10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area


Glowing flowers for flowers, old chest or bike as a place for flower beds - share spectacular and budget ideas.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area

1 new life of old furniture

Do you have an old bedside table, akin to the writing or dressing table? Excellent! They can get a second life, turning into an unusual flower bed and decorating your country area.

You can paint furniture in bright colors and coat moisture-resistant varnish in several layers so that the decor served longer.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_4

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2 Gabions

Gabions are metal cells filled with stones, earth, sand. Of the fortification structures, they gradually "retrained" into the highlight of the landscape design - and for a long time they remained the pets of many dachensons and gardeners. It would be more: With their help, you can create fences, furniture, make up the flower beds and various decorative objects, the main thing is to connect fantasy.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_9
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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_17

3 Vertical Gardening

Not every cottage can boast of impressive size by the site. If your inner landscape designer has nowhere to get raised, take a look at the ideas of vertical landscaping: this is an easy way to surround yourself with blooming crops, even without having a huge garden.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_19

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_21

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4 Luminous vases

Take a look, what spectacular decor! Thanks to such vases with illuminated in the dark, your country area will look especially unusually and romantic.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_24

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_26

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5 Tire furniture

Do not throw old tires: they can still come in handy by getting a second life as a garden furniture. For example, you can make it possible to make it up for seating or coffee table from them.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_29

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_31

6 Artificial pond

The reservoir on its own summer cottage is really spectacular. In addition, water as it should not be better promoted by relaxation, and if you add artificial pond with picturesque plants and large boulders, the picture will become completed, and the cottage will be transformed.

Dream about your own mini-pond? Imagine your ideas with your own hands very real.

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7 decorative index

See what a pretty and simple idea in the embodiment. Such a pointer will be a cozy and cute detail, which there is a place on any summer area.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_39

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_41

8 Flowers in boots

Another idea for fans of recycling and reasonable consumption: take a look at how fun vases for flowers made from unnecessary rubber boots are watching!

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9 Suspended swings or hammock

Why not organize a cozy place for relaxing outdoors in your own country? For example, in the form of suspended swings or hammock. Such a solution will simultaneously become the highlight of the design of the country area, and the functional relax zone.

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10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area 7795_44

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10 Decorative Spiel Path

Even a path can be a decoration of your country area, if you approach creatively to its design. For example, there is a spectacularly and relevant a path of wood spikes - eco-friendly, renewable material. By the way, it is quite realistic to make it yourself.

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