How to Clean the Carpet at home from stains, wool and dust


We suggest how to properly clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, manually and is it possible to erase it completely.

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How to Clean the Carpet at home from stains, wool and dust

First, tell me how to quickly clean the carpet at home from wool and stains. And then - how to wash it without resorting to the services of dry cleaning. Let's start with the nuances that you need to know to cope with the task faster.

Methods and carpet cleaning rules:

General rules for cleaning

How to remove wool and dust

How to remove stains

How to wash the carpet yourself

  • In the bathroom
  • On the street

General Carpet Cleaning Rules

The conditions are not so much, but they are important.

  • Try to remove the stain while it is fresher. Get out of it with a dry cloth or paper napkins. Dissolve water or walk on it with a cleaning vacuum cleaner.
  • Do not finish the material too much, especially against the pile - the VILROWS will hurt. It is better to re-process or select another cleaning agent.
  • Household chemistry or homemade doubt, try on a small area.
  • Silk, woolen, half-walled palaces are not recommended to clean with hard brushes and liquids. It will be more correct to choose a powder.
  • Carpet can not be much flooded with water - there is a risk of fungus or mold.
  • Light fabrics can not be brushing with paint products, and dark - damp soda, lemon juice, other substances that can whiten or leave divorces. Prints and bright fabrics also need to be careful - may have to buy household chemicals for colored products.

Now let's tell you how to clean the coating from various Sora.

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How to remove animal wool and dust

On the palaces with a long pile to do it quickly will not work. Technique you will remove only rubbish lying on the surface. This is especially true for apartments in which there are pets. In addition to the long cat and dog wool there is a guy, which is clogged between the Village. It will have to get it manually.

How to clean the carpet without a vacuum cleaner

There are several ways to refresh the coating and pull out all the litter from it.

  • Snow. In winter, the Palace rubbed snow, knock out, and then leave outdoors for a while. Frost helps also get rid of dust ticks.
  • Normal brush with long, rigid bristles. You can slightly moisten it with water.
  • Soda. Equally scatter soda evenly and leave half an hour. Collect powder with a vacuum cleaner. If the lines are long - do it several times.
  • Sawdust. They are rubbed with a dry brush. When the layer darkens, it is cleaned, and the coating of vacuuming. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

If the dry processing did not help, you can wash the palace right at home. Since drying the dense material on the floor is very difficult, it is impossible to use a lot of water. It is easiest to handle the product of household chemicals. For example, "Vanishe". But you can prepare a cleaning agent and independently.

How to make detergent yourself

  • Soap solution. Dissolve 5-6 g of chips of the household soap in one and a half liters of water. Do not pour everything on the floor, but spray from the sprayer or treat the surface with a sponge, brush, a cloth moistened with a liquid.
  • Soda with warm water: 1 cup of 10 liters. On the small area can be done less, retaining the proportion. Spray solution from the spray gun. If necessary, wrap in the material. Wait for complete drying and speaking.
  • Soda with vinegar. Evenly sprinkle with powder, wait 30 minutes and remove it. One tablespoon of vinegar mix with one glass of warm water and spray from the sprayer. Wait for half an hour and remove the remnants of the products with a brush (along the pile).

First, check how vinegar affects the fabric on a small section of the carpet.

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How to Clean the Carpet at home from stains, wool and dust 7634_8

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How to withdraw from the carpet spots of different origin

Before removing any of the pollution, spending the Palace. General cleaning with a brush should not be done, but you need to remove the surface. Means we will tell, not always work. The result depends on how much time passed after you planted the stain. If this happened long ago and dirt thoroughly entered the coating, try to remove its household chemicals or steam generator.

Wine, coffee, tea, juice

To the spilled fluid you need to immediately apply paper napkins. When they stop absorbing paint, proceed to cleaning. To do this, use one of the ways:

  • Salt. Just pour it on the painted place, and when it is absorbed - assemble and throw away.
  • Alcohol or vinegar. Apply them on your cotton disk and apply to the dirty area until it is cleaned.

Street dirt

How to Clean the Carpet from the footwear:

  • Wait for the dirt lights up.
  • Let the brush with a thick pile.
  • If the traces remained - apply a soap solution on them.

