8 signs that you have a really pure house


Type of open shelves and readiness for unexpected guests - on these and other featured from our check-leaf it is easy to check the cleanliness of the house.

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8 signs that you have a really pure house

1 You do not spend all weekends on cleaning

If during the week try to maintain cleanliness, do not create diligence from things, calling the younger family members to comply with the order and allocate literally a couple of minutes a day for cleaning, you will not have to spend all the weekends to break the mess and visit the comfort in the apartment.

8 signs that you have a really pure house 7658_3

  • 10 the most dirtiest places in the kitchen, which will never reach hands

2 You have no feeling that nothing can be found at home

If you know where it lies, and do not spend the precious time on the comfort of the house in search of the right one, most likely, you have everything in order with the organization of storage and compliance with the order. But if you have to get up early only because the fees for work and the search for the necessary things take a lot of time, it's time to change the situation.

Vani microfiber rag for delicate cleaning

Vani microfiber rag for delicate cleaning

  • 7 things that are no longer needed in your apartment

3 Open surfaces do not resemble a warehouse

Squeeze your windowsill, bedside tables, dressers, countertops: if the open surfaces are not littered with thousands of little things, you can relax: the mess is not about your home.

8 signs that you have a really pure house 7658_7

  • 5 reasons for poor well-being that lies in your apartment

4 You are always ready for unexpected guests

Friends who granted visitors without warning do not cause a panic attack because of a catastrophic disorder and are not forced to rush around the apartment in attempts to create at least the remote visibility of purity? Good news: Your home cannot be called dirty and sloppy.

  • How to remove the whole apartment for an hour: 6 valuable tips

5 general cleaning for you - not just words

If at least from time to time you go beyond the daily maintenance of cleanliness and weekly order of order - and arrange a general cleaning, paying time to those hard-to-reach surfaces and counted corners of the apartment that usually remains ignore, your home cannot be considered dirty.

By the way, our general cleaning sheet will accurately help you in the guise of the house of perfect cleanliness.

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8 signs that you have a really pure house 7658_11

8 signs that you have a really pure house 7658_12

8 signs that you have a really pure house 7658_13

6 Your apartment is regularly ventilated

Forgetting about ventilating, we force ourselves to breathe accumulated in the indoor microbes, deprive the body of vital oxygen, and also create a favorable atmosphere for the reproduction of fungi and bacteria.

Ballu Air Master 2 ventilator

Ballu Air Master 2 ventilator

Regular ventilation (and ideally, a well-thought-out ventilation system) is a faithful sign that everything is in order in your house.

7 You know about the dirtiest places

Microbiologists do not get tired of repeating: Easy carelessness in cleaning and truly dirty apartment - completely different things. And if the crumbs remained on your table, and on the floor in the hallway - a couple of traces, even this does not mean that there is a hygiene problem in the house.

The main thing is to know about the most dirtiest places in the house (those where pathogenic microbes really accumulate). And do not forget to regularly carry out disinfection. These places include:

  • handles of doors, furniture, home appliances (microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.);
  • switches;
  • rags, brushes, sponges;
  • Surfaces and objects in contact with food products (kitchen countertop, cutting boards, knives, etc.);
  • Towels (especially kitchen, as well as - for hands and face).

8 signs that you have a really pure house 7658_15

  • 7 main signs that you need to rack at home

8 at home you are good and calm

The mess in the apartment always affects our self-treatment: the slope in the situation makes us more nervous, killing the feelings of peace and coziness. If in your own apartment you feel good, relaxed and calmly - it means everything is in order. But if the anxiety and irritability do not leave, it's time to make cleaning.

8 signs that you have a really pure house 7658_17

  • 12 tricks and tips for those who have no time to clean

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