6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation


Birch, larch, Alycha - We list the most enduring and unassuming trees for your garden.

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_1

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation

1 Bereza

Birch is not just considered to be one of the symbols of the northern countries - it is a powerful and absolutely unpretentious tree that can take root on poor soil and withstand serious frosts. The first couple of years of birch grows pretty slowly, but then accelerates the pace. By five years, it grows an average of 10-15 meters in height, and without any care, but if you put feeding into the soil, it will grow even faster.

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_3
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_4
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_5
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_6

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_7

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_8

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_9

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_10

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2 larch

Larch is another unpretentious coniferous plant, which grows even in conditions of permafrost. A classic tree reaches about 40 meters in height, so for a small garden it is better to select decorative low varieties. In the fall, larch will be decorated with a bright yellow cheese garden, and in front of the frosts - throw it off.

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_12
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_13
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_14

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_15

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_16

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_17

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3 Alycha

Alycha is one of the most unpretentious fruit trees. Depending on the variety grows from one and a half to ten meters in height. Blooming begins in May, white and pink corpuscase flowers. If you want to assemble the harvest in the fall, check what kind of grade offers you the seller: self-visible or self-dodged. In the first case, you will need to bloody in the spring in the spring for about one time two or three plants, in the second, there is enough one, but the neighborhood with other trees will beneficially affect the crop.

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_19
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_20
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_21

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_22

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_23

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_24

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Another fast-growing tree, which, if desired, can be turned into a shrub similarity, having twisted the central trunk. Willow will grow perfectly on sandy soil or loamy, loves dampness, but it also takes on the usual site. Choose a variety suitable for your section: White Willow is the largest, up to 35 meters in height, creeping and alpine - miniature, about a meter in height.

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_26
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_27
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_28
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_29

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_30

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_31

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_32

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_33

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5 Maple

The maple is stripped - a resistant to drought Maple grade, which is good for practically any soil. The only important point is to find a well-lit place to make his bright red leaves from greening in the shade. At the same time, the tree grows small, with a subtle trunk and perfectly fit into a small garden.

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American maple - a tree recognized as a little weed, as it takes on any soil in which the seeds fell. There are several varieties of foliage. The most beautiful: ashenoneal variance, ashenoenal flamingo. In the autumn of their foliage becomes rich in red, orange and yellow, and attracts attention. During the year, the plant grows on average for half a meter, not demanding to the soil - survive and at a flooded area, and dry. Also, American maple is resistant to frost and diseases.

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_36
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_37
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_38
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_39
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_40

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_41

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_42

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_43

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_44

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_45

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6 walnut

The most unpretentious walnut is the alchet. It grows without leaving the poorest soil and allows you to quickly leakeline the site. If you are interested in harvest, it is better to choose the heart-shaped or black nut. All nuclei of frost-resistant, withstand thirty permanent minus temperature and cost two irons per month. In this case, such a variety is suitable for small sites, as it rarely grow more than 10 meters in height. Fruit will begin at the seventh-eight year of life and every year the crop will be more.

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_47
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_48
6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_49

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_50

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_51

6 trees for giving, which will fit well and grow without your participation 7710_52

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