How to find a hidden wiring in the wall with special devices and without them


We tell how to find a hidden wiring with the help of special detectors, smartphone or by visual inspection.

How to find a hidden wiring in the wall with special devices and without them 7811_1

How to find a hidden wiring in the wall with special devices and without them

I wanted to hang the shelf, transfer the doorway, the short circuit happened. Such situations can be listed for a long time. All of them require the definition of the exact location of the cable. Otherwise there is a risk of damaging it when working or staying without electricity if a malfunction has happened. We will analyze several truly working ways, how to find a hidden wiring in the wall.

All about independent search for hidden wiring

Features line

Special equipment

We find without special services

What you need to know about hidden wiring

It is paved inside the wall in special channels-strokers. The cable laid in this way is closed with a layer of a construction mixture, fully aligning the surface. So it is reliably protected from possible damage or rupture. In addition, the line is not noticeable at all. Therefore, it is recommended to make a plan on which the layout is specified in detail. True, this is not always done.

Installation of electricians is regulated. So, according to PUE, all cables are closed only at right angles. Strictly forbidden to do it diagonally. The wire stretches either horizontally, or vertically. Any changes in the direction are performed only at an angle of 90 °. This is important information that helps find a line. True, it gives only an approximate idea of ​​where the wire coming from the distribution box is either a socket. Exact information will be given search devices.

What devices are used to search

The most accurate result will give only special equipment. Models are on sale with various principles of work.

Electromagnetic detectors

Determine the presence of an electromagnetic field. It is generated by a wire under load. The latter should be at least 1 kW. For this reason, it is necessary to load the network before starting the search. So, if you need to find a cable coming from the outlet, it includes, for example, a kettle. Distribution devices of this type are called wiring detectors. They are compact, very easy to operate.

How to find a hidden wiring in the wall with special devices and without them 7811_3

On the housing, two LEDs are usually located: blue and red. Blue lights up when the detector detects electromagnetic radiation. With the maximum approximation to its source, a red LED is triggered. To obtain accurate data, it is recommended to check the surface several times. The device will help find the wall into the wiring in the wall. Since it reacts only to a cable under voltage. On the section of the cliff, the indication will go out.

Produced more complex devices of this type. For example, "Woodpecker", "Search", etc. They have several sensitivity modes. This allows you to detect the wiring at a distance of 7.5 cm. The higher the sensitivity mode, the more equipment is subject to interference. His work negatively influenced by the nearby metal objects, high surface humidity, etc.

Metal detectors

Inside the cable lived. It can be aluminum or copper. In any case, the device will detect it. It emits electromagnetic waves. The metal falling in the field will change them. The detector reacts to these changes, gives a signal. Some varieties determine which metal they found. This greatly simplifies the process.

The equipment works on any metal object: nails, wire, screws, fittings. Therefore, it is especially difficult to work with concrete grounds. But for the metal detector, the load on the line is not required. It will help you find a break and disabled cable. If the model has a switching sensitivity, you need to know that at the maximum it will react to all the metallic items nearby. At a minimum can "not notice" the wire.

How to find a hidden wiring in the wall with special devices and without them 7811_4

Universal detector

This is a complex equipment, professional or semi-professional class. May find lines without voltage, plastic, wood. The principle of operation in the radiation of a wave of some length, which reflects from different materials, issues certain distortions. The result is displayed on the monitor. Before working, the equipment must be configured to get a base sample. It is especially difficult to explore the walls of building materials with voids of the type of shalkoblock, foam block, etc. Without preparation, this will be difficult.

There are some features that determine how to find wiring under stucco with special equipment. Each of the models only works at a certain depth. If the wire is deeper, it will not be found. There is a general property from detectors. Best of all, they define the object lying close to the surface. The closer it to the measurement boundary, the lower the accuracy.

So, two lying posting can be read as one. The difficulties appear in the case when the cables lie one over the other. They are most likely determined as one. Of the two sites located nearby, but different objects are determined only more. All these shortcomings are inherent in household models. The semi-professional and professional work is much more accurate, but it is not beneficial to buy them for one-time use.

How to find a hidden wiring in the wall with special devices and without them 7811_5


To search for electrical wiring it will need to be improved a little, connect the field transistor. The latter has three conclusions that are called the shutter, the source and flow. The shutter will become a kind of antenna, so it is usually extended.

The remaining two is connected to the menmet drives. It is transferred to the operating mode of the Ommeter, not paying attention to the polarity. An extended antenna is brought to the ground, slowly leads along it. In the process, it is important to observe the testimony. Any change will indicate the location of the wire.

Screwdriver indicator

A simple device reacting to electromagnetic waves emanating from the working wiring. Instructions, how to find wiring in the wall indicator screwdriver is very simple:

  1. Take the tool, put your finger on the sting. This is a prerequisite.
  2. Drive a screwdriver to the wall, do not rush along the base. The distance must be minimal because the sensitivity is low.
  3. The LED tagged on the indicator tool will give a signal of detection of electromagnetic radiation.

How to find a hidden wiring in the wall with special devices and without them 7811_6


The receiving device will help in search. Its sensitivity is not large, but the "show" canal can. The radio is included, adjust the frequency of 100 Hz. The antenna is pulled out, bring to the ground. It acts as probe. Wires must be energized, then interference will be created. They are heard as characteristic crackling, increasing with the approach to the hidden electrical wiring.

These are not all search techniques, we only described the most effective. A good result can be tested with a hearing aid or a cassette player. They work similarly to the radio. But the technique with the compass is unlikely to work. Despite the fact that the arrow should deviate under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, its strength will be clear enough to force it to move.

A good solution will be an inexpensive household appliance type "Woodpecker" or "Search". It will indicate a place with sufficient accuracy, where there are wires under the stucco. If the searches were not crowned with success, they will have to call specialists. Professional equipment will easily cope with such a task.

How to find wiring in the wall without the device

There are several ways for which special equipment is not needed. If you enjoy them correctly, you get fairly accurate information. This will be a plot, 10-20 cm wide, within which the desired object is located. For some cases it will be quite enough.

1. Visual inspection

Cosmetic repairs in the apartment often implies replacement or modification of wiring. When wallpaper or other finishes are removed, it can be found visually. Since the lines are laid in the shoes that are often noticeable. So, if the surface alignment was not performed, bands can be seen from the basis of the color. Sometimes embellished shoes face the base. Especially good wiring is noticeable on concrete.

2. Smartphone

For android or iOS gadgets, applications have been developed that turn them into the semblance of a metal detector. To find wiring in the wall with a smartphone, you need to download the selected software from the application store, install it. Next, everything is simple. The program starts, the phone is brought to the surface. The magnetic sensor built into it is looking for a metal. True, it is necessary to take into account that he will react not only on the wire, but also on any metal object.

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