Top Colors, Lifehaki for Cleaning and Scandinavian Storage Ideas: 10 Top Articles June


What flowers will bloom in the country even without care, how to clean up so that it is clean, as in the hotel, but to store things - to be beautiful, as in Scandinavian apartments. We have collected the main hits of for the last month.

Top Colors, Lifehaki for Cleaning and Scandinavian Storage Ideas: 10 Top Articles June 7813_1

Top Colors, Lifehaki for Cleaning and Scandinavian Storage Ideas: 10 Top Articles June

1 10 Those who need to be removed from the kitchen countertop

If all the time you have little space for cooking, most likely, the useful area is taking out objects from our list. Check if you do not keep them on the kitchen countertop.

  • Remove it immediately: 10 things that are not a place on the kitchen countertop

2 unpretentious flowers for giving

We all want a beautiful garden that does not require care. Plant geranium, cornflowers, chamomile and other plants from our top - and your garden will be exactly the same.

  • 10 beautiful flowers that will bloom in your garden even without care

3 9 Life advantages in a small apartment

From time to time, grieve because of a small residential area? Look at the situation under a different angle - it is easier to get it easier to get into it and it is easier to get into it. Read about other advantages of small apartments in the article.

  • 9 The advantages of life in a small apartment that you did not think about

4 secrets of hotel cleinants

Carrying at the beginning of cleaning and the correct trajectory of movement - we collected Lifehaki maids that make numbers in hotels in clean.

  • Cleaning, as in the hotel: 8 tricks to maintain perfect cleanliness

5 Alternatives to the country

The comfort and privacy in the country area can be created not only with the help of the fence, but thanks to live plants, curtains and even old doors.

  • Instead of fence: 7 ways to make a cottage plot more privatat

6 70 rapid and simple cases for cleanliness in the house

The secret of pure house is not in rare general cleaning, but in constant implementation of simple operations. We have compiled a list of such business affairs and for the whole apartment as a whole.

  • 70 rapid and simple cases, thanks to which the house will always be clean

7 Scandinavian storage ideas

Projects in Scandinavia usually look comfortably and tidy. We looked at the northern interiors and squeezed the basic hacks for storage. Here and elongated kitchens, and suspended rods - inspire!

  • 11 new storage ideas pemppeded in Scandinavian apartments

8 layouts of a plot of 10 acres

Collected different options for the planning of the dacha section of the medium size. Schemes, photos and tips are included.

  • How to plan a plot of 10 acres: schemes, tips and photos

9 How to wash the windows outside in high speed

The material that may save you life. We advise you to clearly follow our instructions, if you planned to wash the windows above the first floor.

  • How to wash windows outside on High Floor: Verified methods and safety rules

10 How to get rid of scales in the bathroom

Even if there is no unpleasant insect in your apartment as a scappy, our material will be useful to you - in it we tell what measures to do to never meet him.

If the scaper has already settled in your bathroom, read the ways to get rid of it faster.

  • How to get rid of scales in the bathroom: 3 simple ways

Few articles? Check if you did not miss the selection of the best May materials

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