Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right?


We tell how to avoid mistakes when combining and what documents to prepare for coordination.

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right? 7756_1

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right?

Buying at once two residential premises located on the same landing is a rather rare phenomenon. But if you have the opportunity to double your living space, we will look at the options, how to combine two apartments in one and legitimize them.

We combine two apartments

Starting stage and preparation of documents

Legitimate grounds and reasons

Planning rules

Preparation of documents

At the moment there are two ways to connect the living space. Horizontally, in which there are two standing apartments on the same floor. Vertically when the union occurs on adjacent floors.

However, the most difficult stage will not be repaired, but the coordination of the association of apartments in one.

Before starting work, you need to contact BTI. They will be able to suggest where carrier walls are located and important structures that are not subject to demolition. In addition, they can clarify information about the order of uniting bills for housing and utilities services. If the prepared plan succeeds to coordinate, then your business will win.

Please note that the most problematic for the union are panel houses, where almost every wall carrying and any disruption of the construction integrity may entail the collapse of the building. Therefore, to implement your designs, choose monolithic buildings or old houses.

Necessary documentation

In order for all the stages of the merger of the housing, they went smoothly, take care of the important papers in advance. From all the documentation you can select several. They will use you when visiting state agencies and various instances:

  • Approved at home and checked on both residential areas.
  • Extract from the house book.
  • Accounts on both premises.
  • Documents certifying you as the owner.
  • The consent of the neighbors to carry out planned work. This paper can later be a solution to the problems that have arisen and disputes. But it is not necessary to have it.

If the verification of all the documents provided will be successfully and redeveloped, you will agree on you, then in your hands you will have four cherished documents, after which you can safely start finishing work:

  • Conclusion of architects and the project of the association.
  • Resolution of the fire service, SanEpidemstation, Vodokanal and other organs.
  • Technical passport on the connected living space.
  • Certificate of ownership of the total area.

The process of matching all documents can pass to six months. This is due to the fact that each instance separately evaluates risks. After all, in the event of an emergency, the responsibility will fall on one of the bodies, which approved the documents to you. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait for a response from each instance.

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right? 7756_3

Is it possible to combine two apartments in one and bypass the law

There are attempts to bypass legislation when people find out how to combine 2 apartments in one. Many scares the abundance of documents, references and possible contacts with various services. However, attempts to find loopholes in law may not only lead to a dead end, but also to turn around very sad consequences.

What threatens illegal association

  • Housing and communal company is entitled to file a lawsuit on a trial for inconsistent redevelopment. It should be borne in mind that in 90% of cases such cases are solved in favor of the plaintiff.
  • If the repair affected important structures and broke their functioning, it threatens criminal case.
  • At best, the housing inspection will force you to reverse redevelopment until the building's technical plan correspond to the technical plan.

Grounds for refusal

In any case, you need to prepare yourself for any development of events. Sometimes there are situations that are no longer dependent on the tenants. According to these criteria, departments may refuse to connect housing.
  • Your plan implies the demolition of the carrier wall or there is a big risk to hurt the carrying design. This is also the fact that when the walls are destroyed, a large load will fall only on one partition, which also significantly increases the risk of collapse in the future. Although apartments have a common wall, they may have different housings or entrances. Do not trust information on the Internet that rooms from neighboring entrances can be combined. Often between them are carrying bearing walls and if the design is broken, the whole entrance can collapse.
  • You want to transfer the bathroom to another room, which according to the plan should be residential.
  • There is a risk of isolating the ventilation system.
  • In your plan there are new gas pipes that are placed inside the walls and do not have external access.
  • Redevelopment cuts access to all engineering communications.
  • You want to build a room where there will be no radiators and windows.
  • In your project there is a combination of a room and a kitchen where gas has been carried out.
  • You have no permission from all owners. This happens when one of the owners did not achieve the majority.

Constructive Features Redevelopment

Having received all the necessary permits and documents, you may encounter new difficulties. Namely, you will have two kitchens and two bathrooms that cannot be transferred. Find out how to do it right.


Even at the stage of coordination of all papers, architects will tell you that a residential premises cannot be located below and above the bathroom. Therefore, you will have to choose: either remake your bathroom in the storage room, or leave the so-called "wet zone".

Thus, you get a lot of accommodation in the area, which can be divided into two zones, for example, on the living room and private. Each zone will have their own bathroom and toilet, which is very convenient.

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right? 7756_4


Here the same situation as with a bathroom - you will not be able to remake it under residential premises. Therefore, in its plan, you immediately mark one of them as an office, storage room or dining room. We advise you to think about the additional protection of smells, sounds and leaks.

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right? 7756_5

Input zone

It also happens that when the fusion of two livingplaes, it is necessary to make one entrance and set up a vestibule. Sometimes it takes several meters of the staircase.

In this case, the most important is access to fire safety communications. If you do not affect it, then collect from the neighbors of the signature, confirming their consent to redevelopment, and then contact your housing and public utilities.

Consider that you have to redeem these meters. After that, your housing will be increased, and therefore the monthly housing fee will rise. In the case when you can't get it, take the corridor for rent.

Usually in residential premises leave one entrance door. The second is not cleaned, but is closed with a mirror, a wardrobe or a curtain. If they are located on different floors, then you can do two hallways: large for guest zone, and small - for private.

One of the inputs can be laid. However, this question must be coordinated with the fire safety service. Nevertheless, we advise you to leave the door, because in the future you may need the opposite separation of apartments.

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right? 7756_6

Two-level layout

With a vertical association, you will have to do the opening in horizontal overlap and ensure its column stability. In this question there should be no amaway, since any incorrect action will result in collapse. Trust the case to architects that correctly calculate the load and help you install the optimal size staircase. The design must also comply with construction standards.

It is worth noting that in small rooms there are inappropriate stairs, because they strongly reduce the space. After all, it will be important for you that it is not just beautiful and functional, but also did not eat a lot of valuable area.

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right? 7756_7

The large living space is beautiful and convenient, however, when achieving a goal to get a lot of accommodation, you can face many problems and large trips. Now it rarely happens that people buy a lot of real estate for a subsequent connection. Therefore, so as not to spend all the time is wasted, it is better to look for a large apartment in a new building.

Association of apartments in one: how to do everything right? 7756_8

The modern real estate market offers options even for the most sophisticated and capricious buyers.

It is also worth noting that in the future plans may change and you will again need to divide the premises. And this process is much more laborious, you will need to make new documents, to obtain confirmation and permits from inspections.

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