How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions


We choose a place to install and location, make measurements and connect the dishwasher with your own hands.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_1

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions

Equipment must match furniture in size. Manufacturers manufactures their products according to the standards necessary for the equipment perfectly fit into the headset or wall. Of course, standards are different, but there are not so many options. It is not difficult to choose a typical option. To do this, it is enough to remove the measure with the help of a roulette. It is necessary to measure the width, depth and height of the niche or the space between adjacent sidewalls, if the tabletop will serve as the top of the household appliance. With a connection to the pipeline and sewage, there should also be problems. Make it is not more difficult than setting the crane for the sink. Nevertheless, situations arise when it is not entirely clear how to build a dishwasher into a ready-made kitchen. Situations are standard and non-standard. Consider what options may be.

How to install an embedded dishwasher

How to choose a place to install

How to choose the sizes

Location options


  • Preparation
  • Wiring
  • Connect to water supply
  • Connect plum to sewage

Choosing a place to install

First of all, it is necessary to determine where the unit will stand. The closer it will be from the pipes with hot and cold water, the less you will have to pull communication. No less important is the proximity to the sewer tube. The closer the drain, the greater the angle of inclination of the drain pipe. If it is located at a distance of several meters, the length of the flexible wiring may simply not be enough, and the waste water containing food waste will be stated inside the places of savage.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_3

In such situations, solid plastic or metal pipes are usually used, which leads to the rise in the cost of the installation, but this is the only way to avoid sagging. If the distance is large, and the input into the sewer is high, the technique will have to raise the pedestal to increase the angle of inclination of the drain pipe. All these troubles can be avoided by putting it near the shell.

Any equipment does not tolerate high temperature, so it is better to place it away from the radiator, the plates and the oven. Neighborhood with other household appliances is not desirable, but not dangerous. The electromagnetic field and static electricity will not cause serious harm to the engine and the pump, but their life will be slightly reduced.

Dishwasher electrolux

Dishwasher electrolux

When choosing a place, it is important to take into account the location of the sockets and the length of the wire. As a rule, it is equal to 1.5 m. Connect the technique using the extension agent is prohibited, and set a new outlet for a long time and difficult. To do this, you will have to move the wall and pull the wire.

The plug can not be covered tightly. He should always be in sight to be able to pull him right away during fire. Failure to comply with this condition faces fire.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_5

Sizes for embedding dishwasher

You can choose dimensions even before purchasing a shop or manufacturer's website. They must be multiple height and width of the table top, as well as all the parameters of the niche or locker, if the technique needs to be hidden behind the door. Instead of an ordinary door, a decorative damper is often used, designed the same as the entire facade.

There are several typical solutions. The standard depth is 0.55 m. It remains enough spaces slightly less than 50 cm for eyeliner and air cooling. For kitchen heads designed for typical apartments, a narrow model of 0.45 m wide are produced. It may vary up to 0.65 m. Most often it is 0.6 m. The height is ranging from 0.815 to 0.875 m. It is a multiple altitude of ordinary Countertops.

There are dishwashers with minimal dimensions for embedding. They are installed not only under the table top. They are located even in the upper modules. The upper cabinets are narrower, and their depth is less on average by 15 cm. In this case, problems with the drain should not occur even at a considerable distance from the siphon. It will only be necessary to hide the drain pipe, connect the device to the water supply and resolve the issue with the electrician. Such instruments have a small productivity, but they are compact and consume less water and electricity.

Kitchen furniture manufacturers make a small margin by adding 2 mm on each side inside the modules. Built-in equipment on the contrary, slightly less than the stated size. It is necessary that it entered into a niche cooked for her even taking into account small irregularities.

The size of the dishwasher for embedding is one of the most important selection criteria. If it is not suitable for dimensions, it is better to refrain from buying and continuing the search.

