10 lifhats for cleaning household appliances that you did not know exactly


You knew that for washing the coffee makers a fairly ordinary vinegar, and to wash the dried food from the blades of the blender, you need a nylon brush? These and other secrets are in our article.

10 lifhats for cleaning household appliances that you did not know exactly 7614_1

10 lifhats for cleaning household appliances that you did not know exactly

1 Do not use alcohol napkins for touch devices

For example, for a cooking panel or printer with a touch control panel. A napkin with an alcohol content contributes to corrosion of the surface of the touch screens, and this cannot be allowed.

10 lifhats for cleaning household appliances that you did not know exactly 7614_3

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2 Use microfiber wipes to clean push-button devices

For example, pointers on the plate or letters on the keyboard can be easily erased, if you try to clean the surface of household chemicals or rigid abrasive means.

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3 Use compressed air to clean the slots from dust and small particles

For example, parts of the toaster where crumbs from bread could enter, or the gaps between the glass and the door of the oven can be cleaned with compressed air - on sale there are special cylinders that are recommended to use for computers and laptops.

Air balloon

Air balloon

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4 Remove the scale in the coffee maker using a simple vinegar

You probably know that you can remove scale into the kettle with the help of vinegar, but a simple solution will help get rid of it and in a coffee maker - and special household chemicals will not be bought. Pour 2-3 glasses of water and vinegar in an equal proportion to the boxing coffee makers, where you usually add distilled water. After press the brew button and turn off the device in the middle of the cycle. Leave the device for an hour, then turn on the coffee maker so that it completes the cycle. After you can "drive" the device 2 more times so that the finished drink does not have a vinegar task.

10 lifhats for cleaning household appliances that you did not know exactly 7614_8

  • 7 Lifehas for cleaning with vinegar who save your money

5 Wash the metal burners of the gas stove in the dishwasher

To remove the solar mud with metal burners, wash them in the dishwasher. If there is no dishwasher, you can dug the burners in soapy water and rub the salt pasta (salt, soda and soap).

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6 Clean the mixer blades or blender with a nylon brush

It is the nylon brush that will help clean the food particles that stick to the blades.

Nylon brush

Nylon brush



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7 Move the refrigerator from the wall and clean the rear panel

Most likely, you never wash the rear panel of the refrigerator, but the manufacturers of technology advise it. Important elements of electronics are concentrated from behind, so you just clean the surface from dust and do not overdo it with a damp cloth. Do not forget to remove the device from the outlet.

10 lifhats for cleaning household appliances that you did not know exactly 7614_14

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8 Clean the TV screen using microfiber

No paper towels - they contain fibers that can scratch the screen. Better use the microfibra and wipe the surface with circular motions. By the way, buy a set for cleansing the screen is optional - microfib is sold in conventional household chemical departments, and cleaning fluid is simply distilled water.

Set of Paterra Professional cleaning napkins

Set of Paterra Professional cleaning napkins

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9 Clean the boxing of the vacuum cleaner, even if it is filled one-third

Yes, you correctly read - if you have a vacuum cleaner with a bag, and boxing for garbage, do not let it be filled to the end. Most instruments boxing is part of the filter system, you can not allow boxing to overflow.

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10 Removable Vacuum Cleaner Washing Filters Wash in Soap Water

Wash the filter under warm water and give it to completely dry in the air - at least 24 hours - before returning it to the car.

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