What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak


Search in adjacent departments, go to the commission or to cut furniture yourself - we know how to change the standard furniture and not to spend.

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_1

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak

1 Create combinations

Even if no modular system satisfied your needs, it does not mean that you cannot create the necessary combination yourself. And it does not matter whether it is about storage or kitchen headset.

6 Tips for the union of various items into a single system:

  • Pick objects similar to color / style / silhouette;
  • If it did not work, you can always repaint;
  • Replace accessories of different items to the same;
  • The single countertop can help "link" together various bedside tables, dressers, outdoor lockers;
  • Open wall shelves are able to supplement almost any furniture and help even the most "uncomfortable" corner.

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What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_4
What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_5

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_6

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_7

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_8

  • Furniture sets - antitrand. And how to combine different furniture right?

2 We are looking for in adjacent departments

If the appropriate item was not found in the desired department, you can expand the search area. It is possible that the desired cabinet or bedside table will be detached in the department of goods for a children's, bathroom or furniture for multimedia.

Who said, for example, that a compact bathroom cabinet can not be used in an entrance hall or living room? And who forbade you to make a modular storage system for children's kitchen headset from hollow cabinets? Try to get rid of the frames and templates - and you will understand that even in the stores of the mass market, the choice is much wider than it seems.

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What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_11
What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_12

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_13

Racks turned into furniture for mini-dressing room

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_14

Conventional Bookcases became part of a home mini office

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_15

And this book rack helped organize additional storage in the kitchen

3 Go to the flea market

The modern size range is somewhat different from what was before, so the furniture of suitable forms and dimensions may well be found in the flea market, on a flea market or on thematic sites, forums and communities in social networks.

Often a suitable retro item can get you absolutely free of charge, for pickup.

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What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_17
What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_18

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_19

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_20

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_21

4 Ordering the fitting service

Many manufacturers offer non-standard assembly service. It exists specifically for cases when you need to slightly adjust the size, to write, correct.

For example, the collectors of the same hypermarkets IKEA for a fee can "turn" standard cabinets into non-standard, ideally suitable for you in size.

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What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_23

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_24

And you will not say that in the photo - IKEA lockers, right?

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_25

And you will not say that in the photo - IKEA lockers, right?

5 We are refining ourselves

Sometimes you can modify the standard object of the situation on your own, here are some ideas on this subject:

  • Additional wheels and legs will help to increase the height of the furniture (and if they refuse them, on the contrary, the subject will become below);
  • Swing doors of cabinets and Tumba can be removed or replaced by textile curtains, saving space;
  • Often, without problems, you can refuse the rear wall of the furniture (and obtain, for example, the functional partition for the room instead of a deaf rack);
  • You do not need to use the standard set of shelves for cabinets and racks: you can abandon extra or acquiring additional;
  • Almost any item can be supplemented by open wall shelves or a special end module with shelves.

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What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_27

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_28

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_29

  • 12 ways to transform the most budgetary IKEA - Billy

6 Mastery Alone

You do not want anything supernatural, you know exactly what your furniture should be, but can not find the right ready version? Why not make the necessary item yourself? In construction hypermarkets you will find everything you need and can even use the service of cutting on our own sizes, as well as get a qualified consultation. Everything that remains is to simply collect details into a single whole.

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_31
What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_32
What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_33

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_34

I can not believe, but all these cabinets were made by the hands of the owners

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_35

I can not believe, but all these cabinets were made by the hands of the owners

What if the standard furniture does not fit: 6 lifehak 7823_36

I can not believe, but all these cabinets were made by the hands of the owners

  • Furniture of the future: 7 smart new products for a comfortable life

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