Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos)


We are talking about the rules of layout, zoning and choosing a style for a kitchen-living room area of ​​15 squares.

Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_1

Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos)

The kitchen-living room in 15 squares, the design of which is made with all the features of the room, will probably become a favorite place of all family members. How to achieve not only a beautiful, but well-thought-out interior - tell me in the article.

How to arrange a kitchen-living room with an area of ​​15 square meters. M.

Types of planning

Rules zoning

  • Color
  • Lighting
  • Furniture


Select layout

To the interior of the kitchen-living room of 15 square meters. m was functional and helpful, you need to select the most convenient option of furniture location at the planning stage. There are several of the most successful options.

  • Linear. The easiest and clear type of arrangement. The kitchen set is built along one wall, and the dining room is the opposite. Such a layout requires minimal calculations, and the finished space is distinguished by visual space.
  • Corner. This is the most compact way to make a kitchen space. The headset is built on the so-called work triangle scheme: "Sink - plate - refrigerator." Thus, the space under the dining group and other kitchen furniture, for example the sofa, is released, which gives more freedom in the arrangement.
  • Island. Despite the fact that the design of the kitchen island is rather an option for more spacious rooms, you can risk. In the kitchen-living room area 15, it is possible to make it possible to make a sink, a plate or mini-refrigerator in a separate island only if you competently separate the remaining kitchen furniture. Perhaps it will be logical to abandon the dining group, leaving this island for snack.

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Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_20

  • 12 projects from the pro, on the example of which you can place the design of the kitchen-living room with an area of ​​12 square meters. M.

Rules zoning

The most logical looks in the interior in which several useful zones are isolated: the kitchen, a sofa group, a dining area. Design kitchen-living room 15 square. M will look most convenient and stylish if you choose current colors for the living unit, we think over the lighting scenarios, and may even be providing additional dividing structures in the form of shirms, decorative partitions or racks.

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Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_23
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Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_39


If it comes to combining multiple areas, the correct color selection is a very important point. Zoning with the help of color is very simple: you can choose contrast shades, opposite or close colors, play with textures and pattern. In general, there is space for creativity. Furniture and accessories can be selected in a single palette with the rest of the interior or play in contrast. For example, if you have chosen the main color for the living room of the gray area - pick up a mustard sofa to it - it will look spectacular. Well, if you are not sure about your abilities, then use the easiest zoning option - to lay different floor coverings in the kitchen area and living room.

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Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_56

Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_57


The first thing you should think about it at the draft repair is wiring. To properly place outlets, imagine at least about all the functions of your future interior. Where will you watch TV? And where to install a computer with a desktop lamp? Do you need a flooring? Think about how you organize local lighting in the form of desktop, wall and floor lamps, how the central light will look like, maybe you have a backlit decor - the sockets are also required for it. Having answered all the questions that arise you, you will understand how to act. And remember - the sockets do not happen much.

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Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_75


In the photo of design projects, you can see interesting options for designing space with furniture. The area of ​​15 square meters allows you to put an additional partition and divide the dining area and a sofa group. Better, if it is some kind of light decorative wall or shirma. A lightweight rack of the sofa looks great: it serves not only by the separator, but also a storage place. You can delimit the kitchen area and the living room and the sofa: it is enough to push it away from the wall and put the back to the kitchen, and opposite to hang the TV. By the way, the dining table in this case can be located right behind the back - it is very convenient if you like to combine meals with watching TV shows.

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Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_93

  • 9 projects that are easy to inspire for the design of the kitchen design of 8 square meters. M.

Choosing an interior style kitchen-living room 15 sq.m

The combined space can be decorated in a single style or represent a mix of several. There will be no special restrictions on such an area, except to be careful with active prints, a combination of textures and too dark shades.

  • Classic. It is always a very festive style. Natural wood, light natural shades, intricate fittings and massive table This is how immediately comes to mind when you represent a classic interior.
  • Modern. A brighter style with soft forms and smooth lines. Making up the interior in the style of Modern, use no more than three colors in combinations - it is easier to avoid error. The third color as a rule acts as an accent.
  • High tech. High-tech, smart interior. The abundance of technical filling and the minimum decor is the basic principle of such space. Furniture and accessories are minimalist, correct shape and inappropriate colors. Even a small space, designed for all the canons of this style, will seem spacious thanks to the absence of unnecessary things.
  • Eco. Very popular today option for accommodation. Natural textures and colors, an abundance of green plants and perhaps even a hammock instead of a sofa - who knows? Use the texture of a tree, cotton and flax - they are the best conductors to the world of comfort and comfort.

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Design kitchen-living room area 15 sq.m (53 photos) 7714_110

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