of the wound, which is fraught with necrosis of tissues.
  • You can suck the poison from the wound only when you are sure that there are no damage in the mouth. Otherwise, the poison can get into the body already through another wound, but only in the oral cavity.
  • After providing first aid, immediately head to the doctor and do not self-medicate.

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