We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions


We tell about the advantages of a high bed, the correct sizes, materials and give instructions how to make it with your own hands.

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_1

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions

Everyone is well known for the typical position of the gloomy in the country. Consequence of long finding down head - high pressure and back pain. How to exclude the unpleasant consequences of zealous leaving plants without prejudice to the crop? Solving the problem - the arrangement of a high bed. It is it that allows you to plant, pour and collect harvest sitting or standing without tedious slopes, provoking back pain.

Suitable sizes of high bed

The garden height must correspond to the growth of the avid gardener and be comfortable to work on its surface. Usually, it is 80-100 cm. The width should not exceed 120 cm, since with the average length of the hand - about 60 cm, it will be inconvenient to process the middle of the bed.

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_3
We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_4

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_5

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_6

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Materials for manufacture

The side walls of high beds are made from different materials, among the most popular: wood, plastic, metal. Moreover, the components of the frame elements can be bought or made independently. The most accessible and easy to finish are wooden boards. However, wood, especially in a humid environment, quickly rotates. To extend the service life and an attractive type of design should be protected from moisture and subsequent decomposition. To do this, from the inside of the walls of the beds, the waterproof polyethylene film is paved, and the outer side of the box is painted.

Plastic planks feel comfortable in a humid environment: do not rot and do not decompose. However, they require accurate treatment at negative temperatures when the material becomes fragile and it is easy to damage it.

Metal strips, as well as wooden, with constant contact with moisture corroded. If there is no anti-corrosion protection on finished products, you need to independently process them with special compositions.

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_8

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Filling Grokes

The high bed filling may be simple (from ordinary soil) or complicated (consisting of several layers - soil, compost, grass, branches, etc. The soil bookmark can be made in spring, shortly before landing. Comfortable filling is better to cook in autumn, as layers Herbs, compost can settle and before starting "sowing" them will have to fill up to the desired level. Of course, when choosing a filling is to focus on the culture that will be planted on a high bed. Fruit shrubs will suit simple soil and necessarily with good drainage. Vegetables are growing perfectly and Fruit on the nutritional and warm compost. Thanks to him, it is possible to start landing for 1-2 weeks before usual.

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_10
We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_11

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_12

We make high beds at the cottage: suitable materials and simple instructions 7644_13

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The process of creating a high bed

  • To wooden bars that perform the role of a frame, nourish the boards.
  • The external edges of the bed framing are treated with a grinding eye.
  • From the bottom side, the construction staple is attached to a wire mesh to protect against mice, moles, earthquakes. Frame for high bed ready.
  • After installing it in the desired place, they begin to fill in the inner container.
  • First, lay a layer of rather thick and coarse branches, then a layer of thin. All together they provide sufficient ventilation and prevent overvailing.
  • On top of them, layer of rod and foliage are placed on top, then the layer of grass and straw, after which the layer of compost with manure.
  • The topmost layer is a garden soil in which the planting material is placed. The temperature of the soil in high such beds is 5 ° C higher than in the usual one. This contributes to the rapid growth of plants and increases the likelihood of a good harvest.

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