WEISSGAUFF dishwasher

WEISSGAUFF dishwasher

Location options

Module ready already assembled wall

If installing standard equipment is planned, its width should not be less than 0.45 m. When installing, you will need to remove all the shelves and remove the rear wall to sum up the communication. Sometimes you need to remove the bottom panel. The device must occupy a horizontal position. Its position should be checked by level and align with adjustable legs. To assemble a decorative folding panel, the doors removed from the module are used. It can be done to order. There are models with the front, which can not be hiding behind the facade. In this case, the dishwasher embedding scheme is noticeably simplified.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_7

Cabinet or cabinet

It is usually placed perpendicular to the kitchen wall near the sink. It is experiencing a strong vibration. To make the module not moved by floor, it must be fixed using holders. They are attached to the wall on the screws with a dowel. This method of placement has an advantage. To get to the pipes and electrical intercommunications, you do not need to shoot a worktop or pull out the car. It is enough just to move the module by unscrewing the fasteners.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_8

Specially equipped niches in the kitchen walls

They are already equipped with fasteners and holes for wires and eyeliner. So that all parts of the facade looked the same, niche closes with a decorative damper. For some models, such a damper is not provided. Their front part itself serves as a facade decoration. You can choose separately standing technique at the level of the table top and place it between the two lower modules.

Dishwasher Bosch Serie

Dishwasher Bosch Serie

Connecting an embedded dishwasher

When the dimensions are selected, and the installation location is determined, you can go to the installation. How to connect the embedded dishwasher? Work can be performed with your own hands, but it is better to contact specialists from the firm engaged in warranty service. Otherwise, when breakdown, the company will receive the right to refuse free repairs. If you do everything yourself, you must fully follow the instructions that are attached to the warranty coupon.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_10


First, check whether there are defects, and whether all the details are in place.

Tool kit:

  • hoses;
  • pads;
  • a protective apron manufactured as rules from rubber;
  • templates for decorative linings;
  • Keys for fasteners.

The equipment is indicated in the instructions. The list can be much wider.

For installation work, you will need:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • spanners;
  • Passatia;
  • level to put the car horizontally;
  • roulette;
  • triple or double siphon to connect to the sink plum;
  • Pacle for sealing pipe joints;
  • If necessary, a rosette for wet rooms with a protective shutdown device and a three-core cable.

WEISSGAUFF Dishwasher BDW 4004 4.0

WEISSGAUFF Dishwasher BDW 4004 4.0


In the kitchen, only grounded outlets with a protective shutdown device can be used. They should be positioned not lower than 25 cm on the floor to insure the short circuit when flooding.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_12

The cord has a standard length of 1.5 m. If a separate line is needed, the VVGng copper wire is suitable for it with a cross section of 2-2.5 mm. Apply extension cords are prohibited. The cable should be pushed in a fine or fix it on the wall of the clamps. He should not hang. The connection location must be accessible to review and operational action. Nothing should prevent access.

Works can be carried out only with the disconnected electricity - otherwise you can get a blow to the current.

Connect to water supply

The built-in machine can be connected to the crane with the help of the hose, but then during its operation it will be impossible to use the sink. It is better to use a tee with an angular crane. It is mounted on rollers. For this, water will have to be blocked. A tidal hose is connected to the tee, which is usually included in the kit. So that the equipment does not fail, you need to install a water filter.

Metal joints are compacted by packles, linen thread or fum-ribbon. Sealant for this will not need.

The device should not be connected to the DHW riser - it will lead to its breakdown.

Dishwasher Gorenje.

Dishwasher Gorenje.

Connect plum to sewage

It is more convenient to use a double or triple siphon under the sink. For descent, a tap hose is applied, included or plastic tube. Corrugated is not suitable, as dirt particles will accumulate in its folds. The hose should not have the chances. It is installed with the inflection so the stock does not get back to the working chamber. For its fastening, a metal claw with a tightening is applied. The maximum length is 2.5 m. If you make it more, the pump will not cope.

How to install a built-in dishwasher: step by step instructions 7766_14

If you mount the drain without a siphon, you can use an oblique tee in the sewage to the sewer. To the stock did not go back, the anti-sifone valve is installed.

Before installing the embedded dishwasher in its place, you should spend a trial start, checking all the parameters of the work.

Full installation algorithm Watch video:

  • Installing the washing machine: detailed instructions for those who want to do everything with their own hands

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