Which gas meter is better to put in the apartment: define 4 criteria


We understand the main types of gas meters and the parameters of their choice: installation location, bandwidth, date of manufacture and the presence of a thermal corrector.

Which gas meter is better to put in the apartment: define 4 criteria 7831_1

Which gas meter is better to put in the apartment: define 4 criteria

Gas is considered the cheapest from the energy resources. Therefore, it is chosen for heating, heating water, cooking in private and apartment buildings. However, the low price is not at all reason not to keep the consumption of blue fuel. For this, special devices are developed, which periodically break and require replacement. We will deal some gas meter to choose in the apartment.

Choosing a gas meter in an apartment

Varieties of products

Criterias of choice

  1. Place Installation
  2. Bandwidth
  3. Manufacture date
  4. Thermocorrector

Varieties of equipment

The device is embedded in the highway for which the fuel is supplied to the house. In high-rise buildings, such devices are installed in each apartment.

Accounting options

  • Mechanical. The flow in any way activates the rotation transmission mechanism. It activates the counting device.
  • Electronic. When a certain volume of the gas mixture passes, the sensor is formed by a pulse. Their number is taken into account, and then recalculate in flow indicators. The result obtained is displayed on the LCD monitor.
To choose correctly, how the gas meter is better to put in the apartment, you need to start from the device type. There are several of them. In its work, the equipment uses various principles for determining the flow rate of the mixture. Here are household varieties.

Diaphragm (membrane)

Used to take into account small gas streams. Mechanical non-volatile chamber type apparatus, divided into two compartments. In the top there are nozzles for the input and output of the stream. A diaphragm measuring mechanism is installed inside the housing.

The accuracy of measurements is determined

Measurement accuracy determines the number of chamber diaphragms. There are two minimal. When filling one, the mixture of another is displaced. Moving the diaphragms is taken into account by the countable element.

Membrane meters are characterized by simple design. This gives them the opportunity to serve for a long time, about twenty years. Equipment is economical, unpretentiously in service. The deadline for calibration of the diaphragm models is 10 years. The disadvantage consider significant sizes of the body. Therefore, it is difficult to disguise well. Another minus - they are considered noisy. If a large volume passes through them, it may be unpleasant to bother.

Rotary (rotary)

Compact mechanical apparatus. It can be installed only on a vertical pipe with a clear orientation towards the flow of flow. Two rotor placed in the housing rotate, passing a certain amount of the mixture. The number of their revolutions is taken into account and translated into indications. The device has a good accuracy with a small error. The work quietly, has a high bandwidth, durable, non-volatile, compact.

Able to transfer small

Can carry small overload. The main drawback is associated with the mechanical principle of work. This is a short intermediate interval in 5 years. Drinking parts quickly wear out and require replacement.


Electronic equipment with the ability to embed an automatic reading system. Estimated the difference in the speed of the ultrasonic signal through the gas rolling medium. Different with high measurement accuracy. Produced in high strength housings. They can be put in a room or on the street.

A number of models is additionally equipped with a memory block capable of fixing and save testimony for 12 months of operation. The intermediate interval is 6 years. The disadvantage of this type of devices is energy dependence. The price is higher than that of the mechanical analogs.


Electronic devices that can be installed in the highway, directional horizontally either vertically. The principle of operation is simple. The mixture jet passes through the nozzle affects the piezoelectric element. It generates impulses that are taken into account with the countable element and are transformed in the testimony. Inkjet devices are durable and very reliable. The intermediate interval of different models is 7-12 years old. The flow meter is energy-dependent, running from the battery. Very sensitive to the quality of the mixture. The supply of insufficiently purified gas will provoke a breakdown. In addition, the device reacts to temperature fluctuations.

Even small negative values ​​increase the measurement error to 25% or more. Therefore, their use on the street is prohibited. For apartments, they are allowed.

  • What is the water meter to install in the apartment: criteria and mini-rating devices

How to choose a gas meter

Not every flow meter is suitable for the apartment. When choosing, several parameters are taken into account. The most important type of equipment. We have already described them. After one of them is selected one, there will be four steps.

1. Define installation location

It is best to help make a specialist. It will help you choose a place for equipment. Will advise the model suitable for such conditions. If it is impossible, you will have to cope yourself. First you need to decide where the flow meter will hang. The place is selected with the requirements.

  • Free access to the device for service, dismantling.
  • The optimal altitude of the placement is 160 cm from the floor level, the distance to the consumer-consumer-consumer of no more than 80-100 cm.
  • The distance from the wall to the rear wall of the housing is 3-5 cm.
  • It is forbidden to put the flow meter over the stove, sink, in the interlayed wet places.
  • It is undesirable to close the apparatus of furniture or any other objects.

The location determines the design features of the model. So, depending on the side of the gas mixture, they differ as right and left-sided.

Connect devices to each

Unable to connect devices to the other side. You need to know and the side in which the jet move is directed. On the front of the case there must be an arrow indicating this direction. It should be observed.

You should find out the diameter of the connecting element. For apartments, the half of the threads are used standard. Extremely rare options are possible. For private households, several sizes are produced. In addition, the range distances in the threaded connections range are varied. They are also needed to measure and take into account when selecting.

2. Determine the bandwidth

This is the volume of the stream that the model skips over a certain time. It is selected more than the maximum consumption. The latter is calculated as the amount of consumption of all devices using blue fuel. The easiest way to carry out calculations, collecting data from the technical documentation. There will be the maximum volume. The calculation takes all the equipment that is installed in the house. Even what is used rarely.

In the case when the installation of additional units is scheduled, the settlement consumption is still increasing. As a result, the bandwidth of the selected model should exceed the resulting indicator. Find out what values ​​the meter is calculated, very simple. On the top of the case there is a marking. Letter G, next to it are numbers. They show how many cubes per hour is missing the model. For example G1.6; G2,5, etc.

3. Find out the date of manufacture

The very first caller counter takes place at the factory. About its results in the accompanying technical documentation is recorded. The next must be carried out on time set for this type of flow meters. It doesn't matter, he lay in stock or was mounted in the house. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the date of manufacture.

An unpleasant surprise will become

An unpleasant surprise will be the news that the recently supplied device is subject to verification or even replacement. And this is quite likely if he "fell" in the store.

4. Find out the presence of the thermocrelector

Gas mixture reacts to ambient temperature. When it decreases or increasing the density of the substance changes. The correct operation of the device is possible only within 20 ° C. In a high-rise building, this temperature is stable, so no corrective elements are needed. In private houses, flowmeters are often fastened on the street. Here in this case the thermocorrector is necessary.

Price of flow meters with add

The price of flow meters with additional functional is higher. Therefore, the sellers are trying to sell them. Whereas for the owner of the apartment it will be extra expenses.

We figured out what kind of gas meter to choose for an apartment. It's not hard. Just do not need to blindly trust consultants in the store, they are interested in sales of expensive models. It is better to spend time to study the technical documentation, to select the appropriate device yourself.

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