  • Dry cleaning clothes at home: what it is and how to spend it

Shoe polish

  • Collect cream without rubbing it into the material. If he is dried - neatly squand and remove the remnants.
  • Imprelect the rag with a liquid to remove the varnish without acetone or any means without bleaching and blot dirt.
  • If it did not work out completely - use the ammonia alcohol.

Fruits, chocolate

  • Make a soap chips, dissolve it in a liter of warm water.
  • Add to the mixture of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  • Spray fluid to fruits or chocolate residues.

Ballpoint pen, ink

  • Water cotton disk or tissue napkin in alcohol, acetic or citric acid.
  • Apply to ink until they disappear.
  • Rinse the stained area with water with soap.


Such stains are distinguished by the caustic smell and you need to withdraw them immediately after detection.

  • Remove as much moisture with paper napkins.
  • Divide the table vinegar with water in the 1: 3 ratio, wet the dirty plot well and open the window.
  • Then crumble on this place soda.
  • Prepare washing liquid from 1 h. L of liquid soap, water cup and ⅓ hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply the composition on the soda with a spray with a spray and leave a means to dry.
  • Then remove it with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

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How to Clean the Carpet at home from stains, wool and dust 7634_12

How to Clean the Carpet at home from stains, wool and dust 7634_13

How to Clean the Carpet at home from stains, wool and dust 7634_14

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Paraffin, wax, plasticine, chewing gum

  • Attach a piece of ice or another cold object to the stuck weight.
  • After a while she will easily separate from the pile.

Paraffin and wax can be removed in another way:

  • Put the fabric on them.
  • Bind it with a hot iron.

  • How to remove plasticine from the carpet quickly and without a trace


Fresh beaks are removed with soap solution.

How to withdraw the filled glue:

  • Soften it.
  • In two glasses of water, add a small spoonful of the ammonic alcohol.
  • Soak with a cloth with a liquid and put it on the PVA, leave for 3-4 hours.

Paint and varnish

Such traces are well dissolved vinegar, mixed with water and gel for dishes. Relation: 1 tbsp. 0.5 liters.

  • Treat the contaminated area with a soft cloth.
  • Ten minutes later, wash the mixture.


Use only cold water.

If the stain has not yet dried:

  • Get out of it with a dry cloth.
  • Replace it on wet. You can take hydrogen peroxide.
  • Repeat actions until the blood is absorbed.

If dried:

  • Collect blood particles by a broom or vacuum cleaner.
  • Add the ammonia to the water and apply a wadded disk into the solution into the solution.

Oil, medical

They can be removed with warm water or a solution of washing powder.
  • Water soft rag.
  • Treat the material in the direction of the Village and dry.

Lizun (slide)


  • If the track from the toy is not yet dry, try to immediately remove its particles with a spoon, a knife or lysun itself. Dry pieces can also be neatly scraped.
  • Let the Palace in different directions.
  • Wipe pollution of hydrogen peroxide, gel for dishes, solvent, WD-40 or alcohol. Preview the remedy on a small area.
  • Give the solution to absorb within 10-15 minutes.
  • Rock it and dry the product.

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How to wash the carpet completely

Do not erase by the usual powder, hot water and do not leave the wet palace in the closed room.

Some carpets can not be erased, as they are punctured. In this case, only dry cleaning with girlfriends or dry cleaning will help.

In the bathroom

The procedure for action is:

  • First, collect all the litter from the surface. If there are stains, try to pre-display them or process areas with them more intense.
  • Roll the product into a roll and place in the bath.
  • Expand it and wash your brush with detergent gel.
  • Leave to mock for a while.
  • Rock foam.

Washing fluid can be made independently:

  • Take the bucket of warm water (5-6 liters).
  • Add 2 tbsp. l. Gel for washing dishes, 50 g of vinegar and as many ammonia alcohol.
Sometimes they advise add kerosene, but it is not worth it. The smell from it will be very difficult to weathelate.

On the street

The most convenient to wash the carpets in the summer, in the yard.

  • If you do it on asphalt, first sweep it.
  • Use household chemicals or prepare tool independently (recipe for washing in the bath).
  • Apply it on the material, foam the brush and post.
  • Leave for a while, and then wash the hose foam.

Let's finish the video article with another way to clean the carpet. Look at how to wash the carpet at home soda and household chemicals.

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