Just about the complex: polypropylene pipes, their size and operating conditions


We tell which pipes it is better to choose for heating and water supply.

Just about the complex: polypropylene pipes, their size and operating conditions 7847_1

Just about the complex: polypropylene pipes, their size and operating conditions

The classic pipeline of steel gradually goes into history, giving way to more modern durable, as well as inexpensive analogs. As with each building material, they have their own advantages or disadvantages. Choosing polypropylene tubes, dimensions need to be carefully checked and knowing the labeling features. Take about it and talk.

All you need to know about polypropylene tubes



Characteristics and use options




First of all, it is important to know the diameter of polypropylene components for water supply and heating. There are several varieties, they are separated by the wall thickness, hydraulic calculation and temperature regime, which are capable of withstanding.

  • PN 10 - They have the thinnest walls, which means it is best not to experiment with hot water and use for cold water supply. Sometimes they are also used when installing a warm floor. Products with marking PN 10 can safely withstand water temperature up to 45 degrees and a maximum pressure of 1 MPa.
  • PN 16 is more persistent, operating pressure up to 1.6 MPa, and the recommended water temperature to + 60 ° C.
  • PN 20 - As the wall thickness increases, endurance indicators are growing. Here you can set up to 80 degrees of heat in water and test the pressure of 2 MPa.
  • PN 25 is the most durable option. 95 degree with almost boiling water are maintained, as well as calmly work with a 2.5 MPa pressure.

In addition to these indicators, it is customary to divide the structures on single-layer and multilayer. The second option is equipped with fiberglass, foil and basalt fiber. Why do you need it? The reinforcing layer than, in fact, all these additives are allowing the walls to become more durable, and therefore it is to withstand higher pressure indicators, temperature drops. The risk of expanding the size of hot water is reduced, which often occurs when working with polypropylene.

Just about the complex: polypropylene pipes, their size and operating conditions 7847_3

How not to be mistaken when choosing sizes

What you need to know, going to the construction store for the goods? To begin with - operating conditions. Will this installation of water supply with drinking water? Or are you planning heating, or a warm floor? Believe me, in all these cases diameter, the size of fittings for polypropylene pipes in MM will be different. That is why components are bought under a specific construction task. In addition to the basic function, it is necessary to consider whether there is a heating in the room where the installation will be made.

Just about the complex: polypropylene pipes, their size and operating conditions 7847_4

Characteristics and use options

To quickly figure out what you need, it is best to refer to the table for polypropylene pipes. There you need to find the temperature of interest, the size is the marking that corresponds to the desired indicators will be your guideline.

The dimensions of polypropylene pipes in inches and mm are specified - this is done for convenience, since manufacturers of different countries have their own reference system.

Product options depending on the features of use

  • RRN - Homopolymers, it is worth using only cold water.
  • RRV - block copolymers, are also good for cold water, sometimes they are still used when installing a warm floor.
  • PPR is a polypropylene copolymer, the most popular appearance, can be in contact with hot, cold water, warm floor or heating.
  • PPS is an improved option with higher heat resistance. Infrequently found in domestic buildings.

Table of polypropylene pipes for heating and water supply

Pipe PPR PN10 and PN20

Pipe reinforced by aluminum foil PPR-AL-PPR PN 25

Pipe with internal reinforcement PERT-AL-PPR PN 25 Pipe reinforced with fiberglass PPR-GF-PPR PN 20
A type Nominal pressure Outer diameter, mm Application area
Ppr. PN 10. 20-110 Hall
Ppr. PN 20. 20-110 Hall and GVS.
PPR-AL-PPR PN 25 PN 25. 20-63 Hydz and DHW, Heating
PERT-AL-PPR PN 25 PN 20. 20-110 Hydz and DHW, Heating
PPR-GF-PPR PN 20 PN 25. 20-63 Hydz and DHW, Heating

To lay the water supply with cold water, including drinking, fairly thin products with the marking PN10. Household pipeline does not have high pressure zones, as a rule, it is not greater than 1 MPa, and the low water temperature does not cause linear expansion.

Polypropylene pipes for heating, the sizes of which are in the table above, it is desirable to use reinforced with foil or basalt. The latter appeared quite recently in the market and there are few people who worked with him, but the material already has positive reviews. Why do I need reinforcement? This is a very important part in the formation of hot water, because due to the gasket when exposed to high temperature, propylene does not change its shape and size. And it means there will be no deformation that can cause leakage. The inner diameter of polypropylene pipes, the table with which is presented above, becomes less, but the detail remains unchanged.

Just about the complex: polypropylene pipes, their size and operating conditions 7847_5

Rules and useful installation tips

  • The simplest design is single-layer. To establish them, first the product is cut off with pipe cutters, turn the edges and combine the design using fittings or glue.
  • Multilayer mounted as well as the only difference - when working with them cannot be used cold welding, it will not provide connections to all layers. Usually, multi-layer parts are connected by hot welding or use special fittings.
  • Reinforcement pipes need special preparation before installation. The thing is that the aluminum foil is attached to the fiber on glue, which means there is a certain risk of peeling. To avoid this, before welding the product with the reinforcement of the aluminum foil, it is necessary to save the ends to remove the part of the foil from the edge, and then solder the fiber on both sides. Through such protection, the water will not penetrate, which means the pipeline will remain as integer.

Just about the complex: polypropylene pipes, their size and operating conditions 7847_6

What to pay attention to the selection of fittings

As a rule, fittings for propylene parts are made of thermoplast. This material is quite sensitive to temperature drops and may be deformed when exposed to heat. That is why you need to choose components with special care. How not to make a mistake?

  • For hot water, compression fittings will not suit. They are deformed when compressed and can cause a pipeline breakage. It is better to use an American - a threaded mechanism easily disassembled, which means it will be more convenient in this case.
  • Be sure to check with the marking and GOST when buying a product - it must accurately approach the rest of the design. For example, if you work with soldering, it is important to choose both products from the same materials.
  • Do not buy modified, crumpled or even cracked fittings. The little things that you do not take into account may cause the breakdown of the entire water supply.